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Journal H-index Calculator

The index h (or Hirsch index) is an index intended to quantify the scientific productivity and the impact of a scientist according to the level of quotation of his publications. It can also apply to a group of scientists, such as a department, university, or country.

Journal H-index Calculator

The index was suggested in 2005 by Jorge Hirsch as a tool for determining the relative quality of theoretical physicists, which could be extended to all researchers publishing in peer-reviewed journals1.

Hirsch suggests that for physicists a value of 10-12 should be considered for a researcher position residing in a renowned university. A faculty position could be considered from 18, and 15-20 for membership in the American Society of Physics. A value greater than 45 would point to the possibility of being admitted to the National Academy of Sciences2.

Journal H-index Calculator
A quick look at the impact on h-index

Under this name is a statistical indicator, a mathematical formula designed to measure your academic value. "H" for "Hirsch", named after the physicist Jorge E. Hirsch who developed this statistical instrument in 2005. This indicator is calculated from your bibliometric data. Today, anyone can easily, in a few clicks, know the h factor of any researcher in the world - including yours.

This indicator combines two types of variables: the number of articles you have published in your life (or, more accurately, the number of articles in the electronic databases available) and the number of times your articles were quoted by Others. To express the matter technically, you own a factor h if a number h of your articles received for each h quotes or more. If you have written 30 articles, but none of your articles has ever been quoted, your h factor is 0. If 4 of your articles were quoted 4 times or more, you have a h factor of 4, and and so on.

Journal H-index Calculator

This index makes it possible to go beyond the simple measurement of the number of articles or citations, while allowing only a comparison of the researchers within the same field (the citation conventions may vary).

In Physics, a mid-level researcher should have an hour approximately equivalent to the length of his career, while for biological and biomedical scientists this value is generally higher.including content Cited references in Scopus go back to 1970: A quick look at the impact on h-index

A quick look at the impact on h-index

Over the past 3 years, Scopus content has significantly increased in depth. In addition to already records back to 1823, Scopus has added over 160 million cited references to its database, dating back to 1970. This allows you to construct long-term, extensive bibliometric and historic trend analyses, and has resulted in more complete author profiles and h-index measurements for individuals who began publishing prior to 1996.

Journal H-index Calculator

Early into the cited reference expansion program, we shared an example of how the addition of pre-1996 cited references impacted the h-index of senior researcher, David Neal. Prior to the expansion program, a portion of his 113 documents published prior to 1996 would not have been included in his overall citation count and thus his h-index would be negatively impacted. 7 Months into the project, approximately 3,146 citations were added to his overall citation count resulting in his h-index increasing to 67. Now, with the project almost at completion, a total of approximately 4,413 citations have been added and his h-index is currently 75.

The case of David Neal is just one example of the difference the Cited Reference Expansion Program has made. Look for more examples in future posts.


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