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Scopus indexed journals in social science

Scopus indexed journals in social science

Scopus indexed journals in subject area: Social Science

Social Journals Indexed in Scopus: Source Title available in and his Print-ISSN,
A + U-Architecture and Urbanism 03899160
A Contrario. Revue interdisciplinaire de sciences sociales 16607880
A|Z ITU Journal of Faculty of Architecture 13028324
AAA, Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 01715410
ABA Journal 07470088
Academe 01902946
Academia 10128255
Academic Leadership 15337812
Academic Psychiatry 10429670
Academic Questions 08954852

Academy of Management Learning and Education 1537260X
Accident Analysis and Prevention 00014575
Accountability in Research 08989621
Accounting Education 09639284
Accounting, Organizations and Society 03613682
ACDI Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional 20271131
ACME 14929732
Across Languages and Cultures 15851923
Acta Academica 05872405
Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 00445975
Acta Archaeologica 0065101X
Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 00015210
Acta Baltico-Slavica 00651044
Acta Bioethica 07175906
Acta Borealia 08003831
Acta Comeniana 02315955
Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 12169803
Acta Geographica Sinica 03755444
Acta Geographica Slovenica 15818314
Acta Historiae Artium 00015830
Acta Juridica Hungarica 12162574
Acta Koreana 15207412
Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 03740463
Acta Linguistica Hungarica 12168076
Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyiregyhaziensis 08660182
Acta Ophthalmologica 1755375X
Acta Orientalia 00016446
Acta Politica 00016810
Acta Poloniae Historica 00016829
Acta Scientiarum Language and Culture 19834675
Acta Sociologica 00016993
Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geographica 03005402
Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales 03355322
Action Research 14767503
Active Learning in Higher Education 14697874
Actuel Marx 09944524
Adalya 13012746
Adamantius 11266244
ADB Economics Working Paper Series 16555252
Administration and Society 00953997
Administration in Social Work 03643107
Administrative Law Review 00018368
Administrative Science Quarterly 00018392
Adoption Quarterly 10926755
Adult Education Quarterly 07417136
Advanced Science Letters 19366612
Advances in Engineering Education 19411766
Advances in Gender Research 15292126
Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research 07312199
Advances in Health Sciences Education 13824996
Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities 0735004X
Advances in Life Course Research 10402608
Advances in Mental Health 18387357
Advances in Research on Teaching 15694895
Advances in Special Education 02704013
Advances in Transportation Studies 18245463
Aevum - Rassegna di Scienze Storiche Linguistiche e Filologiche 00019593
Affilia - Journal of Women and Social Work 08861099
Africa 00019720
Africa Development/Afrique et Developpement 08503907
Africa Today 00019887
African Affairs 00019909
African and Asian Studies 15692094
African and Black Diaspora 17528631
African Archaeological Review 02630338
African Development Review 10176772
African Diaspora 18725457
African Geographical Review 19376812
African Historical Review 17532523
African Identities 14725843
African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies 15314065
African Journal of Library Archives and Information Science 07954778
African Security Review 10246029
African Studies 00020184
African Studies Quarterly 10932658
African Studies Review 00020206
Africana Linguistica 00654124
Afrika Spectrum 00020397
Afrique Contemporaine 00020478

                          Social Journals Indexed in Scopus
Ageing and Society 0144686X
Ageing International 01635158
Ager 15787168
Agrekon 03031853
Agribusiness 07424477
Agris On-line Papers in Economics and Informatics 18041930
Agroalimentaria 13160354
Agypten und Levante 10155104
AHURI Final Report 18347223
AHURI Positioning Paper 18349250
AIBR Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana 16959752
AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV 09540121
AILA Review 14610213
AJS Review 03640094
AJS; American journal of sociology 00029602
Alberta Journal of Educational Research 00024805
Alcohol 07418329
Alea 19800436
Al-Qantara 02113589
Al-Shajarah 13946870
Alter 18750672
Alternative Law Journal 1037969X
Alternatives 03043754
Alternatives Journal 12057398
ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology 09687769
Altorientalische Forschungen 02328461
Ambiente & Sociedade 1414753X
Ambio 00447447
Amerasia Journal 00447471
America Latina Hoy 11302887
American Academic and Scholarly Research Journal 2162321X
American and British Studies Annual 18036058
American Annals of the Deaf 0002726X
American Anthropologist 00027294
American Antiquity 00027316
American Archivist 03609081
American Art 10739300
American Behavioral Scientist 00027642
American Biology Teacher 00027685
American Book Review 01499408
American Business Law Journal 00027766
American Communication Journal 15325865
American Criminal Law Review 01640364
American Educational Research Journal 00028312
American Ethnologist 00940496
American Foreign Policy Interests 10803920
American Heritage 00028738
American Historical Review 00028762
American Imago 0065860X
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research 08935394
American Indian Culture and Research Journal 01616463
American Jewish history 01640178
American Journal of Archaeology 00029114
American Journal of Community Psychology 00910562
American Journal of Comparative Law 0002919X
American Journal of Criminal Justice 10662316
American Journal of Economics and Sociology 00029246
American Journal of Education 01956744
American Journal of Evaluation 10982140
American Journal of Health Behavior 10873244
American Journal of Health Education 10556699
American Journal of Health Promotion 08901171
American Journal of International Law 00029300
American Journal of Law and Medicine 00988588
American Journal of Legal History 00029319
American Journal of Men's Health 15579883
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 00029459
American Journal of Philology 00029475
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 00029483
American Journal of Political Science 00925853
American Journal of Sexuality Education 15546128
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 10580360
American Law and Economics Review 14657252
American Literary History 08967148
American Museum Novitates 00030082
American Political Science Review 00030554
American Politics Research 1532673X
American quarterly 00030678
American Review of Canadian Studies 02722011
American Review of Public Administration 02750740
American Scholar 00030937
American Sociological Review 00031224
American Speech 00031283
Americas 00031615
Amerikastudien 03402827
Amme Idaresi Dergisi 13001795
Analecta Bollandiana 00032468
Analele Banatului: Arheologie - Istorie 1221678X
Analele Universitatii din Craiova - Seria Stiinte Filologice, Lingvistica 12245712
Anales Cervantinos 05699878
Anales de Geografia de la Universidad Complutense 02119803
Analise Psicologica 08708231
Analise Social 00032573
Analisis Politico 01214705
Analyse und Kritik 01715860
Analysis of Social Issues and Public Policy 15297489
Anatolia 13004220
Anatolian Studies 00661546
Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia 0929077X
Ancient Mesoamerica 09565361
Ancient Near Eastern Studies 13784641
Anclajes 03293807
Andamios: Revista de Investigacion Social 18700063
Angelaki 0969725X
Anglia 03405222
Anglo-Saxon England 02636751
Annales 03952649
Annales de Demographie Historique 00662062
Annales de Geographie 00034010
Annales d'Universite 'Valahia' Targoviste, Section d'Archeologie et d'Histoire 15841855
Annales: Anali za istrske in mediteranske studije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies. Series historia et sociologia 14085348
Annals of Anthropological Practice 2153957X
Annals of Dyslexia 07369387
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 0232704X
Annals of Library and Information Studies 09725423
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 13704788
Annals of Regional Science 05701864
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 00027162
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 00045608
Annals of Tourism Research 01607383
Annual of the British School at Athens 00682454
Annual Review of Anthropology 00846570
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 02671905
Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics 01988794
Annual Review of Information Science and Technology 00664200
Annual Review of Law and Social Science 15503585
Annual Review of Political Science 10942939
Annual Review of Sociology 03600572
ANQ 0895769X
Anthropologica 00035459
Anthropological Forum 00664677
Anthropological Journal of European Cultures 17552923
Anthropological Linguistics 00035483
Anthropological Notebooks 1408032X
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History 00659452
Anthropological Quarterly 00035491
Anthropological Review 18986773
Anthropological Science 09187960
Anthropological Theory 14634996
Anthropologie 00035521
Anthropologischer Anzeiger; Bericht uber die biologisch-anthropologische Literatur 00035548
Anthropologist 09720073
Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia 10611959
Anthropology and Education Quarterly 01617761
Anthropology and Medicine 13648470
Anthropology in Action 0967201X
Anthropology of Consciousness 10534202
Anthropology of the Middle East 17460719
Anthropology of Work Review 0883024X
Anthropology Today 0268540X
Anthropos 02579774
Anthropozoologica 07613032
Anthrozoos 08927936
Antik Tanulmanyok 0003567X
Antipoda 19005407
Antipode 00664812
Antiquaries Journal 00035815
Antiquite Tardive 12507334
Antiquity 0003598X
Antitrust Law Journal 00036056
Anuario de Estudios Americanos 02105810
Anuario do Instituto de Geociencias 01019759
Anuario Iberoamericano de Justicia Constitucional 11384824
APA Planning Advisory Service Reports 01608266
Appalachian Journal 00903779
Applied Developmental Science 10888691
Applied Econometrics and International Development 15784487
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 20405790
Applied Environmental Education and Communication 1533015X
Applied Ergonomics 00036870
Applied Geography 01436228
Applied Geomatics 18669298
Applied GIS 18325505
Applied Linguistics 01426001
Applied Measurement in Education 08957347
Applied Ontology 15705838
Applied Psycholinguistics 01427164
Applied Psychological Measurement 01466216
Applied Research in Quality of Life 18712584
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 1874463X
Appropriate Technology 03050920
Aquaculture, Economics and Management 13657305
Arab Law Quarterly 02680556
Arab World Geographer 14806800
Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 09057196
Arabica 05705398
Aramaic Studies 14778351
Araucaria 15756823
Arbor 02101963
Archaeofauna 11326891
Archaeologia Maritima Mediterranea 17246091
Archaeologiai Ertesito 00038032
Archaeologica Bulgarica 13109537
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 18669557
Archaeological Dialogues 13802038
Archaeological Prospection 10752196
Archaeological Reports 05706084
Archaeology 00038113
Archaeology in Oceania 00038121
Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia 15630110
Archaeometry 0003813X
Archaologisches Korrespondenzblatt 0342734X
Archaologisches Nachrichtenblatt 09488359
Archeologia Classica 03918165
Archeologia Medievale 03900592
Archeologia Polski 00038180
Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 1551823X
Archeologicke Rozhledy 03231267
Archeo-Nil 11610492
Archipel 00448613
Architecture, City and Environment 18877052
Architektura a Urbanizmus 00448680
Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 00038970
Archiv fur Papyrusforschung und Verwandte Gebiete 00666459
Archiv fur Sozialgeschichte 00666505
Archival Science 13890166
Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 03355985
Archives Europeennes de Sociologie 00039756
Archives Juives 00039837
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 01674943
Archives of Transport 08669546
Archivio Glottologico Italiano 00040207
Archivo Espanol de Arqueologia 00666742
Archnet-IJAR 19946961
Arctic Anthropology 00666939
Area 00040894
Arethusa 00040975
Argos 02541637
Argument 00041157
Argument and Computation 19462166
Argumentation 0920427X
Arheoloski Vestnik 05708966
Arion - Journal of Humanities and the Classics 00955809
Arkiv for Nordisk Filologi 00667668
Armed Forces and Society 0095327X
Arqueologia 03275159
Arqueologia de la Arquitectura 16952731
Arqueologia Iberoamericana 19894104
Ars Orientalis 05711371
Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education 1474273X
Artibus Asiae 00043648
Artificial Intelligence and Law 09248463
Artnodes 16955951
Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 14740222
Asia Europe Journal 16102932
Asia Pacific Education Review 15981037
Asia Pacific Issues 15220966
Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 14442213
Asia Pacific Journal of Education 02188791
Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development 02185385
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 10941665
Asia Pacific Law Review 10192557
Asia Pacific Viewpoint 13607456
Asian Affairs 00927678
Asian Affairs 03068374
Asian Agri-History 09717730
Asian and African Studies 00668281
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 01171968
Asian Business and Management 14724782
Asian Development Review 01161105
Asian Economic Journal 13513958
Asian Economic Papers 15353516
Asian Economic Policy Review 18328105
Asian EFL Journal 17381460
Asian Ethnicity 14631369
Asian Ethnology 18826865
Asian Journal of Communication 01292986
Asian Journal of Comparative Law 19320205
Asian Journal of Criminology 18710131
Asian Journal of Political Science 02185377
Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 20925212
Asian Journal of Social Psychology 13672223
Asian Journal of Social Science 15684849
Asian Journal of Women's Studies 12259276
Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy 18195164
Asian Perspective 02589184
Asian Perspectives 00668435
Asian Politics and Policy 19430779
Asian Population Studies 17441730
Asian Security 14799855
Asian Social Science 19112017
Asian Social Work and Policy Review 17531403
Asian Studies Review 10357823
Asian Survey 00044687
Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 08189935
Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 01195646
Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching 16094913
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration 17574323
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 1359866X
Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law 13881906
Asia-Pacific population journal / United Nations 0259238X
Asia-Pacific Review 13439006
Asia-Pacific Social Science Review 01198386
Asiatic 19853106
Aslib Proceedings 0001253X
Aspasia 19332882
Assessing Writing 10752935
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 02602938
Assessment for Effective Intervention 15345084
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice 0969594X
AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis 18638171
AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv 18638155
Astropolitics 14777622
ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research 1543866X
Atenea 07161840
Athenea Digital: Revista de Pensamiento e Investigacion Social 15788946
Atiqot 07928424
Atlantic Journal of Communication 15456870
Atlantic Studies: Literary, Cultural and Historical Perspectives 14788810
Atlantis 02106124
AUMLA-Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association 00012793
AUS 0718204X
Ausa 02105853
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 14495554
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 14486563
Australasian Journal of Special Education 10300112
Australian Aboriginal Studies 07294352
Australian Academic and Research Libraries 00048623
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy 0814723X
Australian Archaeology 03122417
Australian Educational Computing 08169020
Australian Educational Researcher 03116999
Australian Feminist Studies 08164649
Australian Geographer 00049182
Australian Journal of Adult Learning   14431394
Australian Journal of Education 00049441
Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology 14465442
Australian Journal of Emergency Management 13241540
Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society 14490706
Australian Journal of Environmental Education 08140626
Australian Journal of French Studies 00049468
Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling 10372911
Australian Journal of International Affairs 10357718
Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties 19404158
Australian Journal of Linguistics 07268602
Australian Journal of Political Science 10361146
Australian Journal of Politics and History 00049522
Australian Journal of Public Administration 03136647
Australian Journal of Social Issues 01576321
Australian Journal of Teacher Education 03135373
Australian Library Journal 00049670
Australian Planner 07293682
Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 01550640
Australian Social Work 0312407X
Aut Aut 00050601
Ayer 11342277
Azania 0067270X
Babel 05219744
Babesch 01659367
Balkanistica 03602206
Baltic Journal of Economics 1406099X
Banking Law Journal 00055506
Before Farming: The Archaeology and Anthropology of Hunter-Gatherers 14764253
Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian 01639269
Behavioral Sciences and the Law 07353936
Behaviour and Information Technology 0144929X
Behavorial Disorders 01987429
Beitrage zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur 00058076
Beitrage zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft 09392815
Belfagor 00058351
BELGEO 13772368
Belgian Journal of Linguistics 07745141
Belleten 00414255
Bereavement Care 02682621
Beritchte zur Deutschen Landeskunde 00059099
Berkeley Planning Journal 10475192
Berliner Journal für Soziologie 08631808
Biblical Archaeology Review 00989444
BiD 15755886
Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 00062294
Bilig - Turk DunyasI Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 13010549
Bilingual Research Journal 15235882
Bilingualism 13667289
Bioarchaeology of the Near East 18989403
Biodemography and Social Biology 19485565
Bioethics 02699702
Bioscene 15392422
Bioscience Education 14797860
BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies 09749276
Biosecurity and bioterrorism : biodefense strategy, practice, and science 15387135
Biosemiotics 18751342
BioSocieties 17458552
Biotechnology, Agronomy and Society and Environment 13706233
Bitacora Urbano Territorial 01247913
Black Music Research Journal 02763605
Black Scholar 00064246
BMC Medical Education 14726920
BMC Medical Ethics 14726939
BMS Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/ Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique 07591063
Body and Society 1357034X
Bogazici Journal 13009583
Bolema - Mathematics Education Bulletin 0103636X
Boletin de la Asociacion de Geografos Espanoles 02129426
Boletin de la Real Academia Espanola 02104822
Boletin Mexicano de Derecho Comparado 00418633
Bollettino di Archeologia 11202742
Boston University Law Review 00068047
Bottom Line 0888045X
Boundary 2 01903659
Brain and Language 0093934X
British Educational Research Journal 01411926
British Journal for Eighteenth Century Studies 0141867X
British Journal of Community Justice 14750279
British Journal of Criminology 00070955
British Journal of Educational Psychology 00070998
British Journal of Educational Studies 00071005
British Journal of Educational Technology 00071013
British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 13530194
British Journal of Music Education 02650517
British Journal of Political Science 00071234
British Journal of Politics and International Relations 13691481
British Journal of Religious Education 01416200
British Journal of Social Work 00453102
British Journal of Sociology 00071315
British Journal of Sociology of Education 01425692
British Journal of Special Education 09523383
British Politics 1746918X
Brno Studies in English
BSHM: British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin 17498430
Buffalo Law Review 00239356
Building and Environment 03601323
Built Environment 02637960
Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris 00379069
Bulletin de la Societe Prehistorique Francaise 02497638
Bulletin de L'Association de Geographes Francais 00045322
Bulletin de liaison des membres de la Societe de geographie 19648995
Bulletin Hispanique 00074640
Bulletin Monumental 0007473X
Bulletin of Geography 17324254
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 14753839
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 00074918
Bulletin of Latin American Research 02613050
Bulletin of Spanish Studies 14753820
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 0003097X
Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 00031186
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 00963402
Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education 00109894
Bulletin of the Illinois Geographical Society 00192031
Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 01561316
Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 00760730
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 0041977X
Bulletin. John Rylands University Library of Manchester 0301102X
Business and Politics 13695258
Business and Society 00076503
Business and Society Review 00453609
Business Lawyer 00076899
Business Strategy and the Environment 09644733
Bylye Gody 20739745
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 03070131
Byzantinoslavica 00077712

                                       Social Journals Indexed in Scopus
Caderno CRH 01034979
Cadernos CEDES 01013262
Cadernos de Linguagem e Sociedade - Papers on Language and Society 01049712
Cadernos de Pesquisa 01001574
Cadernos pagu 01048333
Cadmo 11225165
Cahiers de Geographie de Quebec 00079766
Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique de Louvain 07716524
Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines 00080055
Cahiers du Genre 12986046
Cahiers du Monde Russe 12526576
Cahiers Victoriens and Edouardiens 02205610
Calidoscopio 21776202
California Law Review 00081221
Calitatea Vietii 10180389
Callaloo 01612492
Cambridge Archaeological Journal 09597743
Cambridge Classical Journal 17502705
Cambridge Journal of Education 0305764X
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 17521378
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 09631801
Cambridge Review of International Affairs 09557571
Camera Obscura 02705346
Campus-Wide Information Systems 10650741
Canadian Geographer / Geographie Canadien 00083658
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 08250383
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 17077753
Canadian Journal of Development Studies 02255189
Canadian Journal of Education 03802361
Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 1195096X
Canadian journal of law and society = Revue canadienne de droit et societe 08293201
Canadian Journal of Linguistics 00084131
Canadian Journal of Political Science 00084239
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education 14926156
Canadian Journal of Sociology 03186431
Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 1913200X
Canadian Journal of Urban Research 11883774
Canadian journal of women and the law = Revue juridique La femme et le droit 08328781
Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissment/Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques 07149808
Canadian Modern Language Review 00084506
Canadian Public Administration 00084840
Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques 03170861
Canadian Review of American Studies 00077720
Canadian Review of Sociology 17556171
Canadian Studies in Population 03801489
Capital and Class 03098168
Capitalism and Society 19320213
Capitalism, Nature, Socialism 10455752
Caravelle 11476753
Career Development for Exceptional Individuals 08857288
Career Development International 13620436
Caribbean Geography 02529939
Carrefours de l'Education 12623490
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 15230406
Catalan Historical Review 2013407X
Catalan Journal of Linguistics 16956885
Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 01639374
Catholic University Law Review 00088390
Cato Journal 02733072
CBE Life Sciences Education 19317913
CEA Critic 00078069
CEBE Transactions 17450322
Cedille 16994949
Celebrity Studies 19392397
Central Asian Survey 02634937
Central Asiatic Journal 00089192
Central Europe 14790963
Central European Journal of International and Security Studies 1802548X
Central European Journal of Public Policy 18024866
Centro Journal 15386279
CEPAL Review 02512920
CESifo Economic Studies 1610241X
Cesky Lid 00090794
CEU Political Science Journal 19923147
Changing English 1358684X
Chasqui 13901079
Chemical Research in Chinese Universities 10059040
Chemistry 08619255
Chemistry Education Research and Practice 11094028
Child Abuse Review 09529136
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 07380151
Child and Family Behavior Therapy 07317107
Child and Family Social Work 13567500
Child and Youth Care Forum 10531890
Child and Youth Services 0145935X
Child Care in Practice 13575279
Child Development 00093920
Child Development Perspectives 17508592
Child Language Teaching and Therapy 02656590
Child Welfare 00094021
Children and Schools 15328759
Children and Society 09510605
Children and Youth Services Review 01907409
Children's Geographies 14733285
Children's Literature in Education 00456713
China Business Review 01637169
China Economic Journal 17538963
China Information 0920203X
China Journal 13249347
China Journal of Social Work 17525098
China Nonprofit Review 18765092
China Quarterly 03057410
China Report 00094455
China Review 16802012
China: An International Journal 02197472
Chinese Education and Society 10611932
Chinese Geographical Sciences 10020063
Chinese Journal of Communication 17544750
Chinese Journal of International Law 15401650
Chinese Journal of International Politics 17508916
Chinese Law and Government 00094609
Chinese Sociological Review 21620555
Chirigaku Hyoron/Geographical Review of Japan 13479555
Christian Higher Education 15363759
Chronique d'Egypte 00096067
Chungara 07161182
Church History 00096407
Ciencia da Informacao 01001965
Cithara 00097527
Cities 02642751
Citizenship Studies 13621025
Citizenship, Social and Economics Education 20471734
Citta e Storia 18286364
City 14703629
City and Community 15356841
City and Society 08930465
City, Culture and Society 18779166
Civil Szemle 17863341
Civil Wars 13698249
CLA Journal 00078549
Classical Philology 0009837X
Classical Receptions Journal 17595134
CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture 14814374
Climate and Development 17565529
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 10964037
Clinical Gerontologist 07317115
Clinical Risk 13562622
Clinical Simulation in Nursing 18761399
Clinical Social Work Journal 00911674
Clio 08842043
Clio: Histoire, Femmes et Societes 12527017
Cognition 00100277
Cognition and Instruction 07370008
Cognitive Linguistics 09365907
Cognitive Psychology 00100285
Cognitive Science 03640213
Cold War History 14682745
Collection Building 01604953
Collection Management 01462679
College and Research Libraries 00100870
College and Research Libraries News 00990086
College and Undergraduate Libraries 10691316
College Composition and Communication 0010096X
College English 00100994
College Literature 00933139
College Mathematics Journal 07468342
Collegiate Aviation Review 15235955
Collegium Antropologicum 03506134
Colombia Internacional 01215612
Colonial Latin American Review 10609164
Color Research and Application 03612317
Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 00101923
Columbia Law Review 00101958
Commentary 00102601
Common Market Law Review 01650750
Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 14662043
Commonwealth Law Bulletin 03050718
Communicatio 02500167
Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies 14791420
Communication Disorders Quarterly 15257401
Communication Education 03634523
Communication Law and Policy 10811680
Communication Methods and Measures 19312458
Communication Monographs 03637751
Communication Quarterly 01463373
Communication Reports 08934215
Communication Research 00936502
Communication Research Reports 08824096
Communication Review 10714421
Communication Studies 00089575
Communication Teacher 17404622
Communication Theory 10503293
Communications 03412059
Communications in Information Literacy 19335954
Communications Law 17467616
Communist and Post-Communist Studies 0967067X
Community and Junior College Libraries 02763915
Community College Journal of Research and Practice 10668926
Community College Review 00915521
Community Development Journal 00103802
Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society 15575330
Community Mental Health Journal 00103853
Community, Work and Family 13668803
Comparative American Studies 14775700
Comparative Critical Studies 17441854
Comparative Education 03050068
Comparative Education Review 00104086
Comparative European Politics 14724790
Comparative Literature Studies 00104132
Comparative Political Studies 00104140
Comparative Politics 00104159
Comparative Sociology 15691322
Comparative Strategy 01495933
Comparative Studies in Society and History 00104175
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 1089201X
Compare 03057925
Compendium (Yardley, PA) 01931903
Competition Policy International 15540189
Complutum 11316993
Computational Linguistics 08912017
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 10613773
Computer Assisted Language Learning 09588221
Computer Fraud and Security 13613723
Computer Law and Security Report 02673649
Computer Standards and Interfaces 09205489
Computers and Composition 87554615
Computers and Education 03601315
Computers and Security 01674048
Computers in Education Journal 10693769
Computers in Libraries 10417915
Computers in the Schools 07380569
Computers, Environments and Urban Systems 01989715
Comunicacion y Sociedad 02140039
Comunicar 11343478
Configurations 10631801
Conflict and Health 17521505
Conflict Management and Peace Science 07388942
Conflict Resolution Quarterly 15365581
Conflict, Security and Development 14678802
Congress and the Presidency 07343469
Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 13505033
Constitutional Political Economy 10434062
Constructions and Frames 18761933
Constructivist Foundations 1782348X
Consumption Markets and Culture 10253866
Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 10757201
Contemporary Arab Affairs 17550912
Contemporary British History 13619462
Contemporary Economic Policy 10743529
Contemporary Educational Psychology 0361476X
Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly 18144810
Contemporary Family Therapy 08922764
Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 17409292
Contemporary Islam 18720218
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 14639491
Contemporary Jewry 01471694
Contemporary Justice Review 10282580
Contemporary Pacific 1043898X
Contemporary Political Theory 14708914
Contemporary Politics 13569775
Contemporary Security Policy 13523260
Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences 21582041
Contemporary Sociology 00943061
Contemporary South Asia 09584935
Contemporary Southeast Asia 0129797X
Contemporary Women's Writing 17541476
Continuity and Change 02684160
Continuum 01956043
Contributions to Economics 14311933
Contributions to Indian Sociology 00699667
Contributions to Political Economy 02775921
Contributions to the History of Concepts 18079326
Convergence 00108146
Convergencia 14051435
Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies 13954199
Cornell International Law Journal 00108812
Cornell Law Review 00108847
Corpora 17495032
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 15353958
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 16137027
Counselor Education and Supervision 00110035
CR: The New Centennial Review 1532687X
Crime and Delinquency 00111287
Crime and Justice 01923234
Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal 14603780
Crime, Law and Social Change 09254994
Crime, Media, Culture 17416590
Criminal Justice and Behavior 00938548
Criminal Justice Ethics 0731129X
Criminal Justice Matters 09627251
Criminal Justice Policy Review 08874034
Criminal Justice Review 07340168
Criminal Justice Studies 1478601X
Criminal Law and Philosophy 18719791
Criminal Law Forum 10468374
Criminal Law Review 0011135X
Criminology 00111384
Criminology and Criminal Justice 17488966
Criminology Journal of Baikal National University of Economics and Law 19967756
Critica del Testo 11271140
Critica Hispanica 02787261
Critical Asian Studies 14672715
Critical Criminology 12058629
Critical Discourse Studies 17405904
Critical Horizons 14409917
Critical Inquiry 00931896
Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 15427587
Critical Perspectives on Accounting 10452354
Critical Policy Studies 19460171
Critical Quarterly 00111562
Critical Review 08913811
Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (CRISPP) 13698230
Critical Social Policy 02610183
Critical Sociology 08969205
Critical Studies in Education 17508487
Critical Studies in Media Communication 15295036
Critical Survey 00111570
Critique Internationale 12907839
Critique of Anthropology 0308275X
Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy 18455662
Cross Cultural Management 13527606
Cross-Cultural Research 10693971
CTBUH Journal 19461186
Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural 01221450
Cuadernos de Investigacion Geografica 02116820
Cuadernos de Vivienda y Urbanismo 20272103
Cuadernos del Cendes 10122508
Cuadernos Geograficos, Universidad de Los Andes, Merida 02105462
Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos 0011250X
Cuaternario y Geomorfologia 02141744
Cuestiones Constitucionales 14059193
Cultura Neolatina 03915654
Cultura y Educacion 11356405
Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte 16965043
Cultura, Lenguaje y Representacion 16977750
Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology 15841057
Cultural and Social History 14780038
Cultural Anthropology 08867356
Cultural Critique 08824371
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 10999809
Cultural Dynamics 09213740
Cultural Geographies 14744740
Cultural Politics 17432197
Cultural Sociology 17499755
Cultural Studies 09502386
Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies 15327086
Cultural Studies of Science Education 18711502
Cultural Trends 09548963
Culture and Organization 14759551
Culture and Psychology 1354067X
Culture and Religion 14755610
Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment 21539553
Culture, Health and Sexuality 13691058
Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 0165005X
Culture, Theory and Critique 14735784
Current Anthropology 00113204
Current Issues in Education 1099839X
Current Issues in Language Planning 14664208
Current Issues in Tourism 13683500
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 18773435
Current Perspectives in Social Theory 02781204
Current Sociology 00113921
Current Swedish Archaeology 11027355
Curriculo sem Fronteiras 16451384
Curriculum Inquiry 03626784
Curriculum Perspectives 01597868
CyberGeo 12783366
Cybermetrics 11375019
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 21522715
Cyprus Review 10152881
Czasopismo Geographiczne 00459453

                                      Social Journals Indexed in Scopus
Dacoromania 15824438
Dados 00115258
Daedalus 00115266
Dalhousie Review 00115827
Danube 18046746
Deafness and Education International 14643154
Debatte 0965156X
Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education 15404595
Defence and Peace Economics 10242694
Defence Studies 14702436
Defense and Security Analysis 14751798
Degres 03768163
Dela 03540596
Dementia 14713012
Democracy and Security 17419166
Democratization 13510347
Demographic Research 14359871
Demography 00703370
Demokratizatsiya 10746846
Denver University Law Review 08839409
Desarrollo y Sociedad 01203584
Design Studies 0142694X
Deutsch als Fremdsprache 00119741
Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 00120413
Deutsche Sprache 03409341
Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 00120936
Developing Economies 00121533
Developing World Bioethics 14718731
Development 10116370
Development and Change 0012155X
Development and Learning in Organisations 14777282
Development Dialogue 03452328
Development in Practice 09614524
Development Policy Review 09506764
Development Southern Africa 0376835X
Developmental Psychology 00121649
Developmental Review 02732297
Developments in Earth and Environmental Sciences 15719197
Devenir 10158154
Deviance et Societe 03787931
Deviant Behavior 01639625
Diachronica 01764225
Dialectical Anthropology 03044092
Dialectologia et Geolinguistica 09424040
Dialogue 02428962
Dialogue 00122173
Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education 15595692
Diasporas 16375823
Die Welt des Islams 00432539
Differences 10407391
Digital Education Review 20139144
Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review 17564611
Digital Investigation 17422876
Digital TV Europe 2040266X
Diogenes 03921921
Diplomacy and Statecraft 09592296
Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences 10263721
Disability and Society 09687599
Disaster Advances 0974262X
Disaster Prevention & Management 09653562
Disasters 03613666
Discourse 01596306
Discourse and Communication 17504813
Discourse and Society 09579265
Discourse Processes 0163853X
Discourse Studies 14614456
Discourse, Context and Media 22116958
Discursos Fotograficos 18085652
Dissent 00123846
Distance Education 01587919
Distances et Savoirs 17650887
Diversity and Equality in Health and Care 20495471
D-Lib Magazine 10829873
Document Numerique 12795127
Documenta Praehistorica 1408967X
Documentaliste: Sciences de l'Information 00124508
Documents d' Analisi Geografica 02121573
Droit et Societe 07693362
Drug and Alcohol Review 09595236
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 09687637
Drustvena Istrazivanja 13300288
Du: Zeitschrift Der Kultur 00126837
Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum 10643958
Duke Law Journal 00127086
Durkheimian Studies/Etudes durkheimiennes 1362024X
Dutch Crossing 03096564
Dve domovini / Two Homelands 03536777
Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways toward Terrorism and Genocide 17467586
Early Child Development and Care 03004430
Early Childhood Education Journal 10823301
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 08852006
Early Education and Development 10409289
Early Medieval Europe 09639462
Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal 19330065
Early Popular Visual Culture 17460654
Early Years 09575146
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 01979337
East Asia 10966838
East Asian Science, Technology and Society 18752160
East Central Europe 00943037
East European Jewish Affairs 13501674
East European Politics 21599165
East European Politics and Societies 08883254
Eastern European Countryside 12328855
Ecology Law Quarterly 00461121
Econometric Theory 02664666
Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales 15780732
Economia Politica 11202890
Economic Affairs 02650665
Economic and Social Review 00129984
Economic Development and Cultural Change 00130079
Economic Development Quarterly 08912424
Economic Geograpaphy 00130095
Economics and Human Biology 1570677X
Economics and Sociology 2071789X
Economics of Education Review 02727757
Economics of Transportation 22120122
Economie et Statistique 03361454
Economies et Societes 00130567
Economy and Society 03085147
Economy of Region 20726414
EContent 15252531
Ecos - A Review of Conservation 01439073
Ecosystem Services 22120416
Ecquid Novi 02560054
Educacao e Pesquisa 15179702
Educacao e Sociedade 01017330
Educacion Medica 15751813
Educacion Quimica 0187893X
Educacion XX1 1139613X
Education 3-13 03004279
Education and Information Technologies 13602357
Education and Training 00400912
Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities 21541647
Education and Treatment of Children 07488491
Education and Urban Society 00131245
Education as Change 16823206
Education Economics 09645292
Education et Societes 1373847X
Education Finance and Policy 15573060
Education for Chemical Engineers 17497728
Education for Health 13576283
Education for Information 01678329
Education in Chemistry 00131350
Education Next 15399672
Education Policy Analysis Archives 10682341
Education Therapeutique du Patient 21000808
Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues 17537983
Education, Citizenship and Social Justice 17461979
Educational Action Research 09650792
Educational Administration Quarterly 0013161X
Educational and Psychological Measurement 00131644
Educational Assessment 10627197
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability 18748597
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 01623737
Educational Gerontology 03601277
Educational Leadership 00131784
Educational Management Administration and Leadership 17411432
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 07311745
Educational Media International 00047597
Educational Philosophy and Theory 00131857
Educational Policy 08959048
Educational Psychology 01443410
Educational Psychology in Practice 02667363
Educational Research 00131881
Educational Research and Evaluation 13803611
Educational Research and Reviews 19903839
Educational Research for Policy and Practice 15702081
Educational Research Review 1747938X
Educational Researcher 0013189X
Educational Review 00131911
Educational Studies 03055698
Educational Studies in Mathematics 00131954
Educational Technology and Society 14364522
Educational Technology Research and Development 10421629
Educational Theory 00132004
Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Uhingu Aastaraamat 17362563
Effective Education 19415532
Egitim Arastirmalari - Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 1302597X
Eighteenth Century 01935380
Eighteenth Century Life 00982601
Eighteenth Century Studies 00132586
Eighteenth-Century Ireland 07907915
Eikasmos 11218819
Eire-Ireland; a journal of Irish studies 00132683
Eirene 00461628
Ekonomska Istrazivanja 1331677X
E-Learning 17418887
Electoral Studies 02613794
Electricity Journal 10406190
Electronic Government 17407494
Electronic Green Journal 10767975
Electronic Journal of e-Learning 14794403
Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 02199874
Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology 16995880
Electronic Library 02640473
Elementary Education Online 13053515
Elementary School Journal 00135984
ELT Journal 09510893
Emerita / Junta para Ampliacion de Estudios, Centro de Estudios Historicos 00136662
Empan 11523336
Empiria 11395737
Empirica 03408744
Empirical Economics 03777332
Employee Relations Law Journal 00988898
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal 08927545
Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies 13087711
Energy for Sustainable Development 09730826
Enfance 00137545
Enfances et Psy 12865559
Enfances, Familles, Generations 17086310
Engineering Economist 0013791X
Engineering Studies 19378629
English for Specific Purposes 08894906
English in Australia 0046208X
English in Education 04250494
English Language and Linguistics 13606743
English Language Teaching 19164742
English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920 00138339
English Studies 0013838X
English Teaching 11758708
English World-Wide 01728865
Enriching Communications 19607652
Ensaio 01044036
Ensayos Sobre Politica Economica 01204483
Ensenanza de las Ciencias 02124521
Enterprise Development and Microfinance 17551978
Environment and Development Economics 1355770X
Environment and History 09673407
Environment and Planning A 0308518X
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 02658135
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 0263774X
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 02637758
Environment and Urbanization 09562478
Environment, Development and Sustainability 1387585X
Environmental and Planning Law Journal 0813300X
Environmental Archaeology 14614103
Environmental Biosafety Research 16357922
Environmental Development 22114645
Environmental Education Research 14695871
Environmental Forum 07315732
Environmental Hazards 17477891
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 01959255
Environmental Justice 19394071
Environmental Law and Management 10676058
Environmental Policy and Governance 1756932X
Environmental Policy and Law 0378777X
Environmental Politics 09644016
Environmental Practice 14660466
Environmental Science and Policy 14629011
Epigraphica 00139572
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 20407149
Equity & Excellence in Education 10665684
ERA Forum 16123093
Erdkunde 00140015
e-Review of Tourism Research 19415842
Ergonomics 00140139
Ergonomics in Design 10648046
Eriu 03320758
Espace Geographique 00462497
Espace-Populations-Societes 07557809
Estonian Journal of Archaeology 14062933
Estudios Atacamenos 07160925
Estudios Constitucionales 07180195
Estudios de Fonetica Experimental 15755533
Estudios de Linguistica del Espanola 11398736
Estudios de Linguistica Inglesa Aplicada (ELIA) 15765059
Estudios Filologicos 00711713
Estudios Geograficos 00141496
Estudios Irlandeses 1699311X
Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos 03267458
Estudios Pedagogicos 0716050X
Estudios Romanicos 02104911
Estudios Sobre Educacion 15787001
Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico 11341629
Estudos Avancados 01034014
Estudos de Linguistica Galega 18892566
Estudos Feministas 0104026X
Ethical Perspect 13700049
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 13862820
Ethics and Education 17449642
Ethics and Global Politics 16544951
Ethics and Information Technology 13881957
Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 16118014
Ethics, Place and Environment 1366879X
Ethics, Policy and Environmnet 21550085
Ethik in der Medizin 09357335
Ethique et Sante 17654629
Ethnic and Racial Studies 01419870
Ethnicities 14687968
Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care 17570980
Ethnobiology Letters 21598126
Ethnographia 00141798
Ethnography 14661381
Ethnography and Education 17457823
Ethnohistory 00141801
Ethnologia Europaea 04254597
Ethnologie Francaise 00462616
Ethnomusicology 00141836
Ethnopolitics 17449057
Ethnos 00141844
Ethos 00912131
Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa 19733194
Etnografia polska 00711861
Etnografica 08736561
Etnolog 03540316
Etnoloska Tribina 03511944
Etudes / Inuit / Studies 07011008
Etudes Classiques 0014200X
Etudes de Linguistique Appliquee 0071190X
Etudes Mongoles et Siberiennes, Centrasiatiques et Tibetaines 07665075
Etudes Rurales 00142182
Euphrosyne 08700133
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 13058215
Eurasian Geography and Economics 15387216
Eure 02507161
EuroChoices 14780917
European Addiction Research 10226877
European Business Organization Law Review 15667529
European Constitutional Law Review 15740196
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 1350293X
European Educational Research Journal 14749041
European Energy and Environmental Law Review 18793886
European History Quarterly 02656914
European Integration - Online Papers 10275193
European Journal of Ageing 16139372
European Journal of American Culture 14660407
European Journal of Archaeology 14619571
European Journal of Communication 02673231
European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 09289569
European Journal of Criminology 14773708
European Journal of Cultural Studies 13675494
European Journal of Development Research 09578811
European Journal of East Asian Studies 15680584
European Journal of Education 01418211
European Journal of Engineering Education 03043797
European Journal of English Studies 13825577
European Journal of Health Law 09290273
European Journal of Housing Policy 14616718
European Journal of Information Systems 0960085X
European Journal of International Law 09385428
European Journal of International Management 17516757
European Journal of International Relations 13540661
European Journal of Jewish Studies 10259996
European Journal of Law and Economics 09291261
European Journal of Mental Health 17884934
European Journal of Migration and Law 1388364X
European Journal of Political Economy 01762680
European Journal of Political Research 03044130
European Journal of Political Theory 14748851
European Journal of Population 01686577
European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context 18891861
European Journal of Psychology of Education 02562928
European Journal of Scandinavian Studies 21919399
European Journal of Social Sciences 14502267
European Journal of Social Theory 13684310
European Journal of Social Work 13691457
European Journal of Spatial Development 16509544
European Journal of Special Needs Education 08856257
European Journal of Teacher Education 02619768
European Journal of Tourism Research 19947658
European Journal of Training and Development 20469012
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 15677141
European Journal of Women's Studies 13505068
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 09281371
European Law Journal 13515993
European Law Review 03075400
European Legacy 10848770
European Physical Education Review 1356336X
European Planning Studies 09654313
European Political Science 16804333
European Review 10627987
European Romantic Review 10509585
European Science Editing 02583127
European Societies 14616696
European Sociological Review 02667215
European Spatial Research and Policy 12311952
European Transport - Trasporti Europei 18253997
European Transport Research Review 18670717
European Union Politics 14651165
European Urban and Regional Studies 09697764
Europe-Asia Studies 09668136
Evaluation 00904449
Evaluation and Program Planning 01497189
Evaluation and Research in Education 09500790
Evaluation Review 0193841X
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 1715720X
Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention 17489539
Evolutionary Anthropology 10601538
Exceptional Children 00144029
Exceptionality 09362835
Exceptionality Education International 19185227
Exemplaria 10412573
Explicator 00144940
Extrapolation 00145483
Fabula 00146242
Fachsprache 10173285
Facilities 02632772
Families in Society 10443894
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 1077727X
Family Journal 10664807
Family Law Quarterly 0014729X
Family Matters 10302646
Family Process 00147370
Family Relations 01976664
Family Science 19424620
Fashion Theory - Journal of Dress Body and Culture 1362704X
Fathering 15376680
Federal Probation 00149128
Federal Register 00976326
Feminism and Psychology 09593535
Feminist Criminology 15570851
Feminist Economics 13545701
Feminist Legal Studies 09663622
Feminist Media Studies 14680777
Feminist Review 01417789
Feminist Studies 00463663
Feminist Theology 09667350
Feminist Theory 14647001
Feministische Studien 07235186
Fennia 00150010
Fennoscandia Archaeologica 07817126
Field Actions Science Report 1867139X
Field Methods 1525822X
Fifteenth-Century Studies 01640933
Film and History 03603695
Film International 16516826
Filologija 0449363X
Filosifija Sociologija 02357186
Filosofia Politica 03947297
Finance and Development 01451707
First Language 01427237
First Monday 13960466
Florida Geographer 07390041
Fluminensia 03534642
Flux 11542721
Focaal 09201297
Focus on Exceptional Children 0015511X
Focus on Geography 15494934
Foldrajzi Ertesito 00155403
Folia Linguistica 01654004
Folia Linguistica Historica 0168647X
Folia Onomastica Croatica 13300695
Folk Life 04308778
Folklore 0015587X
Folklore (Estonia) 14060957
Food Analytical Methods 19369751
Food and Drug Law Journal 1064590X
Food and Foodways 07409710
Food and Nutrition Bulletin 03795721
Food Policy 03069192
Food Security 18764517
Food, Culture & Society 15528014
Footwear Science 19424280
For the Learning of Mathematics 02280671
Fordham Law Review 0015704X
Foreign Affairs 00157120
Foreign Language Annals 0015718X
Foreign Policy 00157228
Foreign Policy Analysis 17438586
Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie 18627072
Formacion Universitaria 07185006
Forum for Development Studies 08039410
Forum for Modern Language Studies 00158518
Forum for World Literature Studies 19498519
Forum Italicum 00145858
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung 14385627
Forum Stadt 01709364
Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics 15408884
Francais Moderne 00159409
French Colonial History 15393402
French Cultural Studies 09571558
French Politics 14763419
French Studies 00161128
French Studies Bulletin 02622750
Frontiers 01609009
Frontiers of Business Research in China 16737326
Frontiers of Education in China 1673341X
Frontiers of Law in China 16733428
Fruhmittelalterliche Studien 00719706
Functions of Language 0929998X
Future of Children 10548289
Futures 00163287
Futuribles: Analyse et Prospective 0337307X

                 Social Journals Indexed in Scopus
Games and Culture 15554120
Gazeta de Antropologia 02147564
Gazette des Archives 00165522
Gema Online Journal of Language Studies 16758021
Gender and Development 13552074
Gender and Education 09540253
Gender and History 09535233
Gender and Language 17476321
Gender and Society 08912432
Gender in Management 17542413
Gender Issues 1098092X
Gender Medicine 15508579
Gender, Place, and Culture 0966369X
Gender, Technology and Development 09718524
Gender, Work and Organization 09686673
General Anthropology 15371727
Generations 07387806
Geneses 11553219
Genus 00166987
Geo Journal 03432521
Geoarchaeology - An International Journal 08836353
Geocarto Imnternational 10106049
Geo-Eco-Marina 12246808
Geoforum; journal of physical, human, and regional geosciences 00167185
Geograficky Casopis 00167193
Geografija v Soli 13184717
Geografisk Tidsskrift 00167223
Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography 04353676
Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography 04353684
Geografski Obzornik 00167274
Geografski Vestnik 03503895
Geographia Polonica 00167282
Geographia Technica 18425135
Geographica Pannonica 03548724
Geographical Analysis 00167363
Geographical Bulletin - Gamma Theta Upsilon 07313292
Geographical Journal 00167398
Geographical Research 17455863
Geographical Review 00167428
Geographie Economie Societe 1295926X
Geographische Raudschau 00167460
Geographische Zeitschrift 00167479
Geography 00167487
Geography and Natural Resources 18753728
Geography Compass 17498198
Geography Research Forum 03335275
Geography Teacher 19338341
Geoheritage 18672477
Geo-Info 15725464
GeoInformatica 13846175
Geomatica 11951036
Geopolitics 14650045
Geopolitics of Energy 02731371
Geo-Regards 16628527
George Washington Law Review 00168076
Georgetown Law Journal 00168092
Geo-Spatial Information Science 10095020
Geriatrics and Gerontology International 14470594
German Life and Letters 00168777
German Monitor 09271910
German Politics 09644008
German Studies Review 01497952
Germanic Notes and Reviews 00168882
Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift 00168904
Germano-Slavica 03174956
Gerontologie et Societe 01510193
Gerontology and Geriatrics Education 02701960
Geschichte und Gesellschaft 0340613X
Gestion y Politica Publica 14051060
Gesture 15681475
Gifted Child Quarterly 00169862
Giornale di Storia Costituzionale 15930793
GIS-Zeitschrift für Geoinformatik
Glasnik SED 03512908
Global Change, Peace and Security 14781158
Global Crime 17440572
Global Economic Review 1226508X
Global Environmental Change 09593780
Global Food Security 22119124
Global Governance 10752846
Global Jurist 19342640
Global Media and Communication 17427665
Global Media Journal 15507521
Global Media Journal, Canadian Edition 19185901
Global Networks 14702266
Global Policy 17585880
Global Social Policy 14680181
Global Society 13600826
Globalisation, Societies and Education 14767724
Glotta - Zeitschrift fur Griechische und Lateinische Sprache 00171298
Glq 10642684
Good Society 10890017
Governance 09521895
Government and Opposition 0017257X
Government Information Quarterly 0740624X
GOVOR: Casopis za fonetiku 03527565
GPS World 10485104
Graeco-Latina Brunensia 18037402
Grassroots Development 07336608
Great Plains Research 10525165
Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 00173916
Grey Journal 15741796
Grey Room 15263819
Gripla 10185011
Grotiana 01673831
Group Decision and Negotiation 09262644
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 13684302
Groupwork 0951824X
Gymnasium 03425231
Hacettepe Egitim Dergisi 13005340
Halduskultuur 17366070
Handbook of Public Economics 15734420
Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare 15740110
Handbook of Social Economics 15706435
Handbook of the Economics of Education 15740692
Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 00178039
Harvard Design Magazine 10934421
Harvard Educational Review 00178055
Harvard International Law Journal 00178063
Harvard International Review 07391854
Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 01934872
Harvard Journal on Legislation 0017808X
Harvard Law Review 0017811X
Harvarrd Environmental Law Review 01478257
Hastings Center Report 00930334
Hastings Law Journal 00178322
Hawwa 15692078
Health 13634593
Health and Human Rights 10790969
Health and Place 13538292
Health and Social Care in the Community 09660410
Health and Social Work 03607283
Health Care Analysis 10653058
Health Care Manager 15255794
Health Communication 10410236
Health Education 09654283
Health Education Research 02681153
Health information and libraries journal 14711834
Health Promotion International 09574824
Health Sociology Review 14461242
Hebrew Studies 01464094
HEC Forum 09562737
Helios 01600923
Hellenic Journal of Psychology 17901391
Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences 10193316
Hermeneus 11397489
Hermes 00180777
Hermes (Denmark) 09041699
Herodote 0338487X
Hesperia 0018098X
High Ability Studies 13598139
Higher Education 00181560
Higher Education Policy 09528733
Higher Education Quarterly 09515224
Higher Education Research and Development 07294360
Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning 20423896
Himalaya 19352212
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 07399863
Hispanic Research Journal 14682737
Hispanic Review 00182176
Histoire de l'Education 02216280
Histoire Epistemologie Langage 07508069
Histoire et Societes Rurales 1254728X
Histoire Sociale 00182257
Histoire Urbaine 16280482
Historia 01019074
Historia (Chile) 00732435
Historia Agraria 11391472
Historia Constitucional 15764729
Historia Contemporanea 11302402
Historia Critica 01211617
Historia da Educacao 14143518
Historia y Comunicacion Social 11370734
Historical Archaeology 04409213
Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 01439685
Historical Records of Australian Science 07273061
Historical Research 09503471
Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung 01726404
Historiographia Linguistica 03025160
Historische Anthropologie 09428704
History and Anthropology 02757206
History of Economic Ideas 11228792
History of Education 0046760X
History of Education and Children's Literature 19711093
History of Education Quarterly 00182680
History of Education Review 03113248
History of European Ideas 01916599
History of Political Thought 0143781X
History of the Family 1081602X
Hobbes Studies 09215891
Holocaust and Genocide Studies 87566583
Home Cultures 17406315
Home Healthcare Nurse 0884741X
Homeland Security Affairs 1558643X
Homicide Studies 10887679
Homme 04394216
Homme et la Societe 00184306
Hong Kong Law Journal 03780600
Horizons 03609669
Horizontes Antropologicos 01047183
Housing Policy Debate 10511482
Housing Studies 02673037
Housing, Care and Support 14608790
Housing, Theory and Society 14036096
Howard Journal of Communications 10646175
Howard Journal of Criminal Justice 02655527
Hrvatski Geografski Glasnik 13315854
Human Affairs 12103055
Human Communication Research 03603989
Human Ecology 00468169
Human Ecology Review 10744827
Human Evolution 03939375
Human Factors 00187208
Human Factors and Ergonomics In Manufacturing 10908471
Human Geographies 18436587
Human Nature 10456767
Human Organization 00187259
Human Relations 00187267
Human Resources for Health 14784491
Human Rights Law Review 14617781
Human Rights Quarterly 02750392
Human Rights Review 15248879
Human Studies 01638548
Humanities Diliman 16551532
Humboldt Journal of Social Relations 01604341
Humor 09331719
Hungarian Studies 02366568
Hygiea Internationalis 14038668
Hypatia 08875367
IATSS Research 03861112
Iberica 11397241
Iberoromania 00190993
Ibersid 18880967
IDEA 15231712
Identities 1070289X
Identity 15283488
IDS Bulletin 02655012
IEEE International Professional Communication Conference
IEEE Potentials 02786648
IEEE Security and Privacy 15407993
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 02780097
IEEE Transactions on Education 00189359
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 00189448
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 19391382
IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine 1942065X
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 1751956X
IFLA Journal 03400352
IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 00189855
Illness Crisis and Loss 10541373
Images 18717993
Immigrants and Minorities 02619288
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 14615517
Improving Schools 13654802
Independent Review 10861653
Index de Enfermeria 11321296
Index on Censorship 03064220
India Review 14736489
Indian Economic and Social History Review 00194646
Indian Growth and Development Review 17538254
Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 00195014
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 09739122
Indian Journal of Gender Studies 09715215
Indian Journal of Social Work 00195634
Indiana Law Journal 00196665
Indogermanischen Forschungen 00197262
Indo-Iranian Journal 00197246
Indonesia and the Malay World 13639811
Industrial and Commercial Training 00197858
Industrial Archaeology Review 03090728
Industrial Law Journal 03059332
Infancia y Aprendizaje 02103702
Info 14636697
Informacao e Sociedade 01040146
Informacion, Cultura y Sociedad 15148327
Informacios Tarsadalom 15878694
Informatics in Education 16485831
Information and Communications Technology Law 13600834
Information and Organization 14717727
Information Communication and Society 1369118X
Information Design Journal 01425471
Information Development 17416469
Information Management and Computer Security 09685227
Information Processing and Management 03064573
Information Research 13681613
Information Retrieval 13864564
Information Services and Use 01675265
Information Society 01972243
Information Systems Management 10580530
Information Systems Research 10477047
Information Technology and Libraries 07309295
Information Technology and Management 1385951X
Information Technology and People 09593845
Informatologia 13300067
Informing Science 15214672
Inner Asia 14648172
Innovar: Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales 01215051
Innovation 13511610
Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 17501229
Innovation Journal 17153816
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 14703297
Innovative Higher Education 07425627
Insight Turkey 1302177X
Instructional Science 00204277
Intangible Capital 16979818
Intellectual Discourse 01284878
Intelligence and National Security 02684527
Interaction Studies 15720373
Interactive Learning Environments 10494820
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 14649373
Interchange 08264805
Intercultural Education 14675986
Intercultural Pragmatics 1612295X
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 03080188
Interface: Comunicacao, Saude, Educacao 14143283
Interlending and Document Supply 02641615
Internasjonal Politikk 0020577X
International Affaires 00205850
International and Comparative Law Quarterly 00205893
International Area Studies Review 22338659
International Commentary on Evidence 15544567
International Communication Gazette 17480485
International Community Law Review 18719740
International Criminal Justice Review 10575677
International Criminal Law Review 1567536X
International Development Planning Review 14746743
International Education Studies 19139020
International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education 13079298
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 13063030
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 15679764
International Feminist Journal of Politics 14616742
International Finance 13670271
International Forestry Review 14655489
International Gambling Studies 14459795
International Health 18763413
International History Review 07075332
International Information and Library Review 10572317
International Insolvency Review 11800518
International Interactions 03050629
International Journal 00207020
International Journal for Academic Development 1360144X
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance 02512513
International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling 01650653
International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology 17581206
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 09528059
International Journal of Action Research 18611303
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 02673843
International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication 14624613
International Journal of Advertising 02650487
International Journal of Ageing and Later Life 16528670
International Journal of American Linguistics 00207071
International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 19479654
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 08026106
International Journal of Art and Design Education 14768062
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 15604292
International Journal of Asian Studies 14795914
International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies
International Journal of Aviation Psychology 10508414
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 13670050
International Journal of Bilingualism 13670069
International Journal of Biotechnology 09636048
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 22128689
International Journal of Children's Rights 09275568
International Journal of Children's Spirituality 1364436X
International journal of circumpolar health 12399736
International Journal of Civic, Political, and Community Studies 23270047
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 17568692
International Journal of Communication 19328036
International Journal of Communication and Linguistic Studies 23277882
International Journal of Comparative Sociology 00207152
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 15561607
International Journal of Conflict and Violence 18641385
International Journal of Conflict Management 10444068
International Journal of Constitutional Law 14742640
International Journal of Construction Education and Research 15503984
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning 15604624
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 13846655
International Journal of Crashworthiness 13588265
International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies 23270055
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 14705958
International Journal of Cultural Policy 10286632
International Journal of Cultural Studies 13678779
International Journal of Culture and Mental Health 17542863
International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research 17506182
International Journal of Cyber Criminology 09742891
International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 17485673
International Journal of Developmental Sciences 2192001X
International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting 16877578
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 1034912X
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 22124209
International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 13582291
International Journal of Distance Education Technologies 15393100
International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations 14479532
International Journal of Doctoral Studies 15568881
International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education 13085581
International Journal of Early Years Education 09669760
International Journal of Ecology and Development 09729984
International Journal of Educational Development 07380593
International Journal of Educational Management 0951354X
International Journal of Educational Research 08830355
International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 00207209
International Journal of Electronic Government Research 15483886
International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics 1751911X
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 18688799
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy 14728923
International Journal of Engineering Education 0949149X
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 14746778
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 13063065
International Journal of Environmental Studies 00207233
International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability 18322077
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education 17543266
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 19374585
International Journal of Game Theory 00207276
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 17566266
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 13658816
International Journal of Geoinformatics 16866576
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 14666650
International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics 13896563
International Journal of Heritage Studies 13527258
International Journal of Hindu Studies 10224556
International Journal of Historical Archeology 10927697
International Journal of Human Computer Studies 10715819
International Journal of Human Rights 13642987
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 10447318
International Journal of Humanities Education 23270063
International Journal of Iberian Studies 1364971X
International Journal of Inclusive Education 13603116
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 01698141
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education 15501876
International Journal of Information Management 02684012
International Journal of Information Science and Management 20088302
International journal of injury control and safety promotion. 17457300
International Journal of Innovation and Learning 14718197
International Journal of Intangible Heritage 19753586
International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 14789647
International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 08850607
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 01471767
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 18331882
International Journal of Japanese Sociology 09187545
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 17411009
International Journal of Law and Information Technology 09670769
International Journal of Law and Management 1754243X
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 01602527
International Journal of Law in Context 17445523
International Journal of Law in the Built Environment 17561450
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 17560616
International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 13609939
International Journal of Leadership in Education 13603124
International Journal of Learning 14479494
International Journal of Lifelong Education 02601370
International Journal of Listening 10904018
International Journal of Management Education 14728117
International Journal of Management in Education 1750385X
International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 09273522
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 0020739X
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 03064190
International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 17408296
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 17442621
International Journal of Middle East Studies 00207438
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 17479894
International Journal of Minority and Group Rights 13854879
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning 19418647
International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 1746725X
International Journal of Multicultural Education 19345267
International Journal of Multilingualism 14790718
International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches 18340806
International Journal of Music Education 02557614
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 10572414
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship 1548923X
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 10803548
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1047482X
International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning 18334105
International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media 14794713
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 09600035
International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 08914486
International Journal of Press/Politics 19401612
International Journal of Private Law 17536235
International Journal of Public Administration 01900692
International Journal of Public Health 16618556
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 09542892
International Journal of Public Policy 17400600
International Journal of Public Sector Management 09513558
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 17411041
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 09518398
International Journal of Refugee Law 09538186
International Journal of Research and Method in Education 1743727X
International Journal of Rural Management 09730052
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 15710068
International Journal of Science Education 09500693
International Journal of Sexual Health 19317611
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 17566517
International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development 19478402
International Journal of Social Economics 03068293
International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory and Practice 13645579
International Journal of Social Welfare 13696866
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 0144333X
International Journal of Special Education 08273383
International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 17488885
International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching 17479541
International Journal of Strategic Communication 1553118X
International Journal of Stress Management 10725245
International Journal of Substainable Development and Planning 17437601
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 14676370
International Journal of Sustainable Development 09601406
International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 13504509
International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing 17427223
International Journal of Sustainable Society 17562538
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 15568318
International Journal of Technoethics 19473451
International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development 17531942
International Journal of Technology and Design Education 09577572
International Journal of Technology and Globalisation 14765667
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 17535255
International Journal of Technology Management 02675730
International Journal of Testing 15305058
International Journal of the Book 14479516
International Journal of the Classical Tradition 10730508
International Journal of the Commons 18750281
International Journal of the Legal Profession 09695958
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 01652516
International Journal of Tourism Research 10992340
International Journal of Training and Development 13603736
International Journal of Training Research 14480220
International Journal of Transgenderism 14344599
International Journal of Transport Economics 03918440
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 03091317
International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development 19463138
International Journal of Water 14656620
International Journal of Water Resources Development 07900627
International Journal of Web Based Communities 14778394
International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies 15481093
International Journal of Work Innovation 20439032
International Journal on Digital Libraries 14325012
International Journal on Hydropower and Dams 13522523
International Migration 00207985
International Migration Review 01979183
International Multilingual Research Journal 19313152
International Negotiation 1382340X
International Organization 00208183
International Organizations Law Review 15723739
International Peacekeeping 13533312
International Planning Studies 13563475
International Political Science Review 01925121
International Political Sociology 17495679
International Politics 13845748
International Public Management Journal 10967494
International Quarterly of Community Health Education 0272684X
International Regional Science Review 01600176
International Relations 00471178
International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 1470482X
International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education 10382046
International Review for the Sociology of Sport 10126902
International Review of Administrative Sciences 00208523
International Review of Education 00208566
International Review of Law and Economics 01448188
International Review of Law, Computers and Technology 13600869
International Review of Public Administration 12294659
International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 14923831
International Review of Social History 00208590
International Review of Sociology 03906701
International Review of the Red Cross 18163831
International Review of Victimology 02697580
International Security 01622889
International Social Science Journal 00208701
International Social Security Review 0020871X
International Social Work 00208728
International Sociology 02685809
International Spectator 03932729
International Studies 00208817
International Studies in Catholic Education 19422539
International Studies in Sociology of Education 17475066
International Studies Perspectives 15283577
International Studies Quarterly 00208833
International Studies Review 15219488
Internationale Politik 1430175X
Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft 09452419
Internet and Higher Education 10967516
Internet Archaeology
Internet Reference Services Quarterly 10875301
Internet Research 10662243
Interpretation 00209635
Interpreters Newsletter 15914127
Interpreting 13846647
Intersecciones en Antropologia 16662105
Intersezioni 03932451
Intervention in School and Clinic 10534512
Interventions 1369801X
inTRAlinea 1827000X
Investigacion Bibliotecologica 0187358X
Investigaciones Geograficas : Boletin - Instituto de Geografia, Universidad Nacional, Autonoma de Mexico 01884611
Investigaciones Regionales 16957253
Iowa Law Review 00210552
IRAL - International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 0019042X
Iran and the Caucasus 16098498
Iranian Studies 00210862
Iranica Antiqua 00210870
IRB 01937758
Irish Economic and Social History 03324893
Irish Educational Studies 03323315
Irish Geography 00750778
Irish Political Studies 07907184
Irish Studies in International Affairs 03321460
Irish Studies Review 09670882
Irrigation and Drainage Systems 01686291
Islam - Zeitschrift fur Geschichte und Kultur des Islamischen Orients 00211818
Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 09596410
Islamic Law and Society 09289380
Islamic Quarterly 00211842
Island Studies Journal 17152593
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 09242716
Israel Affairs 13537121
Israel Exploration Journal 00212059
Issues and Studies 10132511
Issues in Accounting Education 07393172
Issues in Educational Research 03137155
Issues in Legal Scholarship 15398323
Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship 10921206
Italian Culture 01614622
Italian Studies 00751634
Italianist 02614340
ITALICS Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences 14737507
Itinerario 01651153
ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics (Belgium) 00190829
IUP Journal of English Studies 09733728
IUP Journal of History and Culture 09738517
Ius et Praxis 07172877
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Geograficheskaya 03732444

             Social Journals Indexed in Scopus
JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 07316755
Jahrbuch der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik 03788660
Jahrbuch fur Internationale Germanistik 04495233
Jahrbuch für Regional Wissenschaft 01737600
Jahrbucher für Nationalokonomie und Statistik 00214027
Japan and the World Economy 09221425
Japan Forum 09555803
Japanese Journal of Alcohol Studies and Drug Dependence 13418963
Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology 00215015
Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine 00471887
Japanese Journal of Political Science 14681099
Japanese Studies 10371397
JASSS 14607425
Javnost 13183222
Jazykovedny Casopis 00215597
Jazz Perspectives 17494060
Jewish History 0334701X
Jezikoslovlje 13317202
Jezikoslovni Zapiski 03540448
Jezyk Polski 00216941
Jiaotong Yunshu Xitong Gongcheng Yu Xinxi/ Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology 10096744
Jimburn Chiri/Human Geography, Kyoto 00187216
JMM International Journal on Media Management 14241277
JNT-Journal of Narrative Theory 15490815
JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 15209229
Journal Asiatique 0021762X
Journal for Cultural Research 14797585
Journal for General Philosophy of Science 09254560
Journal for nurses in professional development 21699798
Journal for nurses in staff development : JNSD : official journal of the National Nursing Staff Development Organization 10987886
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 00218251
Journal for Specialists in Group Work 01933922
Journal for the Education of the Gifted 01623532
Journal for the Liberal Arts and Sciences
Journal for the Study of Radicalism 19301189
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 17494907
Journal für Enkwicklungspolitik 02582384
Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik 01735322
Journal Globalization, Competitiveness and Governability 19887116
Journal of Academic Ethics 15701727
Journal of Academic Librarianship 00991333
Journal of Access Services 15367967
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 02784254
Journal of Accounting Education 07485751
Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling 10553835
Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 10813004
Journal of Adolescent Research 07435584
Journal of Adult Development 10680667
Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning 14729679
Journal of Advertising 00913367
Journal of Advertising Research 00218499
Journal of Aesthetic Education 00218510
Journal of Aesthetics and Culture 20004214
Journal of African American Studies 15591646
Journal of African Archaeology 16121651
Journal of African Business 15228916
Journal of African Cultural Studies 13696815
Journal of African Economies 09638024
Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 01676164
Journal of African Law 00218553
Journal of African Media Studies 2040199X
Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research 17596599
Journal of Aging and Social Policy 08959420
Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 1389224X
Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics 16129830
Journal of Air Transport Management 09696997
Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 00901482
Journal of American Culture 01911813
Journal of American Ethnic History 02785927
Journal of American Folklore 00218715
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 02784165
Journal of Anthropological Research 00917710
Journal of Anthropological Sciences 18274765
Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research 10712089
Journal of Applied Communication Research 00909882
Journal of Applied Econometrics 08837252
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 13602322
Journal of Applied School Psychology 15377903
Journal of Applied Security Research 19361610
Journal of Applied Social Science 19367244
Journal of Arabic Literature 00852376
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 10725369
Journal of Archaeological Research 10590161
Journal of Archaeological Science 03054403
Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 07380895
Journal of Architectural Education 10464883
Journal of Architecture and Planning 16068238
Journal of Architecture and Urbanism 20297955
Journal of Archival Organization 15332748
Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society 10632921
Journal of Asia TEFL 17383102
Journal of Asian and African Studies 00219096
Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 09576851
Journal of Asian Public Policy 17516234
Journal of Asian Studies 00219118
Journal of Asynchronous Learning Network 10928235
Journal of Australian Political Economy 01565826
Journal of Australian Studies 14443058
Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 19448953
Journal of Baltic Science Education 16483898
Journal of Baltic Studies 01629778
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 08943257
Journal of Behavioral Education 10530819
Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research 10943412
Journal of Beliefs and Values 13617672
Journal of Bioeconomics 13876996
Journal of bioethical inquiry. 11767529
Journal of Biological Education 00219266
Journal of Biosocial Science 00219320
Journal of Bisexuality 15299716
Journal of Black Studies 00219347
Journal of Borderlands Studies 08865655
Journal of British Cinema and Television 17434521
Journal of British Studies 00219371
Journal of Burma Studies 1094799X
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 07350015
Journal of Business and Technical Communication 10506519
Journal of Business Ethics 01674544
Journal of Canadian studies. Revue d'etudes canadiennes 00219495
Journal of Career Development 08948453
Journal of Celtic Linguistics 09621377
Journal of Chemical Education 00219584
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 15499596
Journal of Cheminformatics 17582946
Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse 1067828X
Journal of Child and Family Studies 10621024
Journal of Child Custody 15379418
Journal of Child Language 03050009
Journal of Children and Poverty 10796126
Journal of Chinese Cinemas 17508601
Journal of Chinese Linguistics 00913723
Journal of Chinese Overseas 17930391
Journal of Chinese Political Science 10806954
Journal of Christian Education 00219657
Journal of Church and State 0021969X
Journal of Classical Sociology 1468795X
Journal of Classification 01764268
Journal of Clinical Ethics 10467890
Journal of Cognition and Culture 15677095
Journal of Cold War Studies 15203972
Journal of College Counseling 10990399
Journal of College Student Development 08975264
Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice 15210251
Journal of Common Market Studies 00219886
Journal of Communication 00219916
Journal of Communication Disorders 00219924
Journal of Communication Inquiry 01968599
Journal of Communication Management 1363254X
Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics 13523279
Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology 10529284
Journal of Community Health 00945145
Journal of Community Practice 10705422
Journal of Comparative Asian Development 15339114
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 00472328
Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 13834924
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 13876988
Journal of Comparative Social Welfare 17486831
Journal of Competition Law and Economics 17446414
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 02664909
Journal of Computer Information Systems 08874417
Journal of Computing in Higher Education 10421726
Journal of Conflict and Security Law 14677954
Journal of Conflict Archaeology 15740773
Journal of Conflict Resolution 00220027
Journal of Constructivist Psychology 10720537
Journal of Consumer Affairs 00220078
Journal of Consumer Culture 14695405
Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet 15398285
Journal of Contemporary African Studies 02589001
Journal of Contemporary Asia 00472336
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 10439862
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 08912416
Journal of Contemporary European Research 1815347X
Journal of Contemporary European Studies 14782804
Journal of Contemporary History 00220094
Journal of Contemporary Religion 13537903
Journal of Contermporary China 10670564
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 22121447
Journal of Continuing Higher Education 07377363
Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy 15332691
Journal of Creative Behavior 00220175
Journal of Criminal Justice 00472352
Journal of Criminal Justice Education 10511253
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 00914169
Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 01693816
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 00220221
Journal of Cultural Economy 17530350
Journal of Cultural Geography 08873631
Journal of Cultural Heritage 12962074
Journal of Curriculum Studies 00220272
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 10814159
Journal of Democracy 10455736
Journal of Dental Education 00220337
Journal of Developing Societies 0169796X
Journal of Development Effectiveness 19439342
Journal of Development of Economics 03043878
Journal of Development Studies 00220388
Journal of Digital Information 13687506
Journal of Digital Information Management 09727272
Journal of Disability Policy Studies 10442073
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 19388926
Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 10502556
Journal of Documentation 00220418
Journal of Drug Education 00472379
Journal of Drug Issues 00220426
Journal of Drug Policy Analysis 19412851
Journal of Early Adolescence 02724316
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 14687984
Journal of Early Childhood Research 1476718X
Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 10901027
Journal of East Asia and International Law 19769229
Journal of East Asian Linguistics 09258558
Journal of East Asian Studies 15982408
Journal of Eastern African Studies 17531055
Journal of East-West Business 10669868
Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment 16734831
Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 07479662
Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development 13087800
Journal of Economic Education 00220485
Journal of Economic Geography 14682702
Journal of Economic Inequality 15691721
Journal of Economic Psychology 01674870
Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research 15333604
Journal of Ecotourism 14724049
Journal of Education and Human Development 19347200
Journal of Education and Work 13639080
Journal of Education Finance 00989495
Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk 10824669
Journal of Education for Teaching 02607476
Journal of Education Policy 02680939
Journal of Educational Administration 09578234
Journal of Educational Administration and History 00220620
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 10769986
Journal of Educational Change 13892843
Journal of Educational Computing Research 07356331
Journal of Educational Enquiry 14445530
Journal of Educational Measurement 00220655
Journal of Educational Media and Library Science 1013090X
Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society 20416938
Journal of Educational Psychology 00220663
Journal of Educational Research 00220671
Journal of Educational Thought 00220701
Journal of Educators Online 1547500X
Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect 08946566
Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society 18266223
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 17457289
Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries 15424065
Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 1941126X
Journal of Emergency Management 15435865
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 10634266
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 17401453
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 15562646
Journal of Engineering Education 10694730
Journal of English and Germanic Philology 03636941
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 14751585
Journal of English Linguistics 00754242
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 17410398
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 10988394
Journal of Environment and Development 10704965
Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 14643332
Journal of Environmental Education 00958964
Journal of Environmental Law 09528873
Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation 10490280
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 09640568
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work 15313204
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 1369183X
Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice 15377938
Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 15332640
Journal of Ethnobiology 02780771
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 17464269
Journal of Eurasian Studies 18793665
Journal of European Integration 07036337
Journal of European Public Policy 13501763
Journal of European Social Policy 09589287
Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work 15433714
Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 17892082
Journal of Experimental Criminology 15733750
Journal of Experimental Education 00220973
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 00221031
Journal of Extension 10775315
Journal of Family Communication 15267431
Journal of Family History 03631990
Journal of Family Issues 0192513X
Journal of Family Social Work 10522158
Journal of Family Studies 13229400
Journal of Family Therapy 01634445
Journal of Family Violence 08857482
Journal of Feminist Family Therapy 08952833
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 87554178
Journal of Field Archaeology 00934690
Journal of Financial Crime 13590790
Journal of Flood Risk Management 1753318X
Journal of Fluency Disorders 0094730X
Journal of Folklore Research 07377037
Journal of Food Science Education 15414329
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 1752928X
Journal of forensic nursing 15563693
Journal of Forest Economics 11046899
Journal of French Language Studies 09592695
Journal of Further and Higher Education 0309877X
Journal of Futures Studies 10276084
Journal of Gambling Studies 10505350
Journal of Gang Research 10793062
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health 19359705
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services 10538720
Journal of Gender Studies 09589236
Journal of Genetic Psychology 00221325
Journal of Genocide Research 14623528
Journal of Geographical Systems 14355930
Journal of Geography 00221341
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 03098265
Journal of Geoscience Education 10899995
Journal of Germanic Linguistics 14705427
Journal of Gerontological Social Work 01634372
Journal of GLBT Family Studies 1550428X
Journal of Global Environmental Engineering 13411268
Journal of Global Ethics 17449626
Journal of Global History 17400228
Journal of Greek Linguistics 15665844
Journal of Green Building 15526100
Journal of Happiness Studies 13894978
Journal of health care chaplaincy 08854726
Journal of Health Communication 10810730
Journal of Hellenic Studies 00754269
Journal of Higher Education 00221546
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 1360080X
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education 15381927
Journal of Historical Geographpy 03057488
Journal of Historical Pragmatics 15665852
Journal of Historical Sociology 09521909
Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services 15381501
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 15477355
Journal of Hospital Librarianship 15323269
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research 10963480
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education 14738376
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 15664910
Journal of Housing for the Elderly 02763893
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 10911359
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 19452829
Journal of Human Rights 14754835
Journal of Human Rights Practice 17579619
Journal of Human Security
Journal of Human Values 09716858
Journal of Humanistic Counseling 21590311
Journal of Humanistic Psychology 00221678
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 19347227
Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition 19320248
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research 13260219
Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 15562948
Journal of Income Distribution 09266437
Journal of Indian Philosophy 00221791
Journal of Industrial Ecology 10881980
Journal of Industrial Organization Education 19355041
Journal of Information and Computational Science 15487741
Journal of Information and Knowledge Management 02196492
Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences 18463312
Journal of Information Ethics 10619321
Journal of Information Science 01655515
Journal of Information Science and Engineering 10162364
Journal of Information Technology 02683962
Journal of Information Technology and Politics 19331681
Journal of Information Technology Education:Research 15479714
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 1477996X
Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations 15571319
Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia 16756061
Journal of Integrated Care 14769018
Journal of Intellectual Capital 14691930
Journal of Intellectual Property 15599493
Journal of Interactive Learning Research 1093023X
Journal of Interactive Online Learning 15414914
Journal of Intercultural Communication 14041634
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 17475759
Journal of Intercultural Studies 07256868
Journal of Intergenerational Relationships 15350770
Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Electronic Reserve 1072303X
Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education 10770755
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 17513057
Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology 19018401
Journal of International Criminal Justice 14781387
Journal of International Development 09541748
Journal of International Economic Law 13693034
Journal of International Migration and Integration 14883473
Journal of International Relations and Development 14086980
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 09638199
Journal of International Trade Law and Policy 14770024
Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy 13880292
Journal of International Women's Studies 15398706
Journal of Islamic Studies 09552340
Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 15564894
Journal of Israeli History 13531042
Journal of Japanese Studies 00956848
Journal of Jewish Education 15244113
Journal of Jewish Studies 00222097
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 1053699X
Journal of Korean Studies 07311613
Journal of Land Use Science 1747423X
Journal of Landscape Architecture 18626033
Journal of Language and Literature 20780303
Journal of Language and Politics 15692159
Journal of Language and Social Psychology 0261927X
Journal of Language, Identity, and Education 15348458
Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 19354932
Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 13569325
Journal of Latin American Geography 15452476
Journal of Latin American Studies 0022216X
Journal of Latinos and Education 15348431
Journal of Law and Economics 00222186
Journal of Law and Medicine 1320159X
Journal of Law and Society 0263323X
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 87566222
Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 15480518
Journal of Leadership Studies 19352611
Journal of Learning Disabilities 00222194
Journal of Legal Education 00222208
Journal of Legal History 01440365
Journal of Legal Studies 00472530
Journal of Leisure Research 00222216
Journal of Lesbian Studies 10894160
Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling 15538605
Journal of LGBT Youth 19361653
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 09610006
Journal of Library Administration 01930826
Journal of Library and Information Services in Distance Learning 1533290X
Journal of Library Metadata 19386389
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 10551360
Journal of Linguistics 00222267
Journal of Literacy Research 1086296X
Journal of Literary Semantics 03417638
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 09258531
Journal of Loss and Trauma 15325024
Journal of Management Education 10525629
Journal of Map and Geography Libraries 15420353
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 0194472X
Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 00222410
Journal of Maritime Research 16974840
Journal of Marketing Education 02734753
Journal of Marketing for Higher Education 08841241
Journal of Marriage and Family 00222445
Journal of Mass Media Ethics 08900523
Journal of Material Culture 13591835
Journal of Materials Education 07387989
Journal of Mathematical Behavior 07323123
Journal of Mathematical Sociology 0022250X
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 13864416
Journal of Media and Religion 15348423
Journal of Media Business Studies 16522354
Journal of Media Economics 08997764
Journal of Media Psychology 18641105
Journal of Medical Ethics 03066800
Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine 20080387
Journal of Medical Humanities 10413545
Journal of Medical Licensure and Discipline 1547481X
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 10829636
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 09527648
Journal of Mediterranean Studies 10163476
Journal of Memory and Language 0749596X
Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality 11772484
Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice 17556228
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 15525864
Journal of Military Ethics 15027570
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 15586898
Journal of Mobile Multimedia 15504646
Journal of Modern African Studies 0022278X
Journal of Modern Greek Studies 07381727
Journal of Modern Italian Studies 1354571X
Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 14725886
Journal of Modern Transportation 2095087X
Journal of Mountain Science 16726316
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development 08838534
Journal of Multicultural Discourses 17447143
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 01434632
Journal of Music Teacher Education 10570837
Journal of Music, Technology and Education 17527066
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 13602004
Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research 19390459
Journal of Near Eastern studies 00222968
Journal of Neurolinguistics 09116044
Journal of North African Studies 13629387
Journal of Nursing Education 01484834
Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 17456673
Journal of Occupational Science 14427591
Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, and Early Intervention 19411243
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 10509674
Journal of Organisational Transformation & Social Change 14779633
Journal of Organizational Behavior 08943796
Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict 15440508
Journal of Pacific History 00223344
Journal of Palestine Studies 0377919X
Journal of Peace Education 17400201
Journal of Peace Research 00223433
Journal of Peacebuilding and Development 15423166
Journal of Peasant Studies 03066150
Journal of Persianate Studies 18747094
Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management 08853134
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 00223514
Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences 22233806
Journal of Philosophy of Education 03098249
Journal of Phonetics 00954470
Journal of Physician Assistant Education 19419430
Journal of physiological anthropology 18806791
Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 09209034
Journal of Place Management and Development 17538335
Journal of Planning and Environmental Law 03074870
Journal of Planning Education and Research 0739456X
Journal of Planning History 15385132
Journal of Planning Literature 08854122
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 08820783
Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations 15332586
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 02768739
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 17411122
Journal of Policy Practice 15588742
Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events 19407963
Journal of Politeness Research 16125681
Journal of Political and Military Sociology 00472697
Journal of Political Ideologies 13569317
Journal of Political Marketing 15377857
Journal of Political Philosophy 09638016
Journal of Political Power 2158379X
Journal of Political Science Education 15512169
Journal of Politics 00223816
Journal of Popular Film and Television 01956051
Journal of Population Ageing 18747884
Journal of Population Economics 09331433
Journal of Population Research 14432447
Journal of Poverty 10875549
Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning 17595150
Journal of Pragmatics 03782166
Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies-New Series 1060149X
Journal of Productivity Analysis 0895562X
Journal of Progressive Human Services 10428232
Journal of Property Research 09599916
Journal of Psychiatry and Law 00931853
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 07342829
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 00906905
Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied 00223980
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 10531858
Journal of Public Affairs 14723891
Journal of Public and International Affairs 1070521X
Journal of Public Child Welfare 15548732
Journal of Public Deliberation
Journal of Public Economic Theory 14679779
Journal of Public Policy 0143814X
Journal of Public Procurement 15350118
Journal of Public Relations Research 1062726X
Journal of Public Transportation 1077291X
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 15590410
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 07484518
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 09296174
Journal of Radio and Audio Media 19376529
Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 08955638
Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education 15214842
Journal of Refugee Studies 09516328
Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy 10904999
Journal of Regional Science 00224146
Journal of Religion, Disability and Health 15228967
Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Aging 15528030
Journal of Research in Childhood Education 02568543
Journal of Research in Education Sciences 2073753X
Journal of Research in International Education 14752409
Journal of Research in Music Education 00224294
Journal of Research in Reading 01410423
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 00224308
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 14713802
Journal of Research on Adolescence 10508392
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 19345747
Journal of Research Practice 1712851X
Journal of Risk Research 13669877
Journal of Roman Archaeology 10477594
Journal of Roman Studies 00754358
Journal of Rural Development 09703357
Journal of Rural Studies 07430167
Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 14043858
Journal of Scholarly Publishing 11989742
Journal of School Choice 15582159
Journal of School Psychology 00224405
Journal of School Violence 15388220
Journal of Science Communication 18242049
Journal of Science Education 01245481
Journal of Science Education and Technology 10590145
Journal of Science Teacher Education 1046560X
Journal of Second Language Writing 10603743
Journal of Semantics 01675133
Journal of Semitic Studies 00224480
Journal of Service Research 10946705
Journal of Sex Research 00224499
Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studies 17489423
Journal of Slavic Military Studies 13518046
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 02654075
Journal of Social Archaeology 14696053
Journal of Social Development in Africa 10121080
Journal of Social History 00224529
Journal of Social Issues 00224537
Journal of social philosophy 00472786
Journal of Social Policy 00472794
Journal of Social Service Research 01488376
Journal of Social Structure 15291227
Journal of Social Studies Research 0885985X
Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 09649069
Journal of Social Work 14680173
Journal of Social Work Education 10437797
Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation 1536710X
Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care 15524256
Journal of Social Work Practice 02650533
Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions 1533256X
Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies 0278839X
Journal of Sociolinguistics 13606441
Journal of Sociology 14407833
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 01915096
Journal of Song-Yuan Studies 10593152
Journal of South Asian Development 09731741
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 00224634
Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 14683857
Journal of Southern African Studies 03057070
Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 14636204
Journal of Spatial Science 14498596
Journal of Special Education 00224669
Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 14096099
Journal of Sport and Social Issues 01937235
Journal of Statistics Education 10691898
Journal of Strategic Studies 01402390
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 19496605
Journal of Studies in International Education 10283153
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 19371888
Journal of Substance Use 14659891
Journal of Surgical Education 19317204
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management 18238556
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 10440046
Journal of Sustainable Forestry 10549811
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 09669582
Journal of Teacher Education 00224871
Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability 14078724
Journal of Teaching in International Business 08975930
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 02735024
Journal of Teaching in Social Work 08841233
Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism 15313220
Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 00472816
Journal of Technology Education 10451064
Journal of Technology in Human Services 15228835
Journal of the American Oriental Society. American Oriental Society 00030279
Journal of the American Planning Association 01944363
Journal of the Asian Pacific Economy 13547860
Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Student Services Association 13202480
Journal of the British Archeological Association 00681288
Journal of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A. 08863520
Journal of the Early Book Society 15256790
Journal of the Early Republic 02751275
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 00224995
Journal of the History of International Law 1388199X
Journal of the History of Sexuality 10434070
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 0255660X
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 08891583
Journal of the Learning Sciences 10508406
Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA 15365050
Journal of the North Atlantic 19351984
Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 00948705
Journal of the Polynesian Society 00324000
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 13590987
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 13561863
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, (Statistics in Society) 09641998
Journal of the Social Sciences 02531097
Journal of the Society of Archivists 00379816
Journal of the Southwest 08948410
Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland 00814776
Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCE 07339488
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 00754390
Journal of Theoretical Politics 09516298
Journal of Third World Studies 87553449
Journal of Tort Law 19329148
Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 14766825
Journal of Tourism History 1755182X
Journal of Transformative Education 15413446
Journal of Transnational American Studies 19400764
Journal of Transnational Management 15475778
Journal of Transport and Land Use 19387849
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 00225258
Journal of Transport Geography 09666923
Journal of Transport History 00225266
Journal of Transportation Engineering 0733947X
Journal of Transportation Security 19387741
Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology 15706672
Journal of Travel Research 00472875
Journal of Turkish Science Education 13046020
Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education 15442896
Journal of Urban Affairs 07352166
Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering 19823932
Journal of Urban Design 13574809
Journal of Urban Economics 00941190
Journal of Urban Health 10993460
Journal of Urban History 00961442
Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal 17529638
Journal of Urban Technology 10630732
Journal of Value Inquiry 00225363
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 0748321X
Journal of Victorian Culture 13555502
Journal of Visual Culture 14704129
Journal of Vocational Education and Training 13636820
Journal of Water and Land Development 14297426
Journal of Water Law 14785277
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE 07339496
Journal of Web Librarianship 19322909
Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 10728325
Journal of Women, Politics and Policy 1554477X
Journal of women's history 10427961
Journal of Workplace Learning 13665626
Journal of World Energy Law and Business 17549957
Journal of World Prehistory 08927537
Journal of World Trade 10116702
Journal of Writing in Creative Practice 17535190
Journal of Writing Research 20301006
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 00472891
Journal of Youth Studies 13676261
Journalism 14648849
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 10776990
Journalism Studies 1461670X
Judaica Bohemiae 00225738
Judicature 00225800
Junctures 11765119
Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche 19342039
Justice Quarterly 07418825
Justice System Journal 0098261X
Juvenile and Family Court Journal 01617109
Kadmos 00227498
Kajian Malaysia 01274082
Kasetsart Journal - Social Sciences 01258370
KEDI Journal of Educational Policy 17394341
Keel ja Kirjandus 01311441
Kemanusiaan 13949330
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10546863
King's Law Journal 09615768
Knowledge Management and E-Learning 20737904
Knowledge Management Research and Practice 14778238
Knowledge Organization 09437444
Kolner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 00232653
Konteksty: Polska Sztuka Ludowa 12306142
Korea Journal 00233900
Korea Observer 00233919
Korean Journal of Defense Analysis 10163271
Kotuitui 1177083X
Kriminalistik 00234699
Kriminologisches Journal 03411966
Krisis 0168275X
Kritika 1531023X
Kritika Kultura 1656152X
Kritische Berichte 03407403
KronoScope: Journal for the Study of Time 1567715X
Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi 14062860
Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri 13030485
La Linguistique 0075966X
La Revue du MAUSS 12474819
Labor Studies Journal 0160449X
Labour 11217081
Labour History 00236942
Labour, Capital and Society 07061706
Land Degradation and Development 10853278
Land Use Policy 02648377
Landfall 00237930
Landscape Ecology 09212973
Landscape Research 01426397
Langage et Societe 01814095
Langages 0458726X
Language 00978507
Language Acquisition 10489223
Language and Cognitive Processes 01690965
Language and Communication 02715309
Language and Computers 09215034
Language and Education 09500782
Language and Intercultural Communication 14708477
Language and Linguistics 1606822X
Language and Literature 09639470
Language and Speech 00238309
Language Assessment Quarterly 15434303
Language Awareness 09658416
Language in Society 00474045
Language Learning 00238333
Language Learning and Development 15475441
Language Learning and Technology 10943501
Language Learning Journal 09571736
Language Matters 10228195
Language Policy 15684555
Language Problems and Language Planning 02722690
Language Resources and Evaluation 1574020X
Language Sciences 03880001
Language Teaching 02614448
Language Teaching Research 13621688
Language Testing 02655322
Language Variation and Change 09543945
Language, Culture and Curriculum 07908318
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 01611461
Languages in Contrast 13876759
Langue Francaise 00238368
L'Annee Sociologique 00662399
Late imperial China = Ch'ing shih wen t'i 08843236
Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies 17442222
Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 08885613
Latin American Perspectives 0094582X
Latin American Politics and Society 1531426X
Latin American Research Review 00238791
Latino Studies 14763435
Latomus 00238856
Law and Contemporary Problems 00239186
Law and Critique 09578536
Law and Development Review 19433867
Law and Ethics of Human Rights 19382545
Law and History Review 07382480
Law and Human Behavior 01477307
Law and Literature 1535685X
Law and Philosophy 01675249
Law and Policy 02658240
Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 15691853
Law and Social Inquiry 08976546
Law and Society Review 00239216
Law Library Journal 00239283
Law Teacher 03069400
Law, Culture and the Humanities 17438721
Law, Probability and Risk 14708396
Leadership 17427150
Leadership and Policy in Schools 15700763
Leadership Quarterly 10489843
Learned Publishing 09531513
Learning and Individual Differences 10416080
Learning and Instruction 09594752
Learning and Motivation 00239690
Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 09388982
Learning Disability Quarterly 07319487
Learning Environments Research 13871579
Learning Imaging 1869697X
Learning Organization 09696474
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 22106561
Learning, Media and Technology 17439884
Lebende Sprachen 00239909
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 01708643
Legacy 07484321
Legal History Review 00407585
Legal Issues of Economic Integration 15666573
Legal Reference Services Quarterly 0270319X
Legal Studies 02613875
Legal Theory 13523252
Legislative Studies Quarterly 03629805
Legisprudence 17521467
Leiden Journal of International Law 09221565
Leisure Sciences 01490400
Leisure Studies 02614367
Leisure/ Loisir 14927713
Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook 00758744
Les Cahiers de l'Apliut 02489430
Les Sciences de l'education pour l'ere nouvelle 07559593
Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 18644031
Leuvense Bijdragen 00241482
Levant 00758914
Lex Localis 15815374
Lexikos 16844904
Lexis (Peru) 02549239
LIA Language, Interaction and Acquisition 18797865
LIBER Quarterly 14355205
Liberte 00242020
Libraries and the Cultural Record 19324855
Library 00242160
Library and Archival Security 01960075
Library and Information Science 03734447
Library and Information Science Research 07408188
Library Collections, Acquisition and Technical Services 14649055
Library Hi Tech 07378831
Library Hi Tech News 07419058
Library Journal 03630277
Library Leadership and Management 19458851
Library Management 01435124
Library Philosophy and Practice 15220222
Library Quarterly 00242519
Library Resources and Technical Services 00242527
Library Review 00242535
Library Trends 00242594
Libres 10586768
Libri 00242667
Lidil 19606052
Lied und Populare Kultur 16190548
Life Span and Disability 20355963
Lili - Zeitschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 00498653
Limes 20290187
Lingua 00243841
Lingua e Stile 0024385X
Lingua Nostra 00243868
Lingua Posnaniensis 00794740
Linguistic Analysis 00989053
Linguistic Inquiry 00243892
Linguistic Insights - Studies in Language and Communication 14248689
Linguistic Review 01676318
Linguistic Typology 14300532
Linguistica 00243922
Linguistica Pragensia 08628432
Linguistica Silesiana 02084228
Linguistica Uralica 08684731
Linguistics 00243949
Linguistics and Education 08985898
Linguistics and Language Compass 1749818X
Linguistics and Philosophy 01650157
Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 07313500
Lingvisticae Investigationes 03784169
Listy Filologicke 00244457
Literacy 17414350
Literacy Research and Instruction 19388071
Literary and Linguistics Computing 02681145
Literatura y Linguistica 07165811
Literature and medicine 02789671
Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review 13925504
Liverpool Law Review 0144932X
Living Reviews in European Governance 1813856X
Living Reviews in Landscape Research 18637329
Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada 18465412
Local Environment 13549839
Local Government Studies 03003930
Local Population Studies 01432974
Logos - Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 10916687
Logos (Lithuania) 08687692
Loisir et Societe 07053436
London Journal 03058034
London Review of Education 14748460
Longe Range Planning 00246301
Louisiana Law Review 00246859
Lua Nova - Revista de Cultura e Politica 01026445
Lud 00761435
Lurralde 02115891
Luso-Brazilian Review 00247413
Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law 14488345
Magallania 07180209
Maghreb - Machrek 17623162
Magis 20271174
Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science 13946234
Maltrattamento e Abuso all'Infanzia 15914267
Man in India 00251569
Mana: Estudos de Antropologia Social 01049313
Management Communication Quarterly 08933189
Management in Education 08920206
Mankind Quarterly 00252344
Mapping and Image Science 16518705
Marine Policy 0308597X
Marine Resource Economics 07381360
Maritime Economics and Logistics 14792931
Maritime Policy and Management 03088839
Maritime Studies 18727859
Marriage and Family Review 01494929
Mass Communication and Society 15205436
Mass Communication Research 10161007
Matatu 09329714
Mathematical Finance 09601627
Mathematical Population Studies 08898480
Mathematical Social Science 01654896
Mathematical Thinking and Learning 10986065
Mathematics Education Research Journal 10332170
McGill Journal of Law and Health 19204825
McKinsey Quarterly 00475394
Meanjin 0815953X
Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development 07481756
Meddelanden fran Lunds Universitets Geografiska Institutioner, Avhandlingar 03466787
Medecine et Droit 12467391
Media History 13688804
Media International Australia 1329878X
Media Psychology 15213269
Media, Culture and Society 01634437
Media, War and Conflict 17506352
Medical Anthropology Quarterly 07455194
Medical Education 03080110
Medical Law International 09685332
Medical Law Review 09670742
Medical Reference Services Quarterly 02763869
Medical Teacher 0142159X
Medicine and Law 07231393
Medicine, health care, and philosophy 13867423
Medicine, Science and the Law 00258024
Medieval Archaeology 00766097
Medieval Encounters 13807854
Medijska istrazivanja 13306928
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 11089628
Mediterranean Quarterly 10474552
Mediterranean Studies 1074164X
Mediterranee 00258296
Meditteranean Politics 13629395
Medium Aevum 00258385
Melanges de la Casa de Velazquez 0076230X
Melanges de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome:Antiquite 17242134
Melanges de l'Institut Dominicaine des Etudes Orientales du Caire 05751330
Melbourne University Law Review 00258938
MELUS 0163755X
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum: Cultural Heritage Series 14404788
Memory Studies 17506980
Men and Masculinities 1097184X
Mens Sana Monographs 09731229
Mental Health and Social Inclusion 20428316
Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 13611267
Meridian 10979778
Merkur 00260096
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 0272930X
Meta 00260452
Meta: Avaliacao 21752753
Metacognition and Learning 15561623
Metaphor and Symbol 10926488
Metascience 08150796
Methodology 16141881
Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 07429797
Mezinarodni vztahy 03231844
Michigan Law Review 00262234
Microform and Digitization Review 21900752
Microwave Review 14505835
Middle East Critique 19436149
Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication 18739857
Middle East Law and Governance 18763367
Middle East Policy 10611924
Middle East Quarterly 10739467
Middle East Report 08992851
Middle Eastern Studies 00263206
Migraciones 11385774
Migraciones Internacionales 16658906
Migration Letters 17418984
Military Balance 04597222
Military Law Review 00264040
Military Psychology 08995605
Millennium: Journal of International Studies 03058298
Milli Egitim 13025600
Mind and Language 02681064
Mind and Matter 16118812
Mind and Society 15937879
Mind, Brain, and Education 17512271
Mind, Culture, and Activity: An International Journal 10749039
Mindfulness 18688527
Minerva 00264695
Minnesota Law Review 00265535
Mississippi Quarterly 0026637X
Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellscaft 00299138
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts - Abteilung Kairo 03421279
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts - Romische Abteilung 03421287
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts. Abteilung Madrid 04189744
Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archaologie 10256555
MLN, Modern Language Notes 00267910
Mnemosyne 00267074
Mobilities 17450101
Mobilization 1086671X
Modern and Contemporary France 09639489
Modern Asian Studies 0026749X
Modern Austrian Literature 00267503
Modern China 00977004
Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 15209857
Modern Italy 13532944
Modern Judaism 02761114
Modern Language Journal 00267902
Modern Language Review 00267937
Modern Philology 00268232
Moderna Sprak 00268577
Modernism/Modernity 10716068
Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform 00269301
Mondes En Developpement 03023052
Monthly Review 00270520
Monumenta Nipponica 00270741
Moravian Geographical Reports 12108812
Moreana 00478105
Mortality 13576275
Motriz. Revista de Educacao Fisica 14159805
Mouvement Social 00272671
Movimento 0104754X
Moyen Age 00272841
Moyen Francais 02260174
Multicultural Education 10683844
Multicultural Education and Technology Journal 1750497X
Multicultural Perspectives 15210960
Multilingua 01678507
Multitudes 02920107
Mundo Agrario 15155994
Muqarnas 07322992
Museon 07716494
Museum Helveticum 00274054
Music Education Research 14613808
Music Reference Services Quarterly 10588167
Musik und Asthetik 14329425
Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 15544419
Muttersprache 0027514X
Names 00277738
NAN NU: Men, Women and Gender in Early and Imperial China 13876805
NanoEthics 18714757
Nanomedicine 17435889
Nanotechnology Law and Business 15462080
Narodna Umjetnost 05472504
Narrative Inquiry 13876740
Nase More 04696255
NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education 19407882
NASSP Bulletin 01926365
Nation 00278378
National Interest 08849382
Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 13537113
Nationalities Papers 00905992
Nations and Nationalism 13545078
Natural Hazards Review 15276988
Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 0167806X
Natural Language Semantics 0925854X
Natural Resources Journal 00280739
Nature and Culture 15586073
Nature Climate Change 1758678X
Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation 00281522
Near Eastern Archaeology 10942076
Negotiation Journal 07484526
Neohelicon 03244652
Neophilologus 00282677
Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 09240519
Neue Rundschau 00283347
Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 00283754
New Criminal Law Review 19334192
New Directions for Evaluation 10976736
New Directions for Teaching and Learning 02710633
New Educational Review 17326729
New Genetics and Society 14636778
New German Critique 0094033X
New Horizons in Education 16831381
New Left Review 00286060
New Library World 03074803
New Media and Society 14614448
New Medit 15945685
New Perspectives on Turkey 08966346
New Political Economy 13563467
New Political Science 07393148
New Republic 00286583
New Review of Film and Television Studies 17400309
New Review of Information Networking 13614576
New Technology, Work and Employment 02681072
New Voices in Translation Studies 18195644
New West Indian Guide/Nieuwe West-Indische Gids (NWIG) 00289930
New York University Law Review 00287881
New Zealand Geographer 00288144
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies 00288276
New Zealand Sociology 0112921X
NFD Information-Wissenschaft und Praxis 14344653
NHSA Dialog 15240754
Nineteenth-century contexts 08905495
NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 15735214
Nomadic Peoples 08227942
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 08997640
Nonproliferation Review 10736700
NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 08038740
Nordia Geographical Publications 12382086
Nordic Journal of English Studies 15027694
Nordic Journal of International Law 09027351
Nordic Journal of Linguistics 03325865
Nordic Studies in Education 18915914
Nordicom Review 14031108
Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift 14550725
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 08027285
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 00291951
North American Archaeologist 01976931
North American Journal of Psychology 15277143
North American Review 00292397
North Korean Review 15512789
Northwestern University Law Review 00293571
Notes 00274380
Notes and queries 00293970
Notre Dame Law Review 07453515
Nottingham French Studies 00294586
Nouvelles Questions Feministes 02484951
Novos Estudos CEBRAP 01013300
Novum Testamentum 00481009
NOWELE 09008675
NPRA National Safety Conference Papers
Numismatic Chronicle 00782696
Nurse Education in Practice 14715953
Nurse Education Today 02606917
Nurse Educator 03633624
Nursing Education Perspectives 15365026
Nurture 19941625
Obesity Facts 16624025
Observatorio 16465954
Ocean Development and International Law 00908320
Oceania 00298077
Oceanic Linguistics 00298115
Oceanide 19896328
OCLC Systems and Services 1065075X
OCNOS 1885446X
Odgojne znanosti/Educational Sciences 18461204
OECD Observer 00297054
Omega: Journal of Death and Dying 00302228
On the Horizon 10748121
Online Information Review 14684527
Onomazein 07171285
Opcion 10121587
Open Geography Journal 18749232
Open House International 01682601
Open Learning 02680513
Open Transportation Journal 18744478
Opiniao Publica 01046276
Oralia 15751430
Orbis 00304387
Organisation Management Journal 15416518
Organizational Dynamics 00902616
Orient - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik und Wirtschaft des Orients 00305227
Oriental Art 00305278
Orientalia Christiana Periodica 00305375
Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle 02496739
Osiris 03697827
Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Politikwissenschaft 03785149
Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Volkskunde 00299669
Osteuropa 09416293
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 03059049
Oxford Development Studies 13600818
Oxford German Studies 00787191
Oxford Journal of Archaeology 02625253
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 01436503
Oxford Literary Review 03051498
Oxford Review of Education 03054985
Pacific Affairs 0030851X
Pacific Economic Review 1361374X
Pacific Focus 12254657
Pacific Journalism Review 10239499
Pacific Northwest Quarterly 00308803
Pacific Review 09512748
Paedagogica historica 00309230
Paideia 0103863X
Pakistan Journal of Library and Information Science 16804465
Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences 17274915
Palabra Clave 01228285
PalArch's Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology 15672158
Palestine Exploration Quarterly 00310328
Pamatky Archeologicke 00310506
Panacea 15371964
Papeles de Poblacion 14057425
Papers in Regional Science 10568190
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 0006128X
Papers of the British School at Rome 00682462
Papers on Language and Literature 00311294
Papers: Revista de sociologia 02102862
Parabola 03621596
Parallax 13534645
Parenting 15295192
Parergon 03136221
Parlement[s] 17686520
Parliamentary Affairs 00312290
Parliamentary History 02642824
Parliaments, Estates and Representation 02606755
Parola del Passato 00312355
Partial Answers 15653668
Party Politics 13540688
Passato e Presente 11200650
Past and Present 00312746
Pastoral Care in Education 02643944
Pastoral Psychology 00312789
Patient Preference and Adherence 1177889X
Patterns of Prejudice 0031322X
Peabody Journal of Education 0161956X
Peace and Conflict 10781919
Peace and Conflict Studies 10827307
Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 10792457
Peace Review 10402659
Pedagogies 1554480X
Pedagogika 13920340
Pedagogische Studien 01650645
Pedagogy, Culture & Society 14681366
Penn State Environmental Law Review 15463427
Pennsylvania Geographer 05535980
Pensee 00314773
Pensee Plurielle 13760963
Perfiles Educativos 01852698
Perfiles Latinoamericanos 01887653
Performance Enhancement and Health 22112669
Performance Improvement Quarterly 08985952
Performance Measurement and Metrics 14678047
Periodico Tche Quimica 18060374
Personal Relationships 13504126
Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao 14139936
Perspectives 1210762X
Perspectives 0907676X
Perspectives in Education 02582236
Perspectives on European Politics and Society 15705854
Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 15691500
Perspectives on Labour and Income 08408750
Perspectives on Political Science 10457097
Perspectives on Politics 15375927
Perspectives on Science 10636145
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 15386341
Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 13603108
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 14656493
Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities 01287702
Peuce 02588102
Phi Delta Kappan 00317217
Philippine Journal of Science 00317683
Philippine Political Science Journal 01154451
Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 22441093
Philological Quarterly 00317977
Philologus 00317985
Philosophy and Public Affairs 00483915
Philosophy and Social Criticism 01914537
Philosophy of the Social Sciences 00483931
Phonetica 00318388
Phonology 09526757
Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation 14328364
Photographies 17540763
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 17408989
Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research 15549178
Physics Education 00319120
Physis (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 01037331
PIDE Working Papers 00788228
Plains Anthropologist 00320447
Plan Canada 00320544
Planning 00012610
Planning Advisory Service Memo 10407340
Planning and Environmental Law 15480755
Planning Malaysia 16756215
Planning Perspectives 02665433
Planning Practice and Research 02697459
Planning Theory 14730952
Planning Theory and Practice 14649357
Platform 18365132
PMLA 00308129
Podravina 13335286
Poetica 03034178
Poetics 0304422X
Poiesis und Praxis 16156609
Polar Geography 1088937X
Polar Record 00322474
PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 10816976
Police Practice and Research 15614263
Police Quarterly 10986111
Policing 1363951X
Policing and Society 10439463
Policy and Politics 03055736
Policy and Society 14494035
Policy Futures in Education 14782103
Policy Review 01465945
Policy Sciences 00322687
Policy Studies 01442872
Policy Studies Journal 0190292X
Polis 0412257X
Polis (Italy) 11209488
Polish Sociological Review 12311413
Politica Criminal 07183399
Politica Economica 11209496
Politica y Gobierno 14051060
Politica y Sociedad 11308001
Political Analysis 10471987
Political Behavior 01909320
Political Communication 10584609
Political Geography 09626298
Political Psychology 0162895X
Political Quarterly 00323179
Political Research Quarterly 10659129
Political Science 00323187
Political Science Quarterly 00323195
Political Studies 00323217
Political Studies Review 14789299
Political Theory 00905917
Politicka Ekonomie 00323233
Politics 02633957
Politics & Gender 1743923X
Politics and Policy 15555623
Politics and Society 00323292
Politics and the Life Sciences 07309384
Politics, Philosophy and Economics 1470594X
Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies 02589346
Politische Vierteljahresschrift 00323470
Politix 02952319
Politologija 13921681
Polity 00323497
Pomegranate 15280268
Pomorstvo 13320718
Ponte 0032423X
Popular Communication 15405702
Popular Music 02611430
Popular Music and Society 03007766
Population 00324663
Population and Development Review 00987921
Population and Environment 01990039
Population Bulletin 0032468X
Population et societes; bulletin mensuel d'informations demographiques, economiques, sociales 01847783
Population Research and Policy Review 01675923
Population Review 0032471X
Population Studies 00324728
Population, Space and Place 15448444
Poradnik Jezykowy 05515343
Porta Linguarum 16977467
Portal 15312542
Portugese Studies 02675315
Positions 10679847
Postcolonial Studies 13688790
Postmedieval 20405960
Post-Medieval Archaeology 00794236
Postmodern Culture 10531920
Post-Soviet Affairs 1060586X
Pouvoirs: Revue d'Etudes Constitutionnelles et Politiques 01520768
Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 17320747
Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation 15317714
Practice (UK) 09503153
Pragmalinguistica 1133682X
Pragmatics 10182101
Pragmatics and Cognition 09290907
Prahistorische Zeitschrift 00794848
Prairie Forum 03176282
Preservation, Digital Technology and Culture 21952965
Prilozi Instituta za Arheologiju 13300644
PRIMUS 10511970
Prison Journal 00328855
Probation Journal 02645505
Problemas del Desarrollo 03017036
Problems of Post-Communism 10758216
Problemy Ekorozwoju 18956912
Probus 09214771
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 18770428
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference 01905848
Proceedings ACM SIGUCCS User Services Conference
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 0003049X
Proceedings of the ASIST Annual Meeting 15508390
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport 0965092X
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning 17550793
Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences 03772969
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section C: Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics and Literature 00358991
Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural 11355948
Profesional de la Informacion 13866710
Profesorado 1138414X
Professional Development in Education 19415257
Professional Geographer 00330124
Program 00330337
Progress in Development Studies 14649934
Progress in Human Geography 03091325
Progress in Industrial Ecology 14768917
Progress in Informatics 13498614
Progress in Physical Geography 03091333
Progress in Planning 03059006
Projections 07621000
Prologue 00331031
Prometheus 08109028
Prooftexts - Journal of Jewish Literature History 02729601
Prospects 00331538
Prospettiva 03940802
Prostor 13300652
Przeglad Geograficzny 00332143
PS - Political Science and Politics 10490965
Psicologia della Salute 17210321
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 13218719
Psychoanalytic Social Work 15228878
Psychological Injury and Law 1938971X
Psychologie en Gezondheid 18731791
Psychology and Education
Psychology and Sexuality 19419899
Psychology in the Schools 00333085
Psychology Learning and Teaching 14757257
Psychology of Language and Communication 12342238
Psychology of Men and Masculinity 15249220
Psychology of Music 03057356
Psychology of Violence 21520828
Psychology of Women Quarterly 03616843
Psychology, Crime and Law 1068316X
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 10768971
Public Administration 00333298
Public Administration and Development 02712075
Public Administration and Management 10870091
Public Administration Review 00333352
Public Archaeology 14655187
Public Budgeting and Finance 02751100
Public Choice 00485829
Public Culture 08992363
Public Finance Review 10911421
Public Library Quarterly 01616846
Public Money and Management 09540962
Public Opinion Quarterly 0033362X
Public Organization Review 15667170
Public Performance & Management Review 15309576
Public Personnel Management 00910260
Public Policy and Administration 09520767
Public Policy Research 17445396
Public Reason 20657285
Public Relations Review 03638111
Public Roads 00333735
Public Services Quarterly 15228959
Public Transport 16137159
Public Transport International 1016796X
Public Understanding of Science 09636625
Public Works Management and Policy 1087724X
Publishing Research Quarterly 10538801
Publius 00485950
Punishment and Society 14624745
Pythagoras 10122346
Quaderni storici 03016307
Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 00334987
Quaderns 11385790
Quaderns de l'Institut Catala d'Antropologia 02115557
Quaerendo 00149527
Qualitative Inquiry 10778004
Qualitative Report 10520147
Qualitative Research 14687941
Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise 19398441
Qualitative Research Journal 14439883
Qualitative Social Work 14733250
Qualitative Sociology 01620436
Qualitative Sociology Review 17338077
Qualitiative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 2159676X
Quality and Quantity 00335177
Quality Assurance in Education 09684883
Quality in Higher Education 13538322
Quality Management in Health Care 10638628
Quartar 03757471
Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 00498599
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 15540626
Quarterly Journal of Speech 00335630
Quarterly Review of Film and Video 10509208
Quebec Journal of International Law 08289999
Quest 00336297
Quinto Sol 03292665
Race and Class 03063968
Race and Social Problems 18671756
Race Ethnicity and Education 13613324
Radical Philosophy 0300211X
Radio Journal 14764504
RA'E GA - O Espaco Geografico em Analise 15164136
RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas 00347590
Raisons Politiques 12911941
Rangelands 01900528
Rasprave Instituta za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje 13316745
Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia 11211717
Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia 04860349
Ratio juris 09521917
Rationality and Society 10434631
Reading and Writing 09224777
Reading and Writing Quarterly 10573569
Reading Psychology 02702711
Reading Research Quarterly 00340553
ReCALL 09583440
Recherche - Transports - Securite 07618980
Recherche et Pratiques Pedagogiques en Langues de Specialite - Cahiers de l'APLIUT 22575405
Recht und Psychiatrie 07242247
Rechtsgeschichte 16194993
Records Management Journal 09565698
Reference and User Services Quarterly 10949054
Reference Librarian 02763877
Reference Services Review 00907324
Refuge 02295113
Refugee Survey Quarterly 10204067
Regional and Federal Studies 13597566
Regional Development Dialogue 02506505
Regional Science and Urban Economics 01660462
Regional Science Inquiry 17915961
Regional Studies 00343404
Regulation and Governance 17485983
RELC Journal 00336882
Religion 0048721X
Religion and American Culture 10521151
Religion and Education 15507394
Religion and Human Rights 1871031X
Religion, State and Society 09637494
Religious Education 00344087
Remedial and Special Education 07419325
Renaissance Studies 02691213
Representations 07346018
Res Publica 13564765
Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics 02771322
Research Evaluation 09582029
Research in Accounting Regulation 10520457
Research in Comparative and International Education 17454999
Research in Contemporary World Literature/ Pazhuhesh-e Zabanha-ye Khareji  10260188
Research in Drama Education 13569783
Research in Education 00345237
Research in Higher Education 03610365
Research in Labor Economics 01479121
Research in Mathematics Education 14794802
Research in Post-Compulsory Education 13596748
Research in Rural Sociology and Development 10571922
Research in Science Education 0157244X
Research in Social Problems and Public Policy 01961152
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 02765624
Research in the Sociology of Work 02772833
Research in the Teaching of English 0034527X
Research in Transportation Business and Management 22105395
Research in Transportation Economics 07398859
Research on Aging 01640275
Research on Language and Computation 15707075
Research on Language and Social Interaction 08351813
Research on Social Work Practice 10497315
Research Papers in Education 02671522
Research Report ARR 05180728
Research Studies in Music Education 1321103X
Reseaux 07517971
Residential Treatment for Children and Youth 0886571X
Resonance 09718044
Resources Policy 03014207
Results in Immunology 22112839
Results in Pharma Sciences
Rethinking Marxism 08935696
Retraite et Societe 11674687
REVESCO Revista de Estudios Cooperativos 11356618
Review of African Political Economy 03056244
Review of Black Political Economy 00346446
Review of Cognitive Linguistics 18779751
Review of Communication 15358593
Review of Development Economics 13636669
Review of Economics and Statistics 00346535
Review of Economics of the Household 15695239
Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies 10714413
Review of Educational Research 00346543
Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 09628797
Review of European Studies 19187173
Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law 20500386
Review of Faith and International Affairs 15570274
Review of Higher Education 01625748
Review of International Economics 09657576
Review of International Political Economy 09692290
Review of International Studies 02602105
Review of Law and Economics 15555879
Review of Policy Research 1541132X
Review of Political Economy 09538259
Review of Politics 00346705
Review of Public Personnel Administration 0734371X
Review of Regional Studies 0048749X
Review of Research in Education 0091732X
Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies 09170553
Reviews in Anthropology 00938157
Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics 1557234X
Reviews on Environmental Health 00487554
Revija za Kriminalistiko in Kriminologijo 0034690X
Revija za Socijalnu Politiku 13302965
Revija za Sociologiju 0350154X
Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Sociais 01026909
Revista Brasileira de Crescimento e Desenvolvimento Humano 01041282
Revista Brasileira de Educacao 14132478
Revista Brasileira de Educacao Especial 14136538
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Fisica 01024744
Revista brasileira de estudos de populacao 01023098
Revista Brasileira de Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional 1809239X
Revista Brasileira de Historia 01020188
Revista Brasileira de Orientacao Profissional 16793390
Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional 00347329
Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispanicos 03848167
Revista Chilena de Derecho 07160747
Revista Colombiana de Antropologia 04866525
Revista Complutense de Educacion 11302496
Revista Complutense de Historia de America 11328312
Revista Cubana de Educacion Medica Superior 08642141
Revista da Abordagem Gestaltica 18096867
Revista da Educacao Fisica 01033948
Revista de Administracao Publica 00347612
Revista de Antropologia 00347701
Revista de Antropologia Social 1131558X
Revista de Ciencia Politica 07161417
Revista de Ciencias Sociales 13159518
Revista de Critica Literaria Latinoamericana 02528843
Revista de Derecho 07169132
Revista de Dialectologia y Tradiciones Populares 00347981
Revista de Direito, Estado e Telecomunicacoes 19849729
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural 01032003
Revista de Economia Institucional 01245996
Revista de Economia Mundial 15760162
Revista de Economia Politica/Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 01013157
Revista de Educacion 00348082
Revista de Estudios Hispanicos 0034818X
Revista de Estudios Historico-Juridicos 07165455
Revista de Estudios Politicos 00487694
Revista de Estudios Sociales 0123885X
Revista de Filologia Alemana 11330406
Revista de Filologia Espanola 02109174
Revista de Filologia Romanica 0212999X
Revista de Geografia Norte Grande 03798682
Revista de Indias 00348341
Revista de Investigacion Educativa 02124068
Revista de Llengua i Dret 02125056
Revista de Occidente 00348635
Revista de Pedagogia 07989792
Revista de Psicodidactica 11361034
Revista de Psicopatologia y Psicologia Clinica 11365420
Revista de Sociologia e Politica 01044478
Revista de Teledeteccion 11330953
Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento 1698580X
Revista d'Estudis Autonomics i Federals 18862632
Revista Electronica de Investigacion Educativa 16074041
Revista Electronica de Investigacion y Evaluacion Educativa 11344032
Revista Espanola de Antropologia Americana 05566533
Revista Espanola de Antropologia Fisica 18872042
Revista Espanola de Derecho Constitucional 02115743
Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica 02100614
Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas 02105233
Revista Espanola de Linguistica Aplicada 02132028
Revista Espanola de Orientacion y Psicopedagia 11397853
Revista Espanola de Pedagogia 00349461
Revista Espanola de Sociologia 15782824
Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del Caribe = European review of Latin American and Caribbean studies 09240608
Revista General de Informacion y Documentacion 11321873
Revista Geografica Venezolana 10121617
Revista Internacional de Linguistica Iberoamericana 15799425
Revista Internacional de Sociologia 00349712
Revista INVI 07181299
Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social 11385820
Revista Lusofona de Educacao 1646401X
Revista Mexicana de Investigacion Educativa 14056666
Revista mexicana de sociologia 01882503
Revista Musical Chilena 07162790
Revista Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura 21716897
Revista Romana de Bioetica 15835170
Revista Signos 00350451
Revista Transilvania 02550539
Revista Venezolana de Gerencia 13159984
Revue Archeologique 00350737
Revue Archeologique de l'Est 12667706
Revue Archeologique de Picardie 07525656
Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire. Belgisch tijdschrift voor philologie en geschiedenis 00350818
Revue Biblique 00350907
Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances 17605393
Revue de Geographie Alpine 00351121
Revue de Linguistique Romane 00351458
Revue d'Economie du Developpement 12454060
Revue d'Economie Politique 03732630
Revue d'Egyptologie 00351849
Revue des Etudes Anciennes 00352004
Revue des Etudes Armeniennes 00802549
Revue des Etudes Grecques 00352039
Revue des Etudes Juives 04848616
Revue des Langues Romanes 02233711
Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest 03380599
Revue du Marche Commun et de L'Union Europeenne 00352616
Revue du Nord 00352624
Revue Francaise d'Administration Publique 01527401
Revue Francaise de Linguistique Appliquee 13861204
Revue Francaise de Pedagogie 05567807
Revue Francaise de Science Politique 00352950
Revue Francaise de Sociologie 00352969
Revue Francaise d'Etudes Americaines 03977870
Revue Historique de Droit Francais et Etranger 00353280
Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique 14244683
Revue Internationale de Droit Economique 10108831
Revue Internationale de Droit Penal 02235404
Revue Internationale de Politique Comparee 13700731
Revue Internationale et Strategique 12871672
Revue Numismatique 04848942
Revue Romane 00353906
Revue Roumaine de Linguistique 00353957
Rheinisches Museum fur Philologie 0035449X
Rhetoric and  Public Affairs 10948392
Rhetorica 07348584
Rhodes Cook Letter 15584291
Ricerca Folklorica 03919099
Ricerche di Storia dell'Arte 03927202
Ricerche di Storia Politica 11209526
RIG Kulturhistorisk Tidskrift 00355267
RILCE. Revista de Filologia Hispanica 02132370
RIMA: Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs 08157251
Rinascimento 00803073
Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale 00356085
Rivista di Filologia Classica 00356220
Rivista di Linguistica 11202726
Rivista Giurdica dell'Ambiente 03942287
Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali 0035676X
Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 00488402
RLA, Revista de linguistica teorica y aplicada 0033698X
Rock Art Research 08130426
Roeper Review 02783193
Romani Studies 15280748
Romanian Journal of European Affairs 15828271
Romanian Journal of Political Science 1582456X
Romanische Forschungen 00358126
Romantisme 00488593
Romische Quartalschrift fur Christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte 00357812
Rossiiskaia Istoria 08695687
Round Table 00358533
RSQ-Rhetoric Society Quarterly 02773945
Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture 09567933
Rural Society 10371656
Rural Sociology 00360112
RUSI Journal 03071847
Russian Education and Society 10609393
Russian Linguistics 03043487
Russian Politics and Law 10611940
Russian Review 00360341
Safer Communities 17578043
Safety and Health 08911797
Safety and Health at Work 20937911
Safety Science 09257535
Safundi 17533171
Sahara J 17290376
Salmagundi 00363529
Salute e Societa 17239427
Sapiens 19933800
Saude e Sociedade 01041290
Savings and Development 03934551
Sbornik Ceske Geograficke Spolecnosti 1210115X
Scandinavian Economic History Review 03585522
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 00313831
Scandinavian Political Studies 00806757
Scandinavian Studies 00365637
Scandinavica 00365653
Scando-Slavica 00806765
School Effectiveness and School Improvement 09243453
School Leadership and Management 13632434
School Library Media Research 15234320
School Mental Health 18662625
School Psychology International 01430343
School Psychology Quarterly 10453830
School Psychology Review 02796015
Schweizerisches Archiv fur Volkskunde 0036794X
Science and Education 09267220
Science and Engineering Ethics 13533452
Science and Public Policy 03023427
Science and Society 00368237
Science and Technology Libraries 0194262X
Science Communication 10755470
Science Education 00368326
Science in Context 02698897
Science of Gymnastics Journal 18557171
Science Studies 07863012
Science Technology and Human Values 01622439
Sciences Sociales et Sante 02940337
Scientific Studies of Reading 10888438
Scientometrics 01389130
Scire 11353716
Scopus 02504162
Scottish Gaelic Studies 00808024
Scottish Geographical Journal 14702541
Scottish Journal of Political Economy 00369292
Screen 00369543
Script and Print 18349013
Scripta Nova 11389788
Scriptorium 00369772
SEARCH (Malaysia) 2229872X
Second Language Research 02676583
Security and Human Rights 18747337
Security Dialogue 09670106
Security Journal 09551662
Security Studies 09636412
Sefarad 00370894
SelfCare 20427018
Seminar - A Journal of Germanic Studies 00371939
Semiotica 00371998
Senses and Society 17458927
Serials Librarian 0361526X
Serials Review 00987913
Seventeenth Century 0268117X
Sex Education 14681811
Sex Roles 03600025
Sexualities 13634607
Sexuality and Culture 10955143
Sexuality Research and Social Policy: Journal of NSRC 18689884
Shakespeare Studies 05829399
Sign Language & Linguistics 13879316
Sign Language Studies 03021475
Sign Systems Studies 14064243
Signa 11333634
Signs 00979740
Sigurnost 03506886
Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory 17448727
Simulation in Healthcare 15592332
Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 02182173
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 01297619
Sinn und Form 00375756
Sintagma 02149141
Sistemi Intelligenti 11209550
Sixteenth Century Journal 03610160
SKASE Journal of Translation and Interpretation 13367811
SKY Journal of Linguistics 14568438
Slavery and Abolition 0144039X
Slavia 00376736
Slavic and East European Information Resources 15228886
Slavic and East European Journal 00376752
Slavic Review 00376779
Slavica Slovaca 00376787
Slavisticna Revija 03506894
Slavonic and East European Review 00376795
Slavonica 13617427
Slovenska Rec/Slovak Speech 00376981
Slovo 05836255
Slovo (Leeds) 09546839
Small Wars and Insurgencies 09592318
Smith College Studies in Social Work 00377317
Soccer and Society 14660970
Social Analysis 0155977X
Social and Cultural Geography 14649365
Social and Economic Studies 00377651
Social and Legal Studies 09646639
Social Anthropology 09640282
Social Choice and Welfare 01761714
Social Compass 00377686
Social Development 0961205X
Social Dynamics 02533952
Social Epistemology 02691728
Social Evolution and History 16814363
Social Forces 00377732
Social Geography 17294274
Social Geography Discussions 18161499
Social Identities 13504630
Social Indicators Research 03038300
Social Issues and Policy Review 17512395
Social Justice Research 08857466
Social Medicine 15577112
Social Movement Studies 14742837
Social Networks 03788733
Social Neuroscience 17470919
Social Philosophy and Policy 02650525
Social Policy and Administration 01445596
Social Policy Journal of New Zealand 11724382
Social Politics 10724745
Social Problems 00377791
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 09337954
Social Psychology 18649335
Social Psychology of Education 13812890
Social Research 0037783X
Social Responsibility Journal 17471117
Social Science and Medicine 02779536
Social Science Computer Review 08944393
Social Science History 01455532
Social Science Information 05390184
Social Science Japan Journal 13691465
Social Science Journal 03623319
Social Science Quarterly 00384941
Social Science Research 0049089X
Social Sciences 18185800
Social Sciences 01345486
Social Sciences (Pakistan) 18185800
Social Sciences and Missions 18748937
Social Security Bulletin 00377910
Social Semiotics 10350330
Social Service Review 00377961
Social Studies of Science 03063127
Social Theory and Health 14778211
Social Work 00378046
Social work & social sciences review 09535225
Social Work & Society 16138953
Social Work Education 02615479
Social Work in Mental Health 15332985
Social Work in Public Health 19371918
Social Work Research 10705309
Social Work with Groups 01609513
Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk 00378054
Socialism and Democracy 08854300
Socialni Studia 1214813X
Sociedad Espanola de Estudios Renacentistas Ingleses 11357789
Sociedade e Cultura 14158566
Sociedade e Estado 01026992
Societes 07653697
Societes Contemporaines 11501944
Society 01472011
Society and Animals 10631119
Society and Economy 15889726
Society and Natural Resources 08941920
Society in Transition 10289852
Socijalna Ekologija 13300113
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 00380121
Socio-Economic Review 14751461
Sociolinguistic Studies 17508649
Sociologia 00380156
Sociologia 00491225
Sociologia - Problemas e Praticas 08736529
Sociologia (Portugal) 08736529
Sociologia Ruralis 00380199
Sociologias 15174522
Sociological Forum 08848971
Sociological Inquiry 00380245
Sociological Methodology 00811750
Sociological Methods and Research 00491241
Sociological Perspectives 07311214
Sociological Quarterly 00380253
Sociological Research Online 13607804
Sociological Review 00380261
Sociological Spectrum 02732173
Sociological Theory 07352751
Sociological Theory and Methods 09131442
Sociologicky Casopis 00380288
Sociologie du Travail 00380296
Sociologija 00380318
Sociologija i Prostor 18465226
Sociologisk Forskning 00380342
Sociologus 00380377
Sociology 00380385
Sociology Compass 17519020
Sociology of Education 00380407
Sociology of Health and Illness 01419889
Sociology of Religion 10694404
Sociology of Sport Journal 07411235
Sojourn 02179520
Sokendai Review of Cultural and Social Studies 1883096X
Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniia 01321625
Souls 10999949
Soundings 00381861
South African Archaeological Bulletin 00381969
South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation 03799069
South African Journal of Education 02560100
South African Journal of International Affairs 10220461
South Asia Research 02627280
South Asia: Journal of South Asia Studies 00856401
South Asian Diaspora 19438192
South Asian History and Culture 19472498
South Asian Popular Culture 14746689
South Asian Survey 09715231
South Atlantic Quarterly 00382876
South Central Review 07436831
South East Asia Research 0967828X
South European Society and Politics 13608746
Southeast Asian Studies 05638682
Southeastern Archaeology 0734578X
Southeastern Europe 00944467
Southeastern Geographer 0038366X
Southern African Geographical Journal 03736245
Southern African Humanities 16815564
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 16073614
Southern California Law Review 00383910
Southern Cultures 10688218
Southern Literary Journal 00384291
Soviet and Post Soviet Review 10751262
Soziale Welt 00386073
Space and Culture 12063312
Space and Polity 13562576
Space Policy 02659646
Spanish in Context 15710718
Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 18775845
Spatial Economic Analysis 17421772
Spatium 1450569X
Special Report - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board 0360859X
Specialusis Ugdymas 13925369
Speculum 00387134
Speech Communication 01676393
Spirale 12784699
Spore 10110054
Sport in History 17460263
Sport in Society 14610981
Sport, Education and Society 13573322
Sports Medicine Standards and Malpractice Reporter 1041696X
Sprache Stimme Gehor 03420477
Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung - STUF 09422919
Sprachwissenschaft 03448169
Sprak och Stil 11011165
Stadsgeschiedenis 18720676
Stanford Journal of International Law 07315082
Stanford Law Review 00389765
State Politics and Policy Quarterly 15324400
Statistics Education Research Journal 15701824
Stato e Mercato 03929701
Statute Law Review 01443593
Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie 09247025
Storytelling, Self, Society 15505340
Strategic Comments 13567888
Strategic Organization 14761270
Structural Equation Modeling 10705511
Studi Emigrazione 00392936
Studi Francesi 00392944
Studi Medievali 03918467
Studi Piemontesi 03927261
Studi Secenteschi 00816248
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 00816272
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 12242284
Studia Iranica 02215004
Studia Linguistica 00393193
Studia Regionalne i Lokalne 15094995
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia 01372475
Studia Rosenthaliana 00393347
Studia Slavica 00393363
Studia Socjologiczne 00393371
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Sociologia 12248703
Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Slowianskiej 00817090
Studies in African Linguistics 00393533
Studies in American Political Development 0898588X
Studies in Communication Sciences 14244896
Studies in Comparative International Development 00393606
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 1057610X
Studies in Continuing Education 0158037X
Studies in East European Thought 09259392
Studies in Educational Evaluation 0191491X
Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture 03602370
Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 19416008
Studies in Familiy Planning 00393665
Studies in Gender and Sexuality 15240657
Studies in Higher Education 03075079
Studies in Language 03784177
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 10811826
Studies in Philology 00393738
Studies in Philosophy and Education 00393746
Studies in Political Economy 07078552
Studies in Regional Science 02876256
Studies in Second Language Acquisition 02722631
Studies in Social Justice 19114788
Studies in Symbolic Interaction 01632396
Studies in the Age of Chaucer 01902407
Studies of Transition States and Societies 1736874X
Studies on Ethno-Medicine 09735070
Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 04352866
Studii si cercetari lingvistice 0039405X
Substance Use and Misuse 10826084
Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies 15982661
Suomen Antropologi 03553930
Support for Learning 02682141
Supreme Court Review 00819557
Sur - International Journal of Human Rights 18066445
Surveillance & Society 14777487
Survival 00396338
Sustainability 19370695
Sustainability 20711050
Sustainability Science 18624065
Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy 15487733
Sustainable Business 17568633
Sustainable Cities and Society 22106707
Sustainable Development 09680802
Suvremena Lingvistika 05860296
Swiss Political Science Review 14247755
SWS - Rundschau 10131469
Symbolic Interaction 01956086
Synergies Espagne 19619359
Synergies Italie 17240700
Syntax 13680005
Synthese 00397857
Synthesis 03281205
Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology, and Society 19333633
System 0346251X
System Dynamics Review 08837066
Systems Research and Behavioral Science 10927026
Szociologiai Szemle 12162051
Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies 18126243
Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 17294649
TAL Traitement Automatique des Langues 12489433
Tamkang Journal of International Affairs 10274979
Target 09241884
Tarsadalomkutatas 02312522
Teacher Development 13664530
Teacher Educator 08878730
Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 13540602
Teachers College Record 01614681
Teaching and Learning in Medicine 10401334
Teaching and Teacher Education 0742051X
Teaching Artist Journal 15411796
Teaching Education 10476210
Teaching Geography 03058018
Teaching in Higher Education 13562517
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications 02683679
Teaching of Psychology 00986283
Teaching Sociology 0092055X
Teaching Statistics 0141982X
Teaching Theology and Religion 13684868
Technical Communication 00493155
Technical Communication Quarterly 10572252
Technical Services Quarterly 07317131
Technics Technologies Education Management 18401503
Technology in Society 0160791X
Technology, Pedagogy and Information 17475139
Tel Aviv 03344355
Telecommunications Policy 03085961
Telematics and Informatics 07365853
Television and New Media 15274764
Telos 00906514
Temas Americanistas 02124408
Temple Law Review 08998086
Tempo Social: Revista de Sociologia da USP 01032070
Temps des Medias 17642507
Temps Modernes 00403075
Teoria de la Educacion 11303743
Teorija in Praksa 00403598
Terminology 09299971
Terra 00403741
Terra Sebvs 20669143
Territoire en Mouvement 19544863
Territorio 18258689
Terrorism and Political Violence 09546553
Tertiary Education and Management 13583883
TESOL Quarterly 00398322
Texas Law Review 00404411
Text & Talk 18607330
Text and Performance Quarterly 10462937
The American Sociologist 00031232
The Australian Journal of Anthropology 10358811
The Book Collector 00067237
The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation/La Revue canadienne d' evaluation deprogramme 08341516
The Clinical Supervisor 07325223
The Eastern Anthropologist 00128686
The French Review 0016111X
The German Quarterly 00168831
The Germanic Review 00168890
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 18711901
The Hispanic American Historical Review 00182168
The International journal of African historical studies 03617882
The International Journal of Transitional Justice 17527716
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 1750399X
The Jewish Quarterly Review 00216682
The Journal of Adult Protection 14668203
The Journal of Black Psychology 00957984
The Journal of continuing education in the health professions 08941912
The Journal of General Education 00213667
The Journal of Indo-European Studies 00922323
The Journal of legal medicine 01947648
The Journal of Legislative Studies 13572334
The Journal of Negro Education 00222984
The Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 17598273
The journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 14782715
The Mental Lexicon 18711340
The Middle East Journal 00263141
The Muslim World 00274909
The Review of English Studies 00346551
The Sixties 17541328
The Southern Communication Journal 1041794X
The Tocqueville Review/La Revue Tocqueville 0730479X
The Urban Review 00420972
Theatre History Studies 07332033
Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management 20653913
Theoretical Criminology 13624806
Theoretical Inquiries in Law 15653404
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 1463922X
Theoretical Linguistics 03014428
Theory and Decision 00405833
Theory and Research in Education 14778785
Theory and Research in Social Education 00933104
Theory and Society 03042421
Theory into Practice 00405841
Theory, Culture and Society 02632764
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 11766336
Therapie Familiale 02504952
Thesis Eleven 07255136
Thinking Skills and Creativity 18711871
Third Text 09528822
Third World Quarterly 01436597
Thirdspace 14998513
Thunderbird International Business Review 10964762
Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning 0040716X
Tidsskriftet FoU i Praksis 15046893
Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde 0929600X
Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap 13846930
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 0040747X
Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 00407550
Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 15721701
Tilburg Law Review 22110046
Time and Mind 1751696X
Time and Society 0961463X
TMA - Tijdschrift voor Milieuschade en Aansprakelijkheidsrecht 01665294
Tobacco Control 09644563
Tobacco Induced Diseases 16179625
Tonos Digital 15776921
Topics in Cognitive Science 17568757
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 02711214
Topics in Language Disorders 02718294
T'oung Pao 00825433
Tourism and Hospitality Research 14673584
Tourism Economics 13548166
Tourism Geographies 14616688
Tourism in Marine Environments 1544273X
Tourism Management 02615177
Tourism Planning and Development 21568316
Tourism, Culture and Communication 1098304X
Town Planning and Architecture 13921630
Town Planning Review 00410020
Trabajos de Prehistoria 19883218
Traffic Engineering and Control 00410683
Traffic Injury Prevention 15389588
Training and Education in Psychology 19313918
Trames 14060922
Tramsportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies 0968090X
Transactions of the American Philological Association 03605949
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 00202754
Transactions of the Institute of Indian Geographers 09709851
Transactions of the Philological Society 00791636
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 03721426
Transcultural Psychiatry 13634615
Transformations in Business and Economics 16484460
Transforming Anthropology 10510559
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 17506166
Transinformacao 01033786
Transition Studies Review 16144007
Translation and Literature 09681361
Translation Review 07374836
Translator 13556509
Transnational Corporations 10149562
Transport Policy 0967070X
Transport Problems 18960596
Transport Reviews 01441647
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 00411450
Transportation 00494488
Transportation Journal 00411612
Transportation Planning and Technology 03081060
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 09658564
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 01912615
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 13619209
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 13665545
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 13698478
Transportation Science 00411655
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 23249935
Transportmetrica B 21680566
Transsylvania Nostra 18425631
Transylvanian Review 12211249
Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences 18422845
Trauma, violence & abuse 15248380
Travail et Emploi 02244365
Travail Humain 00411868
Travail, Genre et Societe 12946303
Travailler 16205340
Travaux de Linguistique 00826049
Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice 08178542
Trends in Neuroscience and Education 22119493
Trends in Organized Crime 10844791
TripleC 1726670X
Tropical Agriculture 00413216
TTR: Traduction, Terminologie et Redaction  08358443
Tulsa Studies in Womens Literature 07327730
Tuna 14064030
Turk Kulturu ve Haci Bektas Veli - Arastirma Dergisi 13068253
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 13026488
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 13036521
Turkish Studies 14683849
Twentieth-Century China 15215385
Twenty-First Century Society 17450144
Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg 02577747
Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 0041476X
Tydskrift vir Geesteswetenskappe 00414751
Ubiquitous Learning 18359795
UCLA Law Review 00415650
Ulster Folklife 00827347
Uluslararasi Iliskiler 13047310
Unasylva 00416436
UNISCI Discussion Papers 16962206
University of Chicago Law Review 00419494
University of Cincinnati Law Review 00096881
University of Illinois Law Review 02769948
University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law 10867872
University of Pennsylvania Law Review 00419907
University of Pittsburgh Law Review 00419915
University of Toronto Law Journal 00420220
Universum 0716498X
Urban Affairs Review 10780874
Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 08946019
Urban Climate 22120955
Urban Design International 13575317
Urban Ecosystems 10838155
Urban Education 00420859
Urban Forum 10153802
Urban Geography 02723638
Urban Habitats 15417115
Urban History 09639268
Urban History Review/Revue d'Histoire Urbaine 07030428
Urban Lawyer 00420905
Urban Morphology 10274278
Urban Policy and Research 08111146
Urban Studies 00420980
Urban Water Journal 1573062X
Urbani Izziv 03536483
User Modelling and User-Adapted Interaction 09241868
Utilitas 09538208
Utilities Policy 09571787
Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana 13165216
Vanderbilt Law Review 00422533
Verbum et Ecclesia 16099982
Verslagen en Mededelingen van de Koninklije Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 0770786X
Vestnik Moskovskogo Unviersiteta, Seriya Geografiya 05799414
Vetus Testamentum 00424935
VIAL - Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics 16970381
Viator - Medieval and Renaissance Studies 00835897
Victims and Offenders 15564886
Victorian Literature and Culture 10601503
Victorian studies 00425222
Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 17284414
Vierteljahresschrift fur Sozial und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 03408728
Vigiliae Christianae 00426032
VINE 03055728
Violence Against Women 10778012
Violence and Victims 08866708
Virginia Law Review 00426601
Virginia Quarterly Review 0042675X
Virittaja 00426806
Visitor Studies 10645578
Visual Anthropology 08949468
Visual Anthropology Review 10537147
Visual Communication 14703572
Visual Communication Quarterly 15551393
Visual Studies 1472586X
Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske 05071925
Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Povijest Dalmatinsku 18457789
Vocations and Learning 1874785X
VOEB-Mitteilungen 10222588
Voices - Journal of New York Folklore 15517268
Volkskunde 07753128
Volta Review 00428639
Voluntas 09578765
Voprosy yazykoznaniya 0373658X
Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies 17450136
Wacana Seni 16753410
War in History 09683445
Wasafiri 02690055
Washington Law Review 00430617
Washington Quarterly 0163660X
Water Alternatives 19650175
Water History 18777236
Water Policy 13667017
Weather, Climate, and Society 19488327
Webology 1735188X
Weimarer Beitrage 00432199
Welt der Slaven-Halbjahresschrift fur Slavistik 00432520
Western Criminology Review 10964886
Western European Politics 01402382
Western Folklore 0043373X
Western Journal of Communication 10570314
Wiener Studien 0084005X
William and Mary Quarterly 00435597
WIREs Climate Change 17577780
Wisconsin Law Review 0043650X
Woman's Art Journal 02707993
Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory 0740770X
Women and Criminal Justice 08974454
Women and Therapy 02703149
Women: A Cultural Review 09574042
Women's Health Issues 10493867
Women's History Review 09612025
Women's studies 00497878
Women's Studies in Communication 07491409
Women's Studies International Forum 02775395
Word and Image 02666286
Word of Mouth 10483950
Wordsworth Circle 00438006
Work and Occupations 07308884
Work, Employment and Society 09500170
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment 09678875
Working Paper - Chr. Michelson Institute 08043639
Working Paper of the Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies
Working Paper of the University of Leeds, School of Geography
World Affairs 00438200
World Archaeology 00438243
World Bank Economic Review 02586770
World Bank Research Observer 02573032
World Development 0305750X
World Economy 03785920
World Englishes 08832919
World Patent Information 01722190
World Policy Journal 07402775
World Political Science Review 19356226
World Politics 00438871
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research 17494729
World Trade Review 14747456
World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education 14462257
Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religion 13635247
Worldwatch Paper 02708019
Writing Systems Research 17586801
Written Communication 07410883
Written Language and Literacy 13876732
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development 17905079
XLinguae 13378384
Yale French Studies 00440078
Yale Law Journal 00440094
YC Young Children 15386619
Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 0096848X
Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory 10774254
Year's Work in English Studies 00844144
Ymer 00440477
Young 11033088
Young Exceptional Children 10962506
Youth and Society 0044118X
Youth Justice 14732254
Youth Studies Australia 10382569
Youth Theatre Journal 08929092
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 15412040
Zbornik - Pravnog Fakulteta u Zagrebu 03502058
Zbornik Instituta za Pedagoska Istrazivanja 05796431
ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education 18639690
Zeitgeschichte 02565250
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 03410137
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte 03234096
Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina-Vereins 00121169
Zeitschrift fur Agyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 0044216X
Zeitschrift fur Anglistik und Amerikanistik 00442305
Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und Vorderasiastische Archaeologie 00845299
Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 00442380
Zeitschrift fur Celtische Philologie 00845302
Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Philologie 00442496
Zeitschrift fur Deutsches Altertum und Deutsche Literatur 00442518
Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik 00441449
Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Padagogische Psychologie 00498637
Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft 1434663X
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 00442666
Zeitschrift für Evaluation 16195515
Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen 18659217
Zeitschrift für Familienforschung 14372940
Zeitschrift fur Franzosische Sprache und Literatur 00442747
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 03728854
Zeitschrift fur Germanistik 03237982
Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik 03013294
Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 09486704
Zeitschrift fur Gesundheitspsychologie 09438149
Zeitschrift fur Katalanistik 09322221
Zeitschrift für Padagogik 00443247
Zeitschrift für Padagogik (Beiheft) 05142717
Zeitschrift fur Romanische Philologie 00498661
Zeitschrift für Semiotik 01706241
Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie 00443492
Zeitschrift fur Slawistik 00443506
Zeitschrift für Soziologie 03401804
Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Socialisation/Journal for Sociology of Education and Socialization 14361957
Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 07219067
Zeitschrift fur Volkskunde 00443700
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 00443751
Zephyrus 05147336
Zeventiende Eeuw 0921142X
Zhongguo Gonglu Xuebao/China Journal of Highway and Transport 10017372
Zygon 05912385

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