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Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Cambridge University Press (CUP) is part of the University of Cambridge. Granted letters patent by King Henry VIII in 1534, it is the world's oldest publishing house and the second-largest university press in the world (after Oxford University Press). It also holds letters patent as the Queen's Printer.

The press mission is "to further the University's mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence".

Cambridge University Press is a department of the University of Cambridge and is both an academic and educational publisher. With a global sales presence, publishing hubs, and offices in more than 40 countries, it publishes over 50,000 titles by authors from over 100 countries. Its publishing includes academic journals, monographs, reference works, textbooks, and English language teaching and learning publications. Cambridge University Press is a charitable enterprise that transfers part of its annual surplus back to the university.

Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics0951-0079
Acta geneticae medicae et gemellologiae: twin research0001-5660
Acta Neuropsychiatrica1601-5215
Acta Numerica0962-4929
Advances in Animal Biosciences2040-4700
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics2070-0733
Africa Bibliography0266-6731
African Studies Review0002-0206
Ageing & Society0144-686X
AI EDAM0890-0604
AJS Review0364-0094
American Journal of Alternative Agriculture0889-1893
American Political Science Review0003-0554
Anatolian Studies0066-1546
Ancient Mesoamerica0956-5361
Anglo-Saxon England (journal)0263-6751
Animal Genetic Resources2078-6336
Animal Health Research Reviews1466-2523
Animal Science1357-7298
Annales de Limnologie2100-000X (web)
Annals of Actuarial Science1748-4995
Annuaire canadien de droit international1925-0169 (web)
Annual of the British School at Athens0068-2454
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics0267-1905
Antarctic Science0954-1020
Antiquity (journal)0003-598X
Applied Psycholinguistics0142-7164
APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing2048-7703
Aquatic Living Resources0990-7440
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy0957-4239
Arbor Clinical Nutrition Updates1446-5450
Archaeological Dialogues1380-2038
Archaeological Reports0570-6084
Architectural History0066-622X
Archives Européennes de Sociologie1474-0583 (web)
arq: Architectural Research Quarterly1359-1355
Art Libraries Journal0307-4722
Asian Journal of Comparative Law1932-0205
Asian Journal of International Law2044-2513
Asian Journal of Law and Society2052-9015
ASTIN Bulletin0515-0361
Australasian Journal of Organisational Psychology2054-2232
Australasian Journal of Special Education1030-0112
Australian Journal of Environmental Education0814-0626
Austrian History Yearbook0067-2378
Behavioral and Brain Sciences0140-525X
Behaviour Change0813-4839
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy1352-4658
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition1366-7289
Bird Conservation International0959-2709
BJHS Themes2056-354X
Brain Impairment1443-9646
Breast Cancer Online1470-9031
British Actuarial Journal1357-3217
British Catholic History2055-7973
British Journal of Anaesthetic and Recovery Nursing1742-6456
British Journal of Music Education0265-0517
British Journal of Nutrition0007-1145
British Journal of Political Science0007-1234
BSAP Occasional Publication0263-967X
Bulletin International des Societes de la Croix-Rouge1816-9686
Bulletin of Entomological Research0007-4853
Bulletin of Entomological Research Supplement Series1367-4269
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic1079-8986
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society0004-9727
Bulletin of the British Association for American Studies0524-5001
Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Science0950-5636
Bulletin of the International Institute of Social History1873-0841
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies0041-977X
Business and Human Rights Journal2057-0198
Business Ethics Quarterly1052-150X
Business History Review0007-6805
Cambridge Archaeological Journal0959-7743
Cambridge Historical Journal1474-6913
Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry2052-2614
Cambridge Opera Journal0954-5867
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics0963-1801
Cambridge Test Journal1234-5679
Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies1528-8870
Camden Fifth Series0960-1163
Camden Fourth Series0068-6905
Camden New Series2042-1702
Camden Old Series2042-1699
Camden Third Series2042-1710
Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science0315-4890
Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine1481-8035
Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence0841-8209
Canadian Journal of Law & Society0829-3201
Canadian Journal of Linguistics0008-4131
Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences0317-1671
Canadian Journal of Political Science0008-4239
Canadian Journal on Aging0714-9808
Canadian Yearbook of International Law0069-0058
Cardiology in the Young1047-9511
Central European History0008-9389
Children Australia1035-0772
Chinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology1479-2362
Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture0009-6407
CNS Spectrums1092-8529
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing0963-5483
Communications in Computational Physics1815-2406
Comparative Exercise Physiology1755-2540
Comparative Studies in Society and History0010-4175
Compositio Mathematica0010-437X
Contemporary European History0960-7773
Continuity and Change0268-4160
CORD Conference Proceedings2049-1255
Dance Research Journal0149-7677
Design Science2053-4701
Development and Psychopathology0954-5794
Dialogue IO
Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review0012-2173
Diamond Light Source Proceedings2044-8201
Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness1935-7893
Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race1742-058X
Early China0362-5028
Early Music History0261-1279
Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh1755-6910
East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics2079-7362
Ecclesiastical Law Journal0956-618X
Econometric Theory0266-4666
Economics and Philosophy0266-2671
Edinburgh Journal of Botany0960-4286
Edinburgh Mathematical Notes0950-1843
Eighteenth-Century Music1478-5706
English Language and Linguistics1360-6743
English Profile Journal2041-5362
English Today0266-0784
Enterprise & Society1467-2227
Environment and Development Economics1355-770X
Environmental Biosafety Research1635-7922
Environmental Conservation0376-8929
Environmental Practice1466-0466
Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale. Monograph Supplement1827-4331
Epidemiology & Infection0950-2688
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences2045-7960
Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology1478-0615
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems0143-3857
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations1292-8119
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis0764-583X
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics1292-8100
Ethics & International Affairs0892-6794
European Astronomical Society Publications Series1633-4760
European Business Organization Law Review (EBOR)1566-7529
European Constitutional Law Review (EuConst)1574-0196
European Journal of Applied Mathematics0956-7925
European Journal of International Security2057-5637
European Journal of Sociology0003-9756
European Political Science Review1755-7739
European Review1062-7987
Experimental Agriculture0014-4797
Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine1462-3994
Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review0965-5395
Financial History Review0968-5650
Foreign Policy Bulletin1052-7036
Forum of Mathematics, Pi2050-5086
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma2050-5094
Genetics Research0016-6723
Geological Magazine0016-7568
Glasgow Mathematical Journal0017-0895
Global Constitutionalism2045-3817
Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics2054-4200
Global Mental Health2054-4251
Government and Opposition0017-257X
Greece & Rome0017-3835
Hague Journal on the Rule of Law1876-4045
Harvard Theological Review0017-8160
Health Economics, Policy and Law1744-1331
Hegel Bulletin2051-5367
High Power Laser Science and Engineering2095-4719
Highlights of Astronomy1539-2996
History in Africa0361-5413
Horizons: The Journal of the College Theology Society0360-9669
Industrial and Organizational Psychology1754-9426
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology0899-823X
International & Comparative Law Quarterly0020-5893
International Astronomical Union Colloquium0252-9211
International Journal of Astrobiology1473-5504
International Journal of Cultural Property0940-7391
International Journal of Disability Management1834-4887
International Journal of Law in Context1744-5523
International Journal of Limnology0003-4088
International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering2107-6839
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies1759-0787
International Journal of Middle East Studies0020-7438
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care0266-4623
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science1742-7584
International Labor and Working-Class History0147-5479
International Organization0020-8183
International Psychogeriatrics1041-6102
International Review for Social History0020-8590
International Review of Poultry Science1877-9654
International Review of Social History0020-8590
International Review of the Red Cross1816-3831
International Review of the Red Cross (1961 - 1997)0020-8604
International Theory1752-9719
Irish Historical Studies0021-1214
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine0790-9667
Israel Law Review0021-2237
Italian Political Science Review0048-8402
Japanese Journal of Political Science1468-1099
Journal Canadien des Sciences Neurologiques2057-0155 (web)
Journal of African Law0021-8553
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics1074-0708
Journal of American Studies0021-8758
Journal of Anglican Studies1740-3553
Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition2049-257X
Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis2194-5888
Journal of Biosocial Science1469-7599
Journal of British Studies0021-9371
Journal of Child Language0305-0009
Journal of Chinese History2059-1640
Journal of Dairy Research0022-0299
Journal of Demographic Economics2054-0892
Journal of Dentofacial Anomalies and Orthodontics2110-5715
Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease2040-1744
Journal of Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging1460-4728
Journal of East Asian Studies1598-2408
Journal of Experimental Political Science2052-2630
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis0022-1090
Journal of Fluid Mechanics0022-1120
Journal of French Language Studies0959-2695
Journal of Functional Programming0956-7968
Journal of Germanic Linguistics1470-5427
Journal of Global History1740-0228
Journal of Helminthology0022-149X
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management1447-6770
Journal of Institutional Economics1744-1374
Journal of K-Theory1865-2433
Journal of Latin American Studies0022-216X
Journal of Law and Religion0748-0814
Journal of Linguistic Geography2049-7547
Journal of Linguistics0022-2267
Journal of Management & Organization1833-3672
Journal of Materials Research0884-2914
Journal of Mechanics1727-7191
Journal of Nutritional Science2048-6790
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology1834-4909
Journal of Paleontology0022-3360
Journal of Pension Economics and Finance1474-7472
Journal of Plasma Physics0022-3778
Journal of Policy History0898-0306
Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care1742-6464
Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools1037-2911
Journal of Public Policy0143-814X
Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics2056-6085
Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice1460-3969
Journal of Relationships Research1838-0956
Journal of Roman Archaeology1047-7594
Journal of Smoking Cessation1834-2612
Journal of Social Policy0047-2794
Journal of Southeast Asian History0217-7811
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies0022-4634
Journal of Symbolic Logic0022-4812
Journal of the American Philosophical Association2053-4477
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society1446-7887
Journal of the History of Economic Thought1053-8372
Journal of the Institute of Actuaries0020-2681
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu1474-7480
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society1355-6177
Journal of the International Phonetic Association0025-1003
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom0025-3154
Journal of the Plainsong & Medieval Music Society0143-4918
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society1356-1863
Journal of the Society for American Music1752-1963
Journal of the Staple Inn Actuarial Society2049-9299
Journal of Tropical Ecology0266-4674
Journal of Tropical Psychology1838-9902
Journal of Wine Economics1931-4361
Journal of Zoology0952-8369
Kantian Review1369-4154
La Revue canadienne de linguistique1710-1115 (web)
La Revue Canadienne Droit et Société1911-0227 (web)
La Revue canadienne du vieillissement1710-1107 (web)
Language and Cognition1866-9808
Language in Society0047-4045
Language Teaching0261-4448
Language Variation and Change0954-3945
Laser and Particle Beams0263-0346
Law and History Review0738-2480
Legal Information Management1472-6696
Legal Theory1352-3252
Leiden Journal of International Law0922-1565
Libyan Studies0263-7189
LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics1461-1570
Louvain Economic Review0770-4518
Macroeconomic Dynamics1365-1005
Management and Organization Review1740-8776
Marine Biodiversity Records1755-2672
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena0973-5348
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society0305-0041
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science0960-1295
Mechanics & Industry2257-7777
Medical History0025-7273
Medieval Philosophy and Theology1475-4525
Metallurgical Research & Technology2271-3646
Microscopy and Microanalysis1431-9276
Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity
Modern Asian Studies0026-749X
Modern Intellectual History1479-2443
Modern Italy1353-2944
MRS Bulletin0883-7694
MRS Communications2159-6859
MRS Energy & Sustainability - A Review Journal2329-2229
MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research1092-5783
MRS Online Proceedings Library1946-4274
Nagoya Mathematical Journal0027-7630
Natural Language Engineering1351-3249
Netherlands International Law Review0165-070X
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences0016-7746
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law0167-6768
Network Science2050-1242
Neuron Glia Biology1740-925X
New Perspectives on Turkey0896-6346
New Surveys in the Classics0533-2451
New Testament Studies0028-6885
New Theatre Quarterly0266-464X
Nineteenth-Century Music Review1479-4098
Nordic Journal of Linguistics0332-5865
Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications1004-8979
Nurse Prescriber1467-1158
Nutrition Research Reviews0954-4224
Organised Sound1355-7718
Palliative & Supportive Care1478-9515
Papers of the American Society of Church History1079-9028
Papers of the British School at Rome0068-2462
Parasitology Open2055-7094
PASA - Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia1323-3580
Perspectives on Politics1537-5927
Plainsong and Medieval Music0961-1371
Plant Genetic Resources1479-2621
Polar Record0032-2474
Political Science Research and Methods2049-8470
Politics & Gender1743-923X
Politics and Religion1755-0483
Politics and the Life Sciences0730-9384
Popular Music0261-1430
Powder Diffraction0885-7156
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine1049-023X
Primary Health Care Research & Development1477-1128
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences0269-9648
Proceedings of the American Political Science Association1520-8605
Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Production (1972)0308-2296
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society0013-0915
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union1743-9213
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society0029-6651
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society0079-497X
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia0958-8418
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh0370-1646
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B: Biological Sciences0269-7270
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section: A Mathematics0308-2105
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London0950-7973
Progress in Neurotherapeutics and Neuropsychopharmacology1748-2321
PS: Political Science & Politics1049-0965
Psychological Medicine0033-2917
Psychological Medicine Monograph Supplement0264-1801
Public Health Nutrition1368-9800
Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics0033-5835
Queensland Journal of Guidance and Counselling1037-2911
Queensland Review1321-8166
RAIRO - Operations Research0399-0559
RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications0988-3754
Recherches Economiques de Louvain1782-1495 (web)
Recursos genéticos animales
Religious Studies0034-4125
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems1742-1705
Reproductive Medicine Review0962-2799
Resources génétiques animales2078-6344 (web)
Review of International Studies0260-2105
Review of Middle East Studies2151-3481
Reviews in Clinical Gerontology1469-9036
Revista de Historia Económica0212-6109
Revista Internacional de la Cruz Roja0250-569X
Revue canadienne de philosophie1759-0949 (web)
Revue canadienne de science politique1744-9324 (web)
Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica2057-4908 (web)
Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements1358-2461
Rural History0956-7933
Science in Context0269-8897
Scottish Journal of Theology0036-9306
Seed Science Research0960-2585
Social Anthropology0964-0282
Social Philosophy and Policy0265-0525
Social Policy and Society1474-7464
Social Science History0145-5532
South Pacific Journal of Psychology0257-5434
Studies in American Political Development0898-588X
Studies in Church History0424-2084
Studies in Second Language Acquisition0272-2631
Symposium - International Astronomical Union0074-1809
Thalamus & Related Systems1472-9288
The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American History0003-1615
The Antiquaries Journal0003-5815
The ANZIAM Journal1446-1811
The Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist0816-5122
The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education1326-0111
The Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling1323-8922
The British Journal for the History of Science0007-0874
The Cambridge Classical Journal1750-2705
The Cambridge Law Journal0008-1973
The Canadian Entomologist0008-347X
The China Quarterly0305-7410
The Classical Quarterly0009-8388
The Classical Review0009-840X
The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist1754-470X
The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics1286-0042
The Geologist1359-4656
The Historical Journal0018-246X
The International Journal of Asian Studies1479-5914
The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology1469-5111
The Journal of African History0021-8537
The Journal of Agricultural Science0021-8596
The Journal of Asian Studies0021-9118
The Journal of Classics Teaching2058-6310
The Journal of Ecclesiastical History0022-0469
The Journal of Economic History0022-0507
The Journal of Hellenic Studies0075-4269
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology0022-2151
The Journal of Modern African Studies0022-278X
The Journal of Navigation0373-4633
The Journal of Roman Studies0075-4358
The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era1537-7814
The Knowledge Engineering Review0269-8889
The Lichenologist0024-2829
The Mathematical Gazette0025-5572
The Political Science Teacher0896-0828
The Review of Politics0034-6705
The Review of Symbolic Logic1755-0203
The Spanish Journal of Psychology1988-2904
Theatre Research International0307-8833
Theatre Survey0040-5574
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming1471-0684
TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia2051-364X
Transactions of the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh2046-0562
Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries0071-3686
Transactions of the International Astronomical Union0251-107X
Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland0950-4737
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society0080-4401
Transnational Environmental Law2047-1025
Twentieth-Century Music1478-5722
Twin Research and Human Genetics1832-4274
Urban History0963-9268
Victorian Literature and Culture1060-1503
Visual Neuroscience0952-5238
Wireless Power Transfer2052-8418
World Politics0043-8871
World Trade Review1474-7456
World's Poultry Science Journal0043-9339
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law1389-1359


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