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Acta Facultatis Medica Naissensis

Acta Facultatis Medica Naissensis

Acta Facultatis Medica Naissensis

Language: English
ISSN: 0351-6083
Availability: 2002-present

ACTA FACULTATIS MEDICAE NAISSENSIS is an open acees journal and the official journal of the Niš University Faculty of Medicine. It publishes review articles, original scientific papers, professional contributions, case reports, and reports on diagnostic and therapeutic procedures pertaining to a specific medical problem treated through a multidisciplinary approach. 
General Instructions
All papers should be submitted in English on-line or via the following e-mails:, The manuscript should be typed on one side only of A4 paper, in MS Word, double-spaced, using 2.5cm wide margins all around and Times New Roman 12 font. 
The text is arranged as follows: (1) title page, (2) abstract, key words (3) introduction, (4) material and methods, (5) results, (6) discussion, (7) conclusion, (8) acknowledgement, (9) references, (10) appendices, (11) text tables, and (12) figure legends. 
Please supply the names, addresses and e-mails of three referees to whom your manuscript may be sent for review. The editors keep the right to choose reviewers other than suggested by authors.

The review is blind. The accepted articles undergo extensive editorial and technical review prior to publication.

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