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Business, Management, and Accounting Q1

Business, Management, and Accounting

Business, Management, and Accounting
322 journals

Print-ISSN        E-ISSN                 Title                                               
1941-6520 : 1941-6067 : Academy of Management Annals
0001-4273 : 0000-0000 : Academy of Management Journal
1537-260X : 0000-0000 : Academy of Management Learning and Education
1558-9080 : 1943-4529 : Academy of Management Perspectives
0363-7425 : 0000-0000 : Academy of Management Review
0155-9982 : 0000-0000 : Accounting Forum
0888-7993 : 1558-7975 : Accounting Horizons
0001-4826 : 0000-0000 : Accounting Review
0951-3574 : 0000-0000 : Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal
0361-3682 : 0000-0000 : Accounting, Organizations and Society
1046-8188 : 0000-0000 : ACM Transactions on Information Systems
2158-656X : 0000-0000 : ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems
1098-2140 : 0000-0000 : American Journal of Evaluation
0160-7383 : 0000-0000 : Annals of Tourism Research
0143-6228 : 0000-0000 : Applied Geography
1745-2007 : 1752-7589 : Architectural Engineering and Design Management
0217-4561 : 0000-0000 : Asia Pacific Journal of Management
0278-0380 : 0000-0000 : Auditing
1463-5771 : 0000-0000 : Benchmarking
2214-5796 : 0000-0000 : Big Data Research
0890-8389 : 1095-8347 : British Accounting Review
0007-070X : 0000-0000 : British Food Journal
0007-1080 : 1467-8543 : British Journal of Industrial Relations
1045-3172 : 1467-8551 : British Journal of Management
0007-2303 : 1533-4465 : Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
2340-9444 : 0000-0000 : BRQ Business Research Quarterly
2057-0198 : 2057-0201 : Business and Human Rights Journal
0007-6503 : 0000-0000 : Business and Society
0962-8770 : 0000-0000 : Business Ethics
1052-150X : 0000-0000 : Business Ethics Quarterly
0007-6813 : 0000-0000 : Business Horizons
1463-7154 : 0000-0000 : Business Process Management Journal
0964-4733 : 1099-0836 : Business Strategy and the Environment
0008-1256 : 0000-0000 : California Management Review
1362-0436 : 0000-0000 : Career Development International
0889-4019 : 0000-0000 : Career Development Quarterly
1523-0406 : 0000-0000 : Cartography and Geographic Information Science
0264-2751 : 0000-0000 : Cities
1024-5294 : 1477-2221 : Competition and Change
1025-3866 : 1477-223X : Consumption Markets and Culture
0823-9150 : 0000-0000 : Contemporary Accounting Research
1938-9655 : 0000-0000 : Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
1356-3289 : 0000-0000 : Corporate Communications
0964-8410 : 1467-8683 : Corporate Governance: An International Review
1535-3958 : 1535-3966 : Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
0963-1690 : 1467-8691 : Creativity and Innovation Management
1045-2354 : 1095-9955 : Critical Perspectives on Accounting
2059-5794 : 0000-0000 : Cross Cultural and Strategic Management
1368-3500 : 0000-0000 : Current Issues in Tourism
0011-7315 : 1540-5915 : Decision Sciences
0167-9236 : 0000-0000 : Decision Support Systems
0040-0912 : 0000-0000 : Education and Training
1567-4223 : 0000-0000 : Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
1019-6781 : 0000-0000 : Electronic Markets
1566-0141 : 0000-0000 : Emerging Markets Review
0142-5455 : 0000-0000 : Employee Relations
0969-9988 : 1365-232X : Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
0898-5626 : 1464-5114 : Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
1042-2587 : 0000-0000 : Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
0963-8180 : 1468-4497 : European Accounting Review
0955-534X : 0000-0000 : European Business Review
0959-6801 : 0000-0000 : European Journal of Industrial Relations
1460-1060 : 0000-0000 : European Journal of Innovation Management
1359-432X : 0000-0000 : European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
0263-2373 : 0000-0000 : European Management Journal
1740-4754 : 1740-4762 : European Management Review
1108-2976 : 0000-0000 : European Research Studies Journal
1618-4742 : 1746-031X : European Sport Management Quarterly
0894-4865 : 0000-0000 : Family Business Review
1354-5701 : 1466-4372 : Feminist Economics
0000-0000 : 1468-0408 : Financial Accountability and Management
1551-3114 : 0000-0000 : Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship
0016-3287 : 0000-0000 : Futures
1754-2413 : 0000-0000 : Gender in Management
0968-6673 : 1468-0432 : Gender, Work and Organization
0972-2696 : 0000-0000 : Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
0000-0000 : 2042-5805 : Global Strategy Journal
0952-1895 : 1468-0491 : Governance
1059-6011 : 0000-0000 : Group and Organization Management
0017-8012 : 0000-0000 : Harvard Business Review
0361-6274 : 1550-5030 : Health Care Management Review
0018-7267 : 0000-0000 : Human Relations
1044-8004 : 1532-1096 : Human Resource Development Quarterly
1552-6712 : 0000-0000 : Human Resource Development Review
0090-4848 : 1099-050X : Human Resource Management
0954-5395 : 0000-0000 : Human Resource Management Journal
1053-4822 : 0000-0000 : Human Resource Management Review
0018-9391 : 0000-0000 : IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
0361-1434 : 0000-0000 : IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication
0019-7939 : 0000-0000 : ILR Review
2041-4161 : 2041-417X : IMF Economic Review
0263-5577 : 0000-0000 : Industrial Management and Data Systems
0019-8501 : 0000-0000 : Industrial Marketing Management
0019-8676 : 1468-232X : Industrial Relations
1366-2716 : 1469-8390 : Industry and Innovation
0378-7206 : 0000-0000 : Information and Management
1471-7727 : 0000-0000 : Information and Organization
0197-2243 : 1087-6537 : Information Society
1047-7047 : 1526-5536 : Information Systems Research
1385-951X : 1573-7667 : Information Technology and Management
1531-3468 : 1537-2618 : Innovation Policy and the Economy
0969-5931 : 0000-0000 : International Business Review
1554-7191 : 0000-0000 : International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal
1467-0895 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Accounting Information Systems
0265-2323 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Bank Marketing
2329-4884 : 2329-4892 : International Journal of Business Communication
1562-3599 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Construction Management
0959-6119 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
1991-3761 : 1994-036X : International Journal of Design
1086-4415 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Electronic Commerce
1746-8817 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Emerging Markets
1355-2554 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research
0169-2070 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Forecasting
1476-072X : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Health Geographics
0278-4319 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Hospitality Management
0958-5192 : 1466-4399 : International Journal of Human Resource Management
0147-1767 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Intercultural Relations
2040-4174 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Lean Six Sigma
0957-4093 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Logistics Management
1367-5567 : 1469-848X : International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications
1472-8117 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Management Education
1460-8545 : 1468-2370 : International Journal of Management Reviews
1753-8378 : 1753-8386 : International Journal of Managing Projects in Business
0144-3577 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Operations and Production Management
0960-0035 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management
2288-6206 : 2198-0810 : International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology
0925-5273 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Production Economics
0020-7543 : 1366-588X : International Journal of Production Research
1741-0401 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
0263-7863 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Project Management
0265-671X : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management
0167-8116 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Research in Marketing
0959-0552 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
1072-5245 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Stress Management
0267-5730 : 1741-5276 : International Journal of Technology Management
1099-2340 : 1522-1970 : International Journal of Tourism Research
0000-0000 : 1751-1070 : International Journal of Wine Business Research
0265-1335 : 0000-0000 : International Marketing Review
0020-8183 : 1531-5088 : International Organization
1096-7494 : 0000-0000 : International Public Management Journal
1932-1465 : 1932-1473 : International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics
0266-2426 : 0000-0000 : International Small Business Journal
0969-6016 : 0000-0000 : International Transactions in Operational Research
0165-4101 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Accounting and Economics
0278-4254 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
0737-4607 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Accounting Literature
0021-8456 : 1475-679X : Journal of Accounting Research
0091-3367 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Advertising
0969-6997 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Air Transport Management
0894-3257 : 1099-0771 : Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
0885-8624 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
0889-3268 : 1573-353X : Journal of Business and Psychology
1611-1699 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Business Economics and Management
0167-4544 : 1573-0697 : Journal of Business Ethics
0306-686X : 0000-0000 : Journal of Business Finance and Accounting
0735-3766 : 2158-1592 : Journal of Business Logistics
0148-2963 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Business Research
0883-9026 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Business Venturing
2352-6734 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Business Venturing Insights
0894-8453 : 1573-3548 : Journal of Career Development
1392-3730 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Civil Engineering and Management
0959-6526 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Cleaner Production
0021-9886 : 1468-5965 : Journal of Common Market Studies
0022-0027 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Conflict Resolution
0733-9364 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCE
1469-5405 : 1741-2900 : Journal of Consumer Culture
0736-3761 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Consumer Marketing
0168-7034 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Consumer Policy
1057-7408 : 1532-7663 : Journal of Consumer Psychology
0093-5301 : 1537-5277 : Journal of Consumer Research
2212-1447 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
0929-1199 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Corporate Finance
2212-571X : 0000-0000 : Journal of Destination Marketing and Management
0167-2681 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
0923-4748 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M
1741-0398 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Enterprise Information Management
1877-8585 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Family Business Strategy
1361-2026 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
0022-1082 : 1540-6261 : Journal of Finance
0022-1090 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
0304-405X : 0000-0000 : Journal of Financial Economics
1447-6770 : 1839-5260 : Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
1096-3480 : 1557-7554 : Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
1936-8623 : 1936-8631 : Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management
1473-8376 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education
0022-166X : 1548-8004 : Journal of Human Resources
2042-6747 : 2042-6755 : Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management
0268-3962 : 1466-4437 : Journal of Information Technology
1469-1930 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Intellectual Capital
1094-9968 : 1520-6653 : Journal of Interactive Marketing
0047-2506 : 1478-6990 : Journal of International Business Studies
1570-7385 : 0000-0000 : Journal of International Entrepreneurship
0954-1314 : 1467-646X : Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting
1075-4253 : 0000-0000 : Journal of International Management
1069-031X : 1547-7215 : Journal of International Marketing
1367-3270 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Knowledge Management
0734-306X : 1537-5307 : Journal of Labor Economics
1548-0518 : 1939-7089 : Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies
0149-2063 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Management
1049-2127 : 1558-8033 : Journal of Management Accounting Research
0742-597X : 0000-0000 : Journal of Management in Engineering - ASCE
0742-1222 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Management Information Systems
1056-4926 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Management Inquiry
0022-2380 : 1467-6486 : Journal of Management Studies
0268-3946 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Managerial Psychology
1526-6125 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Manufacturing Processes
1741-038X : 0000-0000 : Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
0022-2429 : 1547-7185 : Journal of Marketing
1352-7266 : 1466-4445 : Journal of Marketing Communications
0267-257X : 0000-0000 : Journal of Marketing Management
0022-2437 : 1547-7193 : Journal of Marketing Research
0022-2879 : 1538-4616 : Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
0963-1798 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
0272-6963 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Operations Management
0894-3796 : 1099-1379 : Journal of Organizational Behavior
1866-5888 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Personnel Psychology
0276-8739 : 1520-6688 : Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
1061-0421 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Product and Brand Management
0737-6782 : 1540-5885 : Journal of Product Innovation Management
0895-562X : 1573-0441 : Journal of Productivity Analysis
1052-3928 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice
1053-1858 : 1477-9803 : Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
0743-9156 : 1547-7207 : Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
1478-4092 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
0022-4065 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Quality Technology
2040-7122 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
0022-4359 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Retailing
0969-6989 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
0022-4367 : 1539-6975 : Journal of Risk and Insurance
0895-5646 : 1573-0476 : Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
1757-5818 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Service Management
1094-6705 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Service Research
2055-6225 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Service Theory and Practice
0887-6045 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Services Marketing
1462-6004 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
0047-2778 : 1540-627X : Journal of Small Business Management
1942-0676 : 1942-0684 : Journal of Social Entrepreneurship
0888-4773 : 1543-270X : Journal of Sport Management
0963-8687 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Strategic Information Systems
1523-2409 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Supply Chain Management
0966-9582 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Sustainable Tourism
0892-9912 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Technology Transfer
0092-0703 : 0000-0000 : Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
0718-1876 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
1054-8408 : 1540-7306 : Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing
0047-2875 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Travel Research
0001-8791 : 1095-9084 : Journal of Vocational Behavior
1090-9516 : 0000-0000 : Journal of World Business
1477-8238 : 1477-8246 : Knowledge Management Research and Practice
0950-7051 : 0000-0000 : Knowledge-Based Systems
1742-7150 : 1742-7169 : Leadership
1048-9843 : 0000-0000 : Leadership Quarterly
0261-4367 : 1466-4496 : Leisure Studies
1865-035X : 0000-0000 : Logistics Research
0024-6301 : 0000-0000 : Long Range Planning
1044-5005 : 1096-1224 : Management Accounting Research
1740-8776 : 1740-8784 : Management and Organization Review
0893-3189 : 0000-0000 : Management Communication Quarterly
0025-1747 : 0000-0000 : Management Decision
0938-8249 : 1861-8901 : Management International Review
1350-5076 : 0000-0000 : Management Learning
0025-1909 : 1526-5501 : Management Science
1523-4614 : 1526-5498 : Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
0923-0645 : 1573-059X : Marketing Letters
0732-2399 : 1526-548X : Marketing Science
1470-5931 : 1741-301X : Marketing Theory
0960-1627 : 1467-9965 : Mathematical Finance
1368-3047 : 0000-0000 : Measuring Business Excellence
0000-0000 : 2049-3738 : Meditari Accountancy Research
0276-7783 : 0000-0000 : MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems
1532-9194 : 0000-0000 : MIT Sloan Management Review
1525-383X : 0000-0000 : Multinational Business Review
0268-1072 : 1468-005X : New Technology, Work and Employment
0305-0483 : 0000-0000 : Omega
1936-9735 : 1936-9743 : Operations Management Research
0000-0000 : 2214-7160 : Operations Research Perspectives
1350-5084 : 0000-0000 : Organization
1086-0266 : 0000-0000 : Organization and Environment
1047-7039 : 1526-5455 : Organization Science
0170-8406 : 0000-0000 : Organization Studies
0749-5978 : 1095-9920 : Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
2041-3866 : 2041-3874 : Organizational Psychology Review
1094-4281 : 0000-0000 : Organizational Research Methods
0031-5826 : 0000-0000 : Personnel Psychology
0048-3486 : 0000-0000 : Personnel Review
1059-1478 : 0000-0000 : Production and Operations Management
0953-7287 : 1366-5871 : Production Planning and Control
8756-9728 : 0000-0000 : Project Management Journal
0742-6046 : 1520-6793 : Psychology and Marketing
1471-9037 : 0000-0000 : Public Management Review
0033-6807 : 1467-9310 : R and D Management
0275-5319 : 0000-0000 : Research in International Business and Finance
0191-3085 : 0000-0000 : Research in Organizational Behavior
2210-5395 : 0000-0000 : Research in Transportation Business and Management
0048-7333 : 0000-0000 : Research Policy
1380-6653 : 1573-7136 : Review of Accounting Studies
0893-9454 : 1465-7368 : Review of Financial Studies
1863-6683 : 1863-6691 : Review of Managerial Science
0734-371X : 0000-0000 : Review of Public Personnel Administration
1862-8516 : 1862-8508 : Service Business
0921-898X : 1573-0913 : Small Business Economics
0038-0121 : 0000-0000 : Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
1441-3523 : 0000-0000 : Sport Management Review
1932-4391 : 1932-443X : Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
0143-2095 : 1097-0266 : Strategic Management Journal
1476-1270 : 1741-315X : Strategic Organization
1359-8546 : 0000-0000 : Supply Chain Management
2040-8021 : 0000-0000 : Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal
0040-1625 : 0000-0000 : Technological Forecasting and Social Change
0953-7325 : 0000-0000 : Technology Analysis and Strategic Management
0160-791X : 0000-0000 : Technology in Society
0166-4972 : 0000-0000 : Technovation
1478-3363 : 1478-3371 : Total Quality Management and Business Excellence
1461-6688 : 1470-1340 : Tourism Geographies
0261-5177 : 0000-0000 : Tourism Management
2211-9736 : 0000-0000 : Tourism Management Perspectives
1754-2731 : 0000-0000 : TQM Journal
1366-5545 : 0000-0000 : Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
0957-1787 : 0000-0000 : Utilities Policy
0730-8884 : 0000-0000 : Work and Occupations
0950-0170 : 0000-0000 : Work, Employment and Society
0258-6770 : 1564-698X : World Bank Economic Review


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