Sopus indexed journals - M -
- M -
Browse the journal titles
0104-0898 M and M - Metalurgia and Materiais
1637-8962 M et T2
1769-7298 M@ppemonde
1942-0870 mAbs
0350-0136 Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
1857-5749 Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
1403-7785 MacGregor News
0024-9114 Machine Design
1230-0535 Machine Graphics and Vision
0885-6125 Machine Learning
0922-6567 Machine Translation
0932-8092 Machine Vision and Applications
0024-919X Machinery and Production Engineering
1091-0344 Machining Science and Technology
1448-8345 Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law
0915-0560 Macro Review
1365-1005 Macroeconomic Dynamics
1998-9539 Macroheterocycles
1616-5187 Macromolecular Bioscience
1022-1352 Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
1438-7492 Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
1022-1336 Macromolecular Rapid Communications
1862-832X Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
1598-5032 Macromolecular Research
1022-1360 Macromolecular Symposia
1022-1344 Macromolecular Theory and Simulations
0024-9297 Macromolecules
0024-9416 Madencilik
0717-3644 Maderas: Ciencia y Tecnologia
1905-7873 Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology
0718-0209 Magallania
0024-9831 Magazine of Concrete Research
1762-3162 Maghreb - Machrek
2027-1174 Magis
0953-1424 Magnesium Research
0730-725X Magnetic Resonance Imaging
1064-9689 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics of North America
0749-1581 Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry
1347-3182 Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
0740-3194 Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
2072-5981 Magnetic Resonance in Solids
0968-5243 Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine
0024-998X Magnetohydrodynamics
0025-004X Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja
0025-0090 Magyar Filozofiai Szemle
0025-0120 Magyar Geofizika
0025-0244 Magyar Onkologia
0025-0279 Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle
0025-0295 Magyar Sebeszet
0025-0538 MAIA-Rivista di Letterature Classiche
1024-1221 Main Group Chemistry
0792-1241 Main Group Metal Chemistry
0340-4404 Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen
0076-2997 Malacologia
1475-2875 Malaria Journal
1995-7262 Malawi medical journal : the journal of Medical Association of Malawi
0025-1291 Malayan Nature Journal
0126-8643 Malaysian Applied Biology
1985-3807 Malaysian Construction Research Journal
1985-207X Malaysian Family Physician
0302-2935 Malaysian Forester
1394-2506 Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences
0127-9084 Malaysian Journal of Computer Science
1511-2802 Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics
1511-4554 Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies
1394-6234 Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science
1823-8343 Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences
1394-195X Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
1675-8544 Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences
1823-7010 Malaysian Journal of Microscopy
1394-035X Malaysian Journal of Nutrition
1675-0306 Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine
1394-3065 Malaysian Journal of Science
1394-7990 Malaysian Journal of Soil Science
1813-3339 Malta Medical Journal
1591-4267 Maltrattamento e Abuso all'Infanzia
0305-1838 Mammal Review
1343-4152 Mammal Study
0025-1461 Mammalia
1616-5047 Mammalian Biology
0938-8990 Mammalian Genome
0076-3519 Mammalian Species
0025-1569 Man in India
0104-9313 Mana: Estudos de Antropologia Social
1062-3388 Managed care (Langhorne, Pa.)
1331-0194 Management
1044-5005 Management Accounting Research
1740-8776 Management and Organization Review
1744-9359 Management and Organizational History
0893-3189 Management Communication Quarterly
0025-1747 Management Decision
0892-0206 Management in Education
1453-4541 Management in Health
0938-8249 Management International Review
1350-5076 Management Learning
1477-7835 Management of Environmental Quality
2040-8269 Management Research Review
0025-1909 Management Science
1746-1278 Manager
0143-6570 Managerial and Decision Economics
0268-6902 Managerial Auditing Journal
0895-3805 Managing Automation
1360-6719 Managing Leisure
0960-4529 Managing Service Quality
1463-6786 Manchester School
0025-2344 Mankind Quarterly
0377-7537 Man-Made Textiles in India
1356-689X Manual Therapy
0025-2514 Manuelle Medizin
1523-4614 Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
0262-4230 Manufacturing Chemist
0361-0853 Manufacturing Engineering
1213-2489 Manufacturing Technology
0025-2611 Manuscripta Mathematica
0970-3950 Mapan - Journal of Metrology Society of India
1651-8705 Mapping and Image Science
1942-5120 Marine and Coastal Fisheries
1023-6244 Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology
1323-1650 Marine and Freshwater Research
0264-8172 Marine and Petroleum Geology
1867-1616 Marine Biodiversity
1755-2672 Marine Biodiversity Records
0025-3162 Marine Biology
1745-1000 Marine Biology Research
1436-2228 Marine Biotechnology
0304-4203 Marine Chemistry
1660-3397 Marine Drugs
0173-9565 Marine Ecology
0171-8630 Marine Ecology - Progress Series
0141-1136 Marine Environmental Research
0090-1830 Marine Fisheries Review
1874-7787 Marine Genomics
0149-0419 Marine Geodesy
0025-3227 Marine Geology
0025-3235 Marine Geophysical Researches
1064-119X Marine Georesources and Geotechnology
0824-0469 Marine Mammal Science
0377-8398 Marine Micropaleontology
1018-3337 Marine Ornithology
0308-597X Marine Policy
0025-326X Marine Pollution Bulletin
0738-1360 Marine Resource Economics
0951-8339 Marine Structures
0025-3316 Marine Technology
0025-3324 Marine Technology Society Journal
0025-3359 Mariner's Mirror
1479-2931 Maritime Economics and Logistics
0308-8839 Maritime Policy and Management
1872-7859 Maritime Studies
1094-1304 Marketing Health Services
0263-4503 Marketing Intelligence and Planning
0923-0645 Marketing Letters
1061-3846 Marketing Management
1040-8460 Marketing Research
0732-2399 Marketing Science
1470-5931 Marketing Theory
1024-2953 Markov Processes and Related Fields
1019-1941 Marmara Medical Journal
1309-0801 Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal
0149-4929 Marriage and Family Review
1538-2656 Maryland medicine : MM : a publication of MEDCHI, the Maryland State Medical Society
1520-5436 Mass Communication and Society
1016-1007 Mass Communication Research
2233-4203 Mass Spectrometry Letters
0277-7037 Mass Spectrometry Reviews
0025-4878 Massachusetts Review
0025-5025 Master Drawings
0327-9383 Mastozoologia Neotropical
0932-9714 Matatu
0340-6253 Match
1972-7356 Matematica nella Societa e nella Cultura
0025-5165 Matematicki Vesnik
0025-5289 Mater Plast Elastomeri Fibre Sint
1743-2200 Material Religion
0465-2746 Materiales de Construccion
0392-6338 Materiali e Discussioni per l'Analisi dei Testi Classici
1580-2949 Materiali in Tehnologije
0025-5300 Materialpruefung/Materials Testing
0043-2822 Materials and Corrosion - Werkstoffe und Korrosion
0264-1275 Materials and Design
1042-6914 Materials and Manufacturing Processes
1359-5997 Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions
0960-3409 Materials at High Temperatures
1044-5803 Materials Characterization
0254-0584 Materials Chemistry and Physics
0025-5327 Materials Evaluation
2158-5849 Materials Express
0883-2900 Materials Forum
0167-577X Materials Letters
0094-1492 Materials Performance
1605-2730 Materials Physics and Mechanics
1516-1439 Materials Research
0025-5408 Materials Research Bulletin
1432-8917 Materials Research Innovations
0272-9172 Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
0137-1339 Materials Science
1068-820X Materials Science
0921-5093 Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing
0921-5107 Materials Science & Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology
0928-0191 Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications
0928-4931 Materials Science and Engineering C
0927-796X Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports
0267-0836 Materials Science and Technology
0255-5476 Materials Science Forum
1369-8001 Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing
1066-7857 Materials Technology
1369-7021 Materials Today
0916-1821 Materials Transactions
0967-8638 Materials World
0933-5137 Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik
0032-6895 Materiaux et Techniques
1092-7875 Maternal and Child Health Journal
1740-8695 Maternal and Child Nutrition
1222-9016 Mathematica
0862-7959 Mathematica Bohemica
0025-5521 Mathematica Scandinavica
0139-9918 Mathematica Slovaca
1300-686X Mathematical and Computational Applications
1946-7664 Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences
0895-7177 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
1387-3954 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
0025-5564 Mathematical Biosciences
1547-1063 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
1331-0623 Mathematical Communications
0960-1627 Mathematical Finance
1874-8961 Mathematical Geosciences
1331-4343 Mathematical Inequalities and Applications
0343-6993 Mathematical Intelligencer
0942-5616 Mathematical Logic Quarterly
1477-8599 Mathematical Medicine and Biology
0170-4214 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
1432-2994 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
1066-5307 Mathematical Methods of Statistics
1392-6292 Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
0764-583X Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
0973-5348 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena
0218-2025 Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
0001-4346 Mathematical Notes
1385-0172 Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry
0889-8480 Mathematical Population Studies
1024-123X Mathematical Problems in Engineering
0305-0041 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
1867-2949 Mathematical Programming Computation
0025-5610 Mathematical Programming, Series B
1073-2780 Mathematical Research Letters
0312-3685 Mathematical Scientist
0165-4896 Mathematical Social Science
0960-1295 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
1098-6065 Mathematical Thinking and Learning
0378-4754 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1862-9679 Mathematics and Financial Economics
1081-2865 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids
1033-2170 Mathematics Education Research Journal
1661-8270 Mathematics in Computer Science
0025-570X Mathematics Magazine
0025-5718 Mathematics of Computation
0932-4194 Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
0364-765X Mathematics of Operations Research
0025-5793 Mathematika
0025-5831 Mathematische Annalen
0025-584X Mathematische Nachrichten
0720-728X Mathematische Semesterberichte
0025-5874 Mathematische Zeitschrift
0945-053X Matrix Biology
1578-0740 Matronas Profesion
0378-5122 Maturitas
0252-9416 Mausam
0025-6153 Maydica
0741-6245 Mayo Clinic health letter (English ed.)
0025-6196 Mayo Clinic Proceedings
1091-0220 Mayo Clinic women's healthsource
2161-2129 mBio
1556-5297 MCB Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics
1920-4825 McGill Journal of Law and Health
1201-026X McGill Journal of Medicine
0047-5394 McKinsey Quarterly
0361-929X MCN The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing
1947-3613 MD advisor : a journal for New Jersey medical community
0815-953X Meanjin
0020-2940 Measurement and Control
0748-1756 Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development
1091-367X Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science
0957-0233 Measurement Science and Technology
1335-8871 Measurement Science Review
0543-1972 Measurement Techniques
0263-2241 Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation
1368-3047 Measuring Business Excellence
0309-1740 Meat Science
1296-2139 Mecanique et Industries
0025-6455 Meccanica
0025-6501 Mechanical Engineering
0888-3270 Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
2257-7777 Mechanics and Industry
1428-1511 Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
1539-7734 Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines
1537-6494 Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
0191-5665 Mechanics of Composite Materials
0167-6636 Mechanics of Materials
0025-6544 Mechanics of Solids
1385-2000 Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials
0093-6413 Mechanics Research Communications
1392-1207 Mechanika
0094-114X Mechanism and Machine Theory
0047-6374 Mechanisms of Ageing and Development
0925-4773 Mechanisms of Development
0957-4158 Mechatronics
1867-2590 Mechatronik
1121-6921 Mecosan
2040-2503 MedChemComm
0346-6787 Meddelanden fran Lunds Universitets Geografiska Institutioner, Avhandlingar
1957-2557 Medecine des Maladies Metaboliques
1769-4493 Medecine du Sommeil
0759-2280 Medecine et Chirurgie du Pied
1246-7391 Medecine et Droit
1875-7170 Medecine et Longevite
0399-077X Medecine et Maladies Infectieuses
2261-3684 Medecine et sante tropicales
0928-1258 Medecine Nucleaire
1636-6522 Medecine Palliative
0767-0974 Medecine sciences : M/S
1264-6520 Medecine Therapeutique
1774-640X Medecine Therapeutique Medecine de la Reproduction
1286-5494 Medecine Therapeutique Pediatrie
0025-682X Medecine Tropicale
0030-565; Medecins - Le Magazine Ordre National Des Medecins
1368-8804 Media History
1329-878X Media International Australia
1521-3269 Media Psychology
0163-4437 Media, Culture and Society
1750-6352 Media, War and Conflict
0076-5872 Mediaeval studies
0962-9351 Mediators of Inflammation
0351-0093 Medica Jadertina
1933-6586 Medical Acupuncture
0140-0118 Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
0269-283X Medical and Veterinary Entomology
0745-5194 Medical Anthropology Quarterly
0145-9740 Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness
0025-7079 Medical Care
1077-5587 Medical Care Research and Review
1681-5491 Medical Channel
0025-7125 Medical Clinics of North America
0272-989X Medical Decision Making
0194-844X Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry
1179-1470 Medical Devices: Evidence and Research
0958-3947 Medical Dosimetry
0025-7206 Medical economics
0308-0110 Medical Education
1087-2981 Medical education online
1350-4533 Medical Engineering and Physics
1029-385X Medical Forum Monthly
0025-7273 Medical History
0950-5571 Medical history. Supplement
1468-215X Medical Humanities
0306-9877 Medical Hypotheses
1361-8415 Medical Image Analysis
0377-1237 Medical Journal Armed Forces India
0025-729X Medical Journal of Australia
0577-7402 Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
0300-5283 Medical Journal of Malaysia
0540-1259 Medical Journal of Minami Osaka Hospital
1016-1430 Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran
1671-8852 Medical Journal of Wuhan University
0580-7247 Medical Laboratory Observer
1615-1615 Medical Laser Application
0968-5332 Medical Law International
0967-0742 Medical Law Review
0025-732X Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics
0300-8584 Medical Microbiology and Immunology
1860-1480 Medical Molecular Morphology
1369-3786 Medical Mycology
2211-7539 Medical Mycology Case Reports
1357-0560 Medical Oncology
0094-2405 Medical Physics
1985-4811 Medical Physiology Online
1011-7571 Medical Principles and Practice
0885-1158 Medical Problems of Performing Artists
0276-3869 Medical Reference Services Quarterly
1234-1010 Medical Science Monitor
0142-159X Medical Teacher
2066-8643 Medical Ultrasonography
0025-7664 MedicaMundi
1555-7960 MEDICC Review
0025-7680 Medicina
0076-6046 Medicina
1010-660X Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)
0025-7753 Medicina Clinica
0210-5187 Medicina Cutanea Ibero-Latino-Americana
0025-7818 Medicina del Lavoro
0025-7826 Medicina dello Sport
0300-8169 Medicina e historia
1847-6864 Medicina Fluminensis
0210-5691 Medicina Intensiva
0186-4866 Medicina Interna de Mexico
1576-3080 Medicina Naturista
0394-9001 Medicina nei secoli
1698-4447 Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal
1134-248X Medicina Paliativa
1135-2841 Medicina Preventiva
1734-2260 Medicina Sportiva
0212-8292 Medicina Veterinaria
1573-4064 Medicinal Chemistry
1054-2523 Medicinal Chemistry Research
0975-4261 Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries
0198-6325 Medicinal Research Reviews
0304-5412 Medicine
1357-3039 Medicine
1086-5462 Medicine and health, Rhode Island
0723-1393 Medicine and Law
0195-9131 Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
0254-5020 Medicine and sport science.
1876-4533 Medicine Studies
1443-430X Medicine Today
1362-3699 Medicine, conflict, and survival
1386-7423 Medicine, health care, and philosophy
0025-8024 Medicine, Science and the Law
0025-7974 Medicine; analytical reviews of general medicine, neurology, psychiatry, dermatology, and pediatries
0350-199X Medicinski Arhiv
0350-1221 Medicinski Casopis
0025-8091 Medicinski Glasnik
0025-8105 Medicinski pregled
1591-3090 Medico e Bambino
0025-8172 Medico-Legal Journal
0971-720X Medico-Legal Update
1330-013X Medicus
0076-6097 Medieval Archaeology
1380-7854 Medieval Encounters
0971-9458 Medieval History Journal
0076-6127 Medievalia et Humanistica
1330-6928 Medijska istrazivanja
1108-9628 Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
0951-8967 Mediterranean Historical Review
2028-3997 MJC-Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry
2035-3006 Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases
1660-5446 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
1743-9310 Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control
1973-798X Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
1128-4293 Mediterranean Journal of Pacing and Electrophysiology
1108-393X Mediterranean Marine Science
1047-4552 Mediterranean Quarterly
1074-164X Mediterranean Studies
0025-8296 Mediterranee
1127-6061 Mediterraneo Antico
1026-9428 Meditsina truda i promyshlennaia ekologiia
0025-8326 Meditsinskaya Parazitologiya i Parazitarnye Bolezni
1362-9395 Meditteranean Politics
0025-8385 Medium Aevum
0939-351X Medizin, Gesellschaft, und Geschichte. Beiheft : Jahrbuch des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung
0025-8431 Medizinhistorisches Journal
0936-5931 Medizinische Genetik
0723-5003 Medizinische Klinik
2193-6218 Medizinische Klinik - Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin
0342-9601 Medizinische Monatsschrift für Pharmazeuten
0723-8886 Medizinrecht
0344-9416 Medizintechnik
1092-0811 Medsurg nursing : official journal of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses
0025-8601 Medycyna Doswiadczalna i Mikrobiologia
1898-0678 Medycyna Paliatywna w Praktyce
0465-5893 Medycyna Pracy
0025-8628 Medycyna Weterynaryjna
1428-345X Medycyna wieku rozwojowego
1392-1320 Medziagotyra
0253-9993 Meitan Xuebao/Journal of the China Coal Society
0076-230X Melanges de la Casa de Velazquez
1724-2134 Melanges de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome:Antiquite
0575-1330 Melanges de l'Institut Dominicaine des Etudes Orientales du Caire
0960-8931 Melanoma Research
0025-8938 Melbourne University Law Review
0947-9163 Melliand International
0931-9735 Melliand Textilberichte/International Textile Reports
0163-755X MELUS
0927-5193 Membrane Science and Technology
0958-2118 Membrane Technology
1865-9284 Memetic Computing
1865-5041 Memo - Magazine of European Medical Oncology
1347-5622 Memoir of the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum
0072-1069 Memoir of the Geological Society of America
1447-2546 Memoirs of Museum Victoria
0065-9266 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
0810-8889 Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists
1345-868X Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
0079-8835 Memoirs of the Queensland Museum
1440-4788 Memoirs of the Queensland Museum: Cultural Heritage Series
0373-6873 Memoranda - Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica
0074-0276 Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
0965-8211 Memory
0090-502X Memory and Cognition
1750-6980 Memory Studies
1097-184X Men and Masculinities
0959-9436 Mendeleev Communications
1072-3714 Menopause
1754-0453 Menopause international
0973-1229 Mens Sana Monographs
0883-7902 Mental and physical disability law reporter
1755-2966 Mental Health and Physical Activity
2042-8316 Mental Health and Social Inclusion
1752-3281 Mental Health and Substance Use: Dual Diagnosis
1756-834X Mental Health in Family Medicine
1361-9322 Mental Health Review Journal
1474-5186 Mental health today (Brighton, England)
1367-4676 Mental Health, Religion and Culture
2036-7457 Mental Illness
1419-8126 Mentalhigiene es Pszichoszomatika
1361-1267 Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning
0047-5955 MER - Marine Engineers Review
0025-990X Mercian Geologist
1465-5659 MeReC Bulletin
1097-9778 Meridian
0026-0096 Merkur
0272-930X Merrill-Palmer Quarterly
0026-0452 Meta
2175-2753 Meta: Avaliacao
0885-7490 Metabolic Brain Disease
1096-7176 Metabolic Engineering
1540-4196 Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders
0026-0495 Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental
1573-3882 Metabolomics
1556-1623 Metacognition and Learning
0026-0576 Metal Finishing
1559-0836 Metal ions in life sciences
0026-0657 Metal Powder Report
0026-0673 Metal Science and Heat Treatment
0793-0291 Metal-Based Drugs
0026-0746 Metall
1024-1809 Metallofizika i Noveishie Tekhnologii
1756-5901 Metallomics
1756-5901 Metallomics : integrated biometal science
0026-0843 Metallurgia Italiana
1073-5623 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science
1073-5615 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science
2076-0507 Metallurgical and Mining Industry
0026-0894 Metallurgist (USSR)
1598-9623 Metals and Materials International
1582-2214 Metalurgia International
0543-5846 Metalurgija
1873-1988 Metamaterials
0026-1068 Metaphilosophy
1092-6488 Metaphor and Symbol
0815-0796 Metascience
1086-9379 Meteoritics and Planetary Science
1350-4827 Meteorological Applications
0941-2948 Meteorologische Zeitschrift
0177-7971 Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
0943-3058 Method and Theory in the Study of Religion
1947-6094 Methodist DeBakey cardiovascular journal
1614-1881 Methodology
1387-5841 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
1046-2023 Methods
0091-679X Methods in Cell Biology
2041-210X Methods in Ecology and Evolution
0076-6879 Methods in Enzymology
0580-9517 Methods in Microbiology
1064-3745 Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
2211-1220 Methods in Oceanography
1557-2153 Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology
0076-6941 Methods of Biochemical Analysis
0026-1270 Methods of Information in Medicine
1258-780X Metiers de la Petite Enfance
1854-0023 Metodoloski Zvezki
0026-1335 Metrika
0026-1394 Metrologia
0860-8229 Metrology and Measuring Systems
0026-1424 Metron
0026-1521 Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin
0258-5316 METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture
0742-9797 Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos
0323-1844 Mezinarodni vztahy
0026-7724 MFS - Modern Fiction Studies
1537-0240 MGMA connexion / Medical group Management Association
0360-1846 Michigan Historical Review
0026-2234 Michigan Law Review
0026-2285 Michigan Mathematical Journal
0026-2293 Michigan medicine
0026-2420 Michigan Quarterly Review
1750-0443 Micro and Nano Letters
1876-4029 Micro and Nanosystems
1558-7452 Microbe
1342-6311 Microbes and Environments
1286-4579 Microbes and Infection
1751-7907 Microbial Biotechnology
1475-2859 Microbial Cell Factories
1076-6294 Microbial Drug Resistance
0095-3628 Microbial Ecology
0882-4010 Microbial Pathogenesis
0944-5013 Microbiological Research
0026-2617 Microbiology
1350-0872 Microbiology
0385-5600 Microbiology and Immunology
1092-2172 Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews
1464-0570 Microbiology Today
0026-265X Microchemical Journal
1073-9688 Microcirculation
0167-9317 Microelectronic Engineering
0026-2714 Microelectronics and Reliability
1356-5362 Microelectronics International
0959-8324 Microelectronics Journal
1613-4982 Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
2190-0752 Microform and Digitization Review
0938-0108 Microgravity Science and Technology
0968-4328 Micron
0026-2803 Micropaleontology
1387-1811 Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
0141-9331 Microprocessors and Microsystems
1089-3954 Microscale Thermophysical Engineering
1431-9276 Microscopy and Microanalysis
1059-910X Microscopy Research and Technique
0738-1085 Microsurgery
0946-7076 Microsystem Technologies
0026-2862 Microvascular Research
0895-2477 Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
0960-667X Microwave Engineering Europe
0192-6225 Microwave Journal
1450-5835 Microwave Review
0745-2993 Microwaves and RF
1943-6149 Middle East Critique
2090-5408 Middle East Current Psychiatry
1110-5690 Middle East Fertility Society Journal
0544-0440 Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology
1873-9857 Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication
1990-9233 Middle East Journal of Scientific Research
1876-3367 Middle East Law and Governance
1061-1924 Middle East Policy
1073-9467 Middle East Quarterly
0899-2851 Middle East Report
1475-262X Middle Eastern Literatures
0026-3206 Middle Eastern Studies
0363-6550 Midwest Studies in Philosophy
1548-3746 Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems
0266-6138 Midwifery
1551-8892 Midwifery today with international midwife
1138-5774 Migraciones
1665-8906 Migraciones Internacionales
1741-8984 Migration Letters
1232-986X Mikologia Lekarska
0026-3656 Mikrobiologiia
1028-0987 Mikrobiolohichnyi zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine : 1993)
0374-9096 Mikrobiyoloji Bulteni
0026-3672 Mikrochimica Acta
0026-3680 Mikrokosmos
1424-9286 Milan Journal of Mathematics
0887-378X Milbank Quarterly
0026-3788 Milchwissenschaft
0026-3826 Militargeschichtliche Zeitshrift
0459-7222 Military Balance
0026-3982 Military Engineer
0026-4040 Military Law Review
0026-4075 Military Medicine
0275-5823 Military Operations Research
0899-5605 Military Psychology
1064-5586 Millennium Film Journal
0305-8298 Millennium: Journal of International Studies
1302-5600 Milli Egitim
1300-3984 Milli Folklor
0026-4326 Milton Quarterly
0076-8820 Milton Studies
0026-4423 Mind
0268-1064 Mind and Language
1611-8812 Mind and Matter
1593-7879 Mind and Society
1751-2271 Mind, Brain, and Education
1074-9039 Mind, Culture, and Activity: An International Journal
1868-8527 Mindfulness
0924-6495 Minds and Machines
1025-9112 Mine Water and the Environment
0882-7508 Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review
0026-4598 Mineralium Deposita
1899-8291 Mineralogia
0026-461X Mineralogical Magazine
0026-4628 Mineralogical Record
0930-0708 Mineralogy and Petrology
0747-9182 Minerals and Metallurgical Processing
0892-6875 Minerals Engineering
0026-4695 Minerva
0375-9393 Minerva Anestesiologica
1120-4826 Minerva Biotecnologica
0026-4725 Minerva Cardioangiologica
0026-4733 Minerva Chirurgica
0391-1977 Minerva Endocrinologica
1121-421X Minerva Gastroenterologica e Dietologica
0026-4784 Minerva Ginecologica
0026-4806 Minerva Medicolegale
0394-3410 Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica
0026-4946 Minerva Pediatrica
0026-4954 Minerva Pneumologica
0391-1772 Minerva Psichiatrica
0026-4970 Minerva Stomatologica
0393-2249 Minerva Urologica e Nefrologica
1389-5575 Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry
0946-7211 Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery
2090-1445 Minimally Invasive Surgery
1364-5706 Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies
0026-5187 Mining Engineering
0308-6631 Mining Magazine
1570-193X Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry
0026-5535 Minnesota Law Review
0026-556X Minnesota Medicine
0026-5667 Minnesota Review
1540-1960 MIS Quarterly Executive
0276-7783 MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems
1787-2405 Miskolc Mathematical Notes
0168-9789 Mission Studies
0256-9507 Missionalia
0026-637X Mississippi Quarterly
0026-6388 Mississippi RN
0899-6180 Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences
0026-6620 Missouri Medicine
1532-9194 MIT Sloan Management Review
1381-2386 Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
1940-1736 Mitochondrial DNA
1567-7249 Mitochondrion
0386-5096 Mitsubishi Electric Advance
0505-2211 Mitteilungen - Verbandes der Deutschen Hohlen- Und Karstforscher
0029-9138 Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellscaft
0342-1279 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts - Abteilung Kairo
0342-1287 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts - Romische Abteilung
0418-9744 Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts. Abteilung Madrid
1025-6555 Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archaologie
0026-704X Mljekarstvo
0026-7910 MLN, Modern Language Notes
1438-3276 MMW Fortschritte der Medizin
0149-2195 MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report
1057-5987 MMWR. Recommendations and reports : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Recommendations and reports / Centers for Disease Control
1546-0738 MMWR. Surveillance summaries : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Surveillance summaries / CDC
0026-7074 Mnemosyne
1574-017X Mobile Information Systems
1383-469X Mobile Networks and Applications
1745-0101 Mobilities
1086-671X Mobilization
1004-0595 Mocaxue Xuebao/Tribology
1574-1699 Model Assisted Statistics and Applications
0332-7353 Modeling, Identification and Control
1687-5591 Modelling and Simulation in Engineering
0965-0393 Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
1259-5985 Modelling, Measurement and Control A
1259-5969 Modelling, Measurement and Control B
1259-5977 Modelling, Measurement and Control C
0963-9489 Modern and Contemporary France
1913-1844 Modern Applied Science
0026-749X Modern Asian Studies
0026-7503 Modern Austrian Literature
0097-7004 Modern China
1520-9857 Modern Chinese Literature and Culture
0026-7694 Modern Drama
1673-9078 Modern Food Science and Technology
0160-7480 Modern Healthcare
1353-2944 Modern Italy
0276-1114 Modern Judaism
0026-7902 Modern Language Journal
0026-7929 Modern Language Quarterly
0026-7937 Modern Language Review
0026-7961 Modern Law Review
0893-3952 Modern Pathology
0026-8232 Modern Philology
0217-7323 Modern Physics Letters A
0217-9849 Modern Physics Letters B
1554-8589 Modern Plastics Worldwide
1439-7595 Modern Rheumatology
0026-8402 Modern Schoolman
0266-7177 Modern Theology
1009-6582 Modern Tunnelling Technology
0026-8577 Moderna Sprak
1071-6068 Modernism/Modernity
1422-8599 MolBank
0166-6851 Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology
0300-8177 Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
0270-7306 Molecular and Cellular Biology
0303-7207 Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
1044-7431 Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences
1938-1247 Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
0890-8508 Molecular and Cellular Probes
1535-9476 Molecular and Cellular Proteomics
1738-642X Molecular and Cellular Toxicology
0098-2997 Molecular Aspects of Medicine
0026-8933 Molecular Biology
0737-4038 Molecular Biology and Evolution
1059-1524 Molecular Biology of the Cell
0301-4851 Molecular Biology Reports
1742-206X Molecular BioSystems
1756-6606 Molecular Brain
1380-3743 Molecular Breeding
1476-4598 Molecular Cancer
1541-7786 Molecular Cancer Research
1535-7163 Molecular Cancer Therapeutics
0899-1987 Molecular Carcinogenesis
1097-2765 Molecular Cell
1542-1406 Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals
1755-8166 Molecular Cytogenetics
1177-1062 Molecular Diagnosis and Therapy
1381-1991 Molecular Diversity
0962-1083 Molecular Ecology
1755-098X Molecular Ecology Resources
0888-8809 Molecular Endocrinology
1617-4615 Molecular Genetics and Genomics
1096-7192 Molecular Genetics and Metabolism
0891-4168 Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology
1360-9947 Molecular Human Reproduction
1535-3508 Molecular Imaging
1536-1632 Molecular Imaging and Biology
0161-5890 Molecular Immunology
1868-1743 Molecular Informatics
1534-0384 Molecular Interventions
1076-1551 Molecular Medicine
1791-2997 Molecular Medicine Reports
0968-7688 Molecular Membrane Biology
2212-8778 Molecular Metabolism
0950-382X Molecular Microbiology
0893-7648 Molecular Neurobiology
1750-1326 Molecular Neurodegeneration
1613-4125 Molecular Nutrition and Food Research
1574-7891 Molecular Oncology
2041-1006 Molecular Oral Microbiology
1744-8069 Molecular Pain
1543-8384 Molecular Pharmaceutics
0026-895X Molecular Pharmacology
1055-7903 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
0026-8976 Molecular Physics
1674-2052 Molecular Plant
1464-6722 Molecular Plant Pathology
0894-0282 Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
1359-4184 Molecular Psychiatry
1040-452X Molecular Reproduction and Development
0892-7022 Molecular Simulation
1661-8769 Molecular Syndromology
1744-4292 Molecular Systems Biology
1525-0016 Molecular Therapy
2162-2531 Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids
1090-0535 Molecular Vision
1420-3049 Molecules
1016-8478 Molecules and Cells
0208-0613 Molekuliarnaia genetika, mikrobiologiia i virusologiia
0026-8984 Molekulyarnaya Biologiya
1323-5818 Molluscan Research
1122-0643 Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease
1321-2753 Monash bioethics review
0026-9247 Monatshefte für Chemie
0026-9255 Monatshefte für Mathematik
0026-9301 Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform
0026-9298 Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde : Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde
0302-3052 Mondes En Developpement
0391-2000 Mondo ortodontico
2167-9436 Monoclonal Antibodies in Immunodiagnosis and Immunotherapy
1695-8950 Monografies del Museu de Ciencies Naturals
0077-0809 Monographs in clinical cytology
0077-0876 Monographs in human genetics
0077-0892 Monographs in oral science
1368-8642 Monographs in Supramolecular Chemistry
0077-0965 Monographs in Virology
0037-976X Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development
0026-9891 Montana : the magazine of western history
0929-9629 Monte Carlo Methods and Applications
0098-1818 Monthly Labor Review
1745-3933 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters
0027-0520 Monthly Review
0027-0644 Monthly Weather Review
0027-0741 Monumenta Nipponica
1210-8812 Moravian Geographical Reports
0047-8105 Moreana
1026-3543 Morfologiia (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
1286-0115 Morphologie
1871-5621 Morphology
1357-6275 Mortality
0027-1276 Mosaic
1609-3321 Moscow Mathematical Journal
0027-1330 Moscow Univ Mech Bull
0096-3925 Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin
0027-1314 Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin
0278-6419 Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics
0027-1349 Moscow University Physics Bulletin (English Translation of Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Fizika)
1003-6059 Moshi Shibie yu Rengong Zhineng/Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
0146-7239 Motivation and Emotion
1087-1640 Motor Control
0027-2000 Motor Ship
1646-107X Motricidade
0245-5919 Motricite Cerebrale Readaptation Neurologie du Developpement
1415-9805 Motriz. Revista de Educacao Fisica
0027-2507 Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine
0276-4741 Mountain Research and Development
0027-2671 Mouvement Social
0885-3185 Movement Disorders
0104-754X Movimento
0027-2841 Moyen Age
0226-0174 Moyen Francais
0935-7254 MPT Metallurgical Plant and Technology International
0883-7694 MRS Bulletin
1053-7899 MSW Management
1933-0219 Mucosal Immunology
0077-1813 Muelleria
1574-1702 Multiagent and Grid Systems
1384-5640 Multibody System Dynamics
1068-3844 Multicultural Education
1750-497X Multicultural Education and Technology Journal
1521-0960 Multicultural Perspectives
0923-6082 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
1828-695X Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine
1573-6105 Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures
0167-8507 Multilingua
0942-4962 Multimedia Systems
1380-7501 Multimedia Tools and Applications
0276-1459 Multiphase Science and Technology
1352-4585 Multiple Sclerosis
2211-0348 Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders
1540-3459 Multiscale Modeling and Simulation
2213-4794 Multisensory research
0292-0107 Multitudes
0027-3171 Multivariate Behavioral Research
1515-5994 Mundo Agrario
0732-2992 Muqarnas
0148-639X Muscle and Nerve
1478-2189 Musculoskeletal care
2035-5106 Musculoskeletal Surgery
0771-6494 Museon
0027-4054 Museum Helveticum
1350-0775 Museum International
0964-7775 Museum Management and Curatorship
0027-4089 Museum News
0262-5245 Music Analysis
0027-4224 Music and Letters
1461-3808 Music Education Research
0730-7829 Music Perception
1058-8167 Music Reference Services Quarterly
0195-6167 Music Theory Spectrum
1676-3939 Musica Hodie
1029-8649 Musicae Scientiae
0027-4631 Musical Quarterly
0027-4666 Musical Times
0814-5857 Musicology Australia
1432-9425 Musik und Asthetik
0027-4771 Musik und Kirche
0027-4801 Musikforschung
0177-4182 MusikTheorie
1554-4419 Muslim World Journal of Human Rights
0267-8357 Mutagenesis
0027-5107 Mutation Research
1386-1964 Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
1383-5718 Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
1383-5742 Mutation Research - Reviews in Mutation Research
0027-514X Muttersprache
0027-5247 Müvészettörténeti ÉrtesÃtö
1229-8093 Mycobiology
0027-5514 Mycologia
1617-416X Mycological Progress
0301-486X Mycopathologia
0940-6360 Mycorrhiza
1340-3540 Mycoscience
0933-7407 Mycoses
0093-4666 Mycotaxon
0178-7888 Mycotoxin Research
1022-4742 Mymensingh medical journal : MMJ
1994-4136 Myrmecological News